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Posts posted by Luciar


    Did you apply the sql for the PvP Ladder?

    	create table pvpladder (
    		char_id int(11) not null default '0' primary key,
    		name varchar(30) not null default '',
    		streaks smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',
    		kills smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',
    		deaths smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',
    		streaktime datetime
    	) engine = myisam;
    	create table ownladder (
    		guild_id int(11) not null default '0' primary key,
    		name varchar(24) not null default '',
    		currentown smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',
    		highestown smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',
    		owntime datetime
    	) engine = myisam; 

    The script he posted doesn't use SQL O_O


    - script GM Kick -1,{


    if(!getgmlevel() || getgmlevel() >= 90) end;

    if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) goto OnAgitStart;

    .GMList$[getarraysize(.GMList$)] = strcharinfo(0);



    for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.GMList$); .@i++) {

    if(strcharinfo(0) == .GMList$[.@i]) deletearray .GMList$[.@i],1;




    for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.GMList$); .@i++) {

    atcommand "@kick "+.GMList$[.@i];




    Corrected a few more errors and updated the style to more modern usage
  3. I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you about this issue, the script provided in no way will ever remove the key from the players inventory when warped.

    You'll have to come up with your own script or use another one that has been provided in this thread.

  4. prontera,123,123,4	script	QuestWarper 123,{
    	mes "[^0000FFQuest Warper Guy^000000]";
    	switch(QuestWarp) {
    			mes "I can warp you if you find me these items!";
    			mes "# Item 1";
    			mes "# Item 2";
    			QuestWarp = 1;
    		case 1:
    			if(countitem(ITEM 1 ID) >= # && countitem(ITEM 2 ID) >= #) {
    				mes "Great! You have the items.";
    				select("Warp Me");
    				delitem ITEM1ID,#;
    				delitem ITEM2ID,#;
    				QuestWarp = 2;
    				warp "prontera",123,123;
    			} else {
    				mes "Bring me the items I asked for!";
    		case 2:
    			mes "Would you like to warp?";
    			warp "prontera",123,123;
    Something like this?

    Replace all the "ITEM ID" and "#" with actual IDs and quantities

    • Upvote 1
  5. ...The original script does not remove an item and functions 100% on rAthena. There is no possible way that the script I posted is removing any item when using the warper.


    You can feel free to try out the other two scripts that were posted here, but I would be more worried about figuring out why you're getting unexpected results from NPCs. 

  6. That portion of the script does not take away any items. I've tested it on my own server and it works. I'm not sure why you're having difficulty.

    You exchange 10 Jellopy and 10 Apples for the key item (That will remove the 20 jellopy/apples)

    The warper itself only checks if the player has the key in his or her inventory... it will never remove an item.

  7. If every player is entering via the script (using instance_enter) they should be warped to the instanced version of the map.


    Using any other warp method can lead to undesired results. Can you explain more about how to reproduce ending up on a non-instanced, non-exclusive map with non-party members?

  8. //Warper for key item. 
    prontera,123,123,4 script Warper#Key 123,{
    //Item ID for key.
    .@key_id = 512;
    if(countitem(.@key_id)) warp "prontera",123,123;
    else message strcharinfo(0),"You need a "+ getitemname(.@key_id) +" to be warped!";

    That will only check if the player has the key, it won't take it away.

  9. Short answer: No


    Longer Answer: Not possible without re-writing how FluxCP gets its item db information. And if you did it would make your FluxCP far less efficient. Searching through a large text file such as item DB is terrible. This is exactly why things like SQL databases exist. Stick with the item DB on SQL

  10. Why on Earth did you create two incredibly vague threads, one here and one in Script Requets? At first you made them seem like two separate requests by not providing enough information. Once you did provide the requested information it became abundantly clear both topics were for the same exact thing. This wastes people's (in this case, my) time.


    This thread in particular is not asking for scripting support as you clearly have no interest in trying to accomplish your goal yourself. 


    I have reported both threads and won't be providing help in either of them anymore, someone else can if they want, I guess.

  11. The script you provided has two NPCs that do the same exact thing. If players are always being rewarded 3 Valor Badges then the following condition is returning false:

    if( $@FlaviusBG1_Victory == Bat_Team )
    Since you haven't provided the rest of the script there's no way of us knowing why the statement above is always false.
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