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Everything posted by leondedios

  1. Gracias Ziu, Posteare en la seccion correcta
  2. Good day I need help with skill Epiclesis of AB, / pat I have a problem with the skill Epiclesis must understand that according to regenerate hp every 3 seconds and that is exactly the problem that my users accuse regenerates the correct% but not so in the correct time intervals. I hope some of you can help, thanks in advance Deputy skill lines in src/map/skill.c case UNT_EPICLESIS: if( bl->type == BL_PC && !battle_check_undead(tstatus->race, tstatus->def_ele) && tstatus->race != RC_DEMON ) { if( ++sg->val2 % 3 == 0 ) { int hp, sp; switch( sg->skill_lv ) { case 1: case 2: hp = 3; sp = 2; break; case 3: case 4: hp = 4; sp = 3; break; case 5: default: hp = 5; sp = 4; break; } hp = tstatus->max_hp * hp / 100; sp = tstatus->max_sp * sp / 100; status_heal(bl, hp, sp, 2); sc_start(ss, bl, type, 100, sg->skill_lv, (sg->interval * 3) + 100);
  3. Buenas. Necesito ayuda con la skill Epiclesis de AB, Tengo un problema con la skill Epiclesis la que segun entiendo debe regenerar hp cada 3 segundos y es exactamente ese el problema que acusan mis users, regenera el % correcto pero no asi en los intervalos correctos de tiempo. Espero alguno de ustedes pueda ayudar, gracias de antemano Adjunto lineas de skill en src/map/skill.c case UNT_EPICLESIS: if( bl->type == BL_PC && !battle_check_undead(tstatus->race, tstatus->def_ele) && tstatus->race != RC_DEMON ) { if( ++sg->val2 % 3 == 0 ) { int hp, sp; switch( sg->skill_lv ) { case 1: case 2: hp = 3; sp = 2; break; case 3: case 4: hp = 4; sp = 3; break; case 5: default: hp = 5; sp = 4; break; } hp = tstatus->max_hp * hp / 100; sp = tstatus->max_sp * sp / 100; status_heal(bl, hp, sp, 2); sc_start(ss, bl, type, 100, sg->skill_lv, (sg->interval * 3) + 100);
  4. help please I have problems I have these errors, any solution? : DB error - Unknown column 'codes' in 'field list' [Debug]: at script.c:14834 - SELECT `codes`,`redeem_time` FROM `reward_logs` ORDER BY pool ASC LIMIT 25 [Debug]: Source (NPC): LilTrollPCodes (invisible/not on a map) [Debug]: script debug : 0 110015856 : reward_logs garbage has been deleted.
  5. Yes!!! Quite so! can do, to show party leader and map where they are? and this is great, but these two functions will make it better just saw it on a server before, and never shared, thanks for the help
  6. Hola, Necesito ayuda con un npc que creo sera util para cualquier server Buscador e informador de partys -Partys creadas. (Listado de partys cradas) -Lider de la la party a examinar. -Numero de integrantes de la party que se esta viendo. -Nivel aproximado de la party. -Mapa de lugar donde se encuentra la party. encontre 2 que hacen a medias lo que necesito, new_3-2,23,174,4 script RPC LADDER 416,{ mes "Party creadas: "; query_sql "SELECT name FROM `party` ORDER BY party_id DESC LIMIT 20",.@party$[0]; set .@i, 1; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.@party$); set .@c, .@c + 1) { mes "Partys ^FF0000" +.@i +"^000000 - ^0000FF" +.@party$[.@c] +"^000000 integrantes ^FF0000" +.party[.@c] +"^000000."; set .@i, .@i + 1; } close; } ///NPC 2 new_3-2,23,176,4 script RPC LADDERr 416,{ if(getcharid(1)) goto Configuracion; if(!getcharid(1)) goto Negativo; configuracion: getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set @partymembercount,$@partymembercount; copyarray @partymembername$[0],$@partymembername$[0],@partymembercount; set @count,0; if(@count == @partymembercount) goto L_Free; mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Hola tu te encuentras en la Party "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+""; mes "El lider de la party es "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1))+""; menu "Ver Miembros",visual,"Nada",closing; visual: if(@count == 100) goto L_nomore; mes (@count + 1) + ". ^0000FF" + @partymembername$[@count] + "^000000"; set @count,@count+1; goto visual; Negativo: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "No estas en una party.No hay informacion disponible"; close; L_Free: close; L_nomore: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Gracias por usar este servicio"; close; closing: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Nos vemos"; close; } }
  7. Help. I have two npc party informants, -the first. not show the number of members. the second, only displays information from my. party I need a search engine, and full reporting for the users seeking party. new_3-2,23,174,4 script RPC LADDER 416,{ mes "Party creadas: "; query_sql "SELECT name FROM `party` ORDER BY party_id DESC LIMIT 20",.@party$[0]; set .@i, 1; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.@party$); set .@c, .@c + 1) { mes "Partys ^FF0000" +.@i +"^000000 - ^0000FF" +.@party$[.@c] +"^000000 integrantes ^FF0000" +.party[.@c] +"^000000."; set .@i, .@i + 1; } close; } ///NPC 2 new_3-2,23,176,4 script RPC LADDERr 416,{ if(getcharid(1)) goto Configuracion; if(!getcharid(1)) goto Negativo; configuracion: getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set @partymembercount,$@partymembercount; copyarray @partymembername$[0],$@partymembername$[0],@partymembercount; set @count,0; if(@count == @partymembercount) goto L_Free; mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Hola tu te encuentras en la Party "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+""; mes "El lider de la party es "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1))+""; menu "Ver Miembros",visual,"Nada",closing; visual: if(@count == 100) goto L_nomore; mes (@count + 1) + ". ^0000FF" + @partymembername$[@count] + "^000000"; set @count,@count+1; goto visual; Negativo: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "No estas en una party.No hay informacion disponible"; close; L_Free: close; L_nomore: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Gracias por usar este servicio"; close; closing: mes "[Informacion Party]"; mes "Nos vemos"; close; } }
  8. Which is? I do not know
  9. hello community. I need help to create a npc search party : showing : -party created online. -party leaders created. -location online party. is for a server low rates, I want the users play in party. sorry for my english. thanks.
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