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Posts posted by Luciar

  1. I would really appreciate a source mod that adds the ability for staff members to block incoming private messages, returning a message to the sender "This GameMaster has elected to refuse Private Messages" (or something). It would be nice if the GM could individually allow specified players to be able to contact him/her.


    @pm (turns block on/off)

    @pm <player> (allows/disallows specific player to pm when block is active

  2. I am aware I can check if an item is signed by using getequipcardid, but I am having trouble thinking of a way to retrieve the name of the signer. Is there any current method to do this?


    My intention is to write an NPC that can return a string saying "Your item was signed by "+.@signer$ or something similar.


    Thanks :)

  3. H

    How about in a specific town? I mean how can only gm lvl 1+++ Can proceed or @warp to that map?


    I'm not 100% sure what you're asking for here, but a NPC that will only warp a GM:



    set .@mingm,1; //Minimum GM level to use NPC
    if(getgmlevel() >= .@mingm) {
    warp "prontera",123,123;
  4. Hello,


    I am trying to set up the IP.Content app of Invision Power Suite to function as a bug tracker similar to the one in use here at rAthena.


    I have figured out some of the basics of database creation etc. using the ACP, but my attempt at a bug tracking database lacks a lot of the functionality I see on rAthena's bug tracker.

    If someone could point me in the correct direction to the package in use or how to build my own I would be very thankful :D


    Running IPB 3.4.2

  5. Find:

    while (.@j < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]))) {
            getitem getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+.@j+"]"),getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+(.@j+1)+"]");


    Update with getitem2:

    getitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>};
  6. [Debug]: NPCEvent 'LiarDice#Main::OnAuto' not found! (source: AutoEvents Manager)


    i think should be your NPC name problems...check the setting for npc....


    I'm a little confused by what you're suggesting we do here. The NPC is named LiarDice#Main for sure, and the donpcevent target is set by an array that also contains an element with the correct spelling.

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