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Everything posted by dacvaldivia1

  1. Estimados, colegas muy buenas tardes recurro a ustedes para poder ajustar el siguiente NPC de "Auto Event" a un emulador Rathena Actualizado, con una versión de cliente 2018 PRE-Renewal, en la siguiente versión posteada e logrado corregir algunos errores como por ejemplo: Se realizo la traducción de alguno textos a español, según se realiza pruebas de los eventos (la codificación del archivo es ANSI) Cambie los Item de premio por x100 Poring Coin y 1M de zeny. Comente el "Evento Shops" ya no se justificaba en mi servidor. Algunas correcciones de mapas. Solucionar problema de la función "dispell" Se realiza correcciones de consultas query_sql en el evento "Devil Square" Se modifico el mod del evento "Zombie Survival" ya que al ser PRE-Renewal no existía al ID Se comentaron líneas de ítems que no existen en PRE-Renewal Pero aun no logro corregir algunos errores y es por eso que recurro a ustedes, para que me puedan ayudar El evento de Emp Breaker manda un error después de agregar la instancia, anuncia al ganador pero no genera el precio [Info]: [Instance] Created map '0282#000003' (921) from 'sword_1-1' (282). [Error]: status_calc_mob: No castle set at map 0282#000003 //===== Comments: ============================================ //= [Stolao] // Instance.yml // - Id: 44 // Name: Emp Breaker // TimeLimit: 900 // Enter: // Map: sword_1-1 // X: 215 // Y: 206 //================================== OnEmpStart: //-- Emperium Event //================================== $@CurrentEvent = 1; waitingroom "Emperium Event",99; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -1; $@BestTime = 2000000000; $@BestCid = 0; getwaitingroomusers strnpcinfo(3); if(.@waitingroom_usercount >= .MinPlayers[1]){ freeloop(1); for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@waitingroom_usercount; .@i++){ attachrid(.@waitingroom_users[.@i]); callfunc("dispell"); if(instance_id(IM_CHAR)) instance_destroy(IM_CHAR); instance_create("Emp Breaker",IM_CHAR); instance_enter("Emp Breaker",215,206,getcharid(0),instance_id(IM_CHAR)); } freeloop(0); delwaitingroom; if(.TestMode) sleep 60000; else sleep 10000; } else { delwaitingroom; announce .EventName$[1]+" ¡Detenido! No hay suficientes jugadores que se unieron al "+.EventName$[1]+"!",bc_blue|bc_area|bc_npc; } if($@BestCid) Func_Prizes($@BestCid,.EventName$[1]); $@CurrentEvent = 0; end; //================================== //-- Emperium Event Extras //================================== sword_1-1,216,208,4 script Emp_Break -1,{ OnBreak: stopnpctimer; .@Time = getnpctimer(0); .@m = .@Time / 60000; .@s = (.@Time - .@m * 60000) / 1000; .@ms = .@Time % 1000; if(.@Time < BestTime || !BestTime) BestTime = .@Time; if(.@Time < $@BestTime){ $@BestTime = .@Time; $@BestCid = getcharid(0); announce "[Emperium Event]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" now holds the top time of "+((.@m)?callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute")+" ":"")+""+((.@s)?.@s+""+((.@ms)?"."+.@ms:"")+" seconds":"")+".",bc_all|bc_blue; } mapannounce 'Map$,"You have a "+((.@Time == BestTime)?"new personal best ":"")+"time of "+((.@m)?callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@i,"minute")+" ":"")+""+((.@s)?.@s+""+((.@ms)?"."+.@ms:"")+" seconds":"")+".",bc_area|bc_blue; sleep2 2500; instance_destroy; end; OnInstanceInit: initnpctimer; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0,strnpcinfo(3); 'Map$ = strnpcinfo(4); monster 'Map$,223,206,"Emperium",1288,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBreak"; 'GID = $@mobid; setunitdata 'GID,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; sleep 2000; mapannounce 'Map$,"[Emperium Event]: Goal is simple, kill the Emperium as fast as you can~",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"[Emperium Event]: Once Countdown is done have at it.",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 2000; mapannounce 'Map$,"5",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"4",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"3",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"2",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"1",bc_map|bc_blue; sleep 1000; mapannounce 'Map$,"Go~",bc_map|bc_blue; startnpctimer strnpcinfo(3); setunitdata 'GID,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,0; end; } El Evento "Poring Event" no warpea al jugador a prontera, después de matar al poring correcto, pero si termina el evento de forma correcta al matar al segundo poring. [Error]: buildin_warp: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: warp (3 parameters): [Debug]: Data: string value="prontera" [Debug]: Data: number value=155 [Debug]: Data: number value=172 //================================== OnPoringStart: //-- Poring Event //================================== killmonsterall .EnterMap$[6]; mapwarp .EnterMap$[6],"prontera",155,172; $@CurrentEvent = 6; pvpoff .EnterMap$[6]; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) setmapflag .EnterMap$[6], .bombflag[.@i]; Func_Countdown; $@CurrentEvent = -6; if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[6]) < .MinPlayers[6]){ mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"¡Evento detenido! No hay suficientes jugadores que se unieron a "+.EventName$[6]+"!",bc_blue; } else { killmonsterall .EnterMap$[6]; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"Las reglas son simples",bc_blue; sleep 3000; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"Mata al 'Poring' con el nombre correcto y regresaras a Prontera con tu premio.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"Mata al equivocado y vete a Prontera sin nada.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"Hay 2 'Poring' correctos y un temporizador de 30 minutos.",bc_blue; sleep 4000; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"El evento comienza ahora~",bc_blue; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Poring$); .