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Everything posted by Hanashi

  1. how to add splash area in skills i tried adding splash in skill database but still it won't work i'm pretty sure it needs to edit it in src/map/skill.c i want to add splash area on my holy light(like lunatic carrot beat does) and charge attack(but only 3 cells infront)
  2. is there a possibility that you can add mdef in every refine? cause in renewal it only adds armor def
  3. =,= ok... i guess i'll costumized my prontera map thanks anyway
  4. any trick in making npc at center? like 156,206,0 to 155.5,205.5,0...
  5. can anyone script this? GM access lvl 99 can change: success rate safe level maximum level of upgrade item or zeny required item required in terms of additional chances and its additional success rate and also it has anti- hack upgrade i appreciate and it will be a huge help for others if you guys could make one :3 [solved] i just made it thanks for those who tried :3 if your wondering how i made it i just based on euphy's woe controller,hd_refiner(for downgrading refines) and normal refiner(for breakable refines and safe refines) and thanks to rathena wiki for variable tutorials. :3
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