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Posts posted by Luciar

  1. Google translator failed you as it fails everyone on this forum who posts in the English sections.


    I have no idea what you're asking for. Maybe try posting in the international section that represents your native language.

  2. .@total = countitem(994); // total number of Item ID 994

    .@exchg = .@total / 100; //Floored division of total by 100 (e.g. 256 / 100 = 2)

    .@remain = .@total % 100; //Remainder (e.g. 256 / 100 has remainder of 56)

    delitem 944,(.@total - .@remain); //Remove all but the remainder

    getitem 990,.@exchg; //Get total number of item id 990 = to floored division of total 994 (e.g. 256 --> 2)

    something like that
    • Upvote 1
  3. how to remove the timer sometimes this script is a bit difficult example for low rate server " kill 99 lunatics in 60 seconds" lol


    Try this:


    // Daily Monster Hunt
    // 1.2
    // Sandbox
    // This NPC allows your player to hunt a random amount
    // of a random monster
    // *randomception!*
    // If the player successfully hunts the monster
    // he'll receive a reward!
    // KeyWorld, nanakiwurtz, NeoMind, Kido
    // Thanks for helping me out guize!
    // Modified by Luciar