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Everything posted by Decimal

  1. Maybe this would help you with: http://rathena.org/wiki/@go
  2. Decimal


    I would like to know if is there a difference on MOB_DB for rAthena Revision 16233 because my MOB_DB2 from rAthena Revision 15527 isn't workin at all.
  3. Solution 1 wouldn't work because I'm using Revision 15527 which doesn't even have group.conf so I can't update. So the Revision 15527 that I'm using right now will never update to latest Revision. As for Solution 2; this isn't the solution that I'm lookin for like I said before. But if there is no other way, I'll do it. //Edit: Problem solved. Since, I didn't have other choice, I setup my server on latest rAthena.
  4. Decimal


    I'm trying to add @afk and it's not workin on rAthena Revision 16233. Source: /*========================================== * @afk by [cr0wmaster] * Features: 1z required to use. Venders are forbidden to use this command. *------------------------------------------* ACMD_FUNC(afk) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); { if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.autotrade == battle_config.autotrade_mapflag ) { sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else clif_displaymessage(fd, "afk is not allowed on this map."); } // else // clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(549)); // You should be vending to use @Autotrade. return 0; } { "afk", 1,99, atcommand_afk }, I think that it's not working because "{ "afk", 1,99, atcommand_afk }," isn't useable anymore. So I tried to replace { "afk", 1,99, atcommand_afk } with ACMD_DEF("afk", afk) and didn't work too. Am I missing something else? //Edit: Nevermind, problem solved; I got another source for @afk which is compatible with latest rAthena Revision.
  5. I will. But not now, because I would have a lot of stuff to configure from zero for my server. So while I am using this one, I wanted to find out how to fix that problem. And well, this would be a good lesson to increase my knowledge also.
  6. My rAthena is an older version, I don't have group.conf; that's why I can't update my SVN to latest version. It's a solution, I know. However it's not the solution that I'm lookin for; thanks anyway.
  7. Do you really think that's client side problem? I don't think so. Because like I said before; when I tested Revision 16226 it worked perfectly with the same client (Basic rAthena Client) that I am using right now. It's just not working on Revision 15527.
  8. Actually, I tried. But this is what happens when I do that: I'm wondering if we would need to edit the source, pretty sure that we would need to; but I don't know how to.
  9. It doesn't work because it's a bit old. And I figured that's a Server Side problem because when I tried rAthena Revision 16226 with the client that I am using right now, it worked. So I would like to know if is there a way to fix that problem manually now. Anyone?
  10. For some reason these classes skills aren't available for me: Sorcerer; Ministrel; Sura; Genetic; Shadow Chaser; As for the rest, they work perfectly. Now I'm wondering if the problem is Server Side or Client Side, I'm using rAthena Revision 15527 and Basic rAthena Client.
  11. I found another guy with the same problem 'here'. Someone w/ rAthena experience please help us.
  12. Oh... I see that I'm not alone on this. I think that you have the same problem that I have. I even made a topic yesterday, however no one replied yet. You would like to change the way that the stats are distributed, right? In eAthena you can disable the Renewal stats distribution at player.conf. But in rAthena I haven't found how to disable or change the way of stats distribution. The problem of Renewal stats distribution is that stats over 99 will cost you more, e.g: From 100 to 104: 16 points each. From 105 to 109: 20 points each. From 110 to 114: 24 points each. From 115 to 119: 28 points each.
  13. Hi, I would like to know if is there any option to change the stats point distribution or if is there a way to disable renewal stats point distribution like in eAthena at player.conf, there's: use_renewal_statpoints: yes/no. Note: I'm using rAthena Revision 15527.
  14. Hi, Bahmut. Thanks for your quick reply, I can see the description perfectly fine now! Would you know what's going on with my Custom Gears that isn't working by any chance? Edit: Problem solved; I enabled 'Increase Headgear View ID' and now I'm able to see all Customs Gears perfectly!
  15. Hi, I've updated my client from 2010-07-28 to 2011-03-15 using 'Basic rAthena Client' and now for some reason I'm getting Gravity Error when I use Custom Gears. And yes; I'm using the data folder from 'Basic rAthena Client' and I've transferred my Custom Gears infos from accessoryid.lua & accname.lua from the old lua files to this new lua files too. Did I miss something else? Also, I noticed that Normal Gears have weird descriptions now: What's going on? Any idea? On a side note: I'm using rAthena Revision 15527.
  16. Well, I've made a MySQL DB on "B Computer" which is my web host's computer; then MySQL connected perfectly to the CP. However now, I've to connect my Inter_Athena to "B Computer". Anywayy, everything's working now. Thanks for everyone's help.
  17. Here, take a look; Note: The error happens when I try to use the features which needs SQL connection, like in; Registration, Log-in, Server Info, Server Status, etc... My File Permission is: 777 (Read Write and Execute for Owner, Group and Public). Yes, I am using Windows. I'm using XAMMP for MySQL Server, do I need that MySQL Bundle still?
  18. Both aren't running on the same computer, that's the problem. rAthena and MySQL Server are running on "A computer" which is my home's computer. The FluxCP is running on "B Computer" which is my web host's computer (Go Daddy).
  19. So I have rAthena and MySQL Server running on my computer and the FluxCP running on Go Daddy. My question is; How do I connect the FluxCP to my computer? What I tried is; FluxCP/config/servers 'Hostname' => 'My Computer WAN-IP (I even tried no-ip adress)', 'Username' => 'MySQL Username', 'Password' => 'MySQL Password', 'Database' => 'MySQL Database', I also configured my router to forward PORT 3306. I even turned the Firewall Off.
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