@i++) monster .EnterMap$[6],0,0,.Poring$[.@i],1725,5,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKillWrong"; monster .EnterMap$[6],0,0,"--ja--",1725,.PoringSpawn,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKillRight"; .PoringSpawn = 2; for(.@poring = 30; .@poring > 0; .@poring--){ if(getmapusers(.EnterMap$[6]) < 1) .@poring = 0; mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@poring,"Minuto")+" Restantes.",bc_blue; sleep 60000; } } mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"El tiempo ha terminado",bc_blue; killmonsterall .EnterMap$[6]; for ( .@i = 6; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) removemapflag .EnterMap$[6], .bombflag[.@i]; $@CurrentEvent = 0; sleep 5000; mapwarp .EnterMap$[6],"prontera",155,172; end; OnKillWrong: monster .EnterMap$[6],0,0,.Poring$[rand(1,getarraysize($@Mobs))],1725,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKillWrong"; warp "prontera",155,172; end; OnKillRight: Func_Prizes(getcharid(0),.EventName$[6]); .PoringSpawn -= 1; if(.PoringSpawn < 1){ mapannounce .EnterMap$[6],"El tiempo ha terminado",bc_blue; killmonsterall .EnterMap$[6]; for ( .@i = 6; .@i < getarraysize( .bombflag ); .@i++ ) removemapflag .EnterMap$[6], .bombflag[.@i]; $@CurrentEvent = 0; sleep 5000; mapwarp .EnterMap$[6],"prontera",155,172; end; } warp "prontera",155,172; end; El emulador buega el símbolo "¡" al tratar de crear el mail de premio, trate de modificar la codificación de la base de datos, pero la solución fue omitir el símbolo [SQL]: DB error - Incorrect string value: '\xA1Felic...' for column `rohispano_main`.`mail`.`message` at row 1 //================================== //-- Reward Function //================================== function script Func_Prizes { announce "Felicidades a "+strcharinfo(0,getarg(0))+", ganador del evento "+getarg(1)+", revisa tu correo para ver tu recompensa.",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!getattachedrid()) attachrid(getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0,getarg(0))),1); WonEvents++; MWonEvents++; if($@Mail){ mail getarg(0), "no-reply", getarg(1), "Felicitaciones!% Has ganado el evento "+getarg(1)+" % % % [ Se adjunta tu recompensa. ]", $@RewardZeny, $@RewardID, $@RewardQNT; sleep 2000; query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(`message`,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); } else { getitem $@RewardID,$@RewardQNT; zeny += $@RewardZeny; } return; } desde ya cualquier ayuda es bienvenida, también adjunto el avance del script por si lo quieren utilizar Auto_Event_2022.txt
  2. Current Version: 1.8E I have the following error any ideas fix ncp Event_Agent#Maze original, line 39 function script MazeRUN { //callfunc("MazeRUN",<eventid>,<eventname>,<eventmap>,<minplayers>,<length>); if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; } mapwarp getarg(2,"maze"),"prontera",155,181; enablenpc "mazeroadblock"; disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; set $@CurrentEvent,getarg(0,4); for(set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){ Announce ""+getarg(1,"Maze")+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8; Announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8; sleep 60000; } Announce ""+getarg(1,"Maze")+" Event Has Begun!",8; set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers(getarg(2,"maze"))<getarg(3,1)){ mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8; } else { mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",8; disablenpc "mazeroadblock"; enablenpc "MazePrize"; <-------- **HERE** for(set .@maze,0; .@maze < getarg(4,40); set .@maze,.@maze+1){ if(getmapusers(getarg(2,"maze"))<1) set .@maze,.@maze+getarg(4,40); mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"There are "+(getarg(4,40)-.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",8; sleep 60000; } mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Time Is up",8; } disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; sleep 5000; mapwarp getarg(2,"maze"),"prontera",155,181; set $@CurrentEvent,0; end; } Fix, line 39 function script MazeRUN { //callfunc("MazeRUN",<eventid>,<eventname>,<eventmap>,<minplayers>,<length>); if($@CurrentEvent||agitcheck()||agitcheck2()){ end; } mapwarp getarg(2,"maze"),"prontera",155,181; enablenpc "mazeroadblock"; disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; set $@CurrentEvent,getarg(0,4); for(set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i-1){ Announce ""+getarg(1,"Maze")+" Event Will begin in "+.@i+" Mins!",8; Announce "Please type @joinevent to join",8; sleep 60000; } Announce ""+getarg(1,"Maze")+" Event Has Begun!",8; set $@CurrentEvent,$@CurrentEvent*-1; sleep 9000; if(getmapusers(getarg(2,"maze"))<getarg(3,1)){ mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Sorry there are not enough players for this event to take place",8; } else { mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Rules are simple first to get to end of maze wins, so begin~",8; disablenpc "mazeroadblock"; enablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; <-------- **HERE** for(set .@maze,0; .@maze < getarg(4,40); set .@maze,.@maze+1){ if(getmapusers(getarg(2,"maze"))<1) set .@maze,.@maze+getarg(4,40); mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"There are "+(getarg(4,40)-.@maze)+" Minuets Remaining",8; sleep 60000; } mapannounce getarg(2,"maze"),"Time Is up",8; } disablenpc "Event_Agent#Maze"; sleep 5000; mapwarp getarg(2,"maze"),"prontera",155,181; set $@CurrentEvent,0; end; }
  3. Hello Rathena community, How do i change the rate for donation in fluxcp? i edited "'CreditExchangeRate'" but it changes the price instead. it goes 'CreditExchangeRate' = 1.00 Credit(s). I dont know if this is a bug. Thank you i need $1 USD = 100 Credits ok solved, only modified 'CreditExchangeRate' => 0.01, in application.php ok solved, only modified 'CreditExchangeRate' => 0.01, in application.php
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