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Everything posted by Legendary

  1. Which one to download sir? thanks
  2. Why is it that my wings are not showing? The Script for Item_db2 20021,Vindicated_Wings,Vindicated_Wings,5,,,10,,500,,4,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1,,1,1,1118,{ bonus bStr,500; bonus bDex,500; },{},{}
  3. Legendary

    woe help

    Hi guys i want to know how to make this work? It doesnt work and what do i have to do with startingday?
  4. For the language you need to change the data or the grf if i am not mistaken
  5. Heritage ro is a ph ro right?
  6. You created heritage? i just played awhile ago until i was still not bored because of that poring catcher where can i find the portal hahahah
  7. How to add items in game? like wings
  8. How to disable the md5 in flux?
  9. How to add items in Cash shop here thanks
  10. Ow thats okay i've already created mine hhehe
  11. How to adds or item shops
  12. ErrorAn error occurred while trying to process your request. Please try contacting an administrator: admin@localhost
  13. Hmh? like how and ow here is the another question why is it that when i changed FluxCP i will get an error
  14. How to disable birthdate when you register?
  15. How to set admin account on fluxcp?
  16. How to set admin account on fluxcp?
  17. Hi Legendary, Check your spam folder, just in case. Otherwise, request the forum to re-send the validation e-mail. Still nothing Sir it says could not find the image
  18. Hahah Thank you SO if im not a gm that means it won't look like it?
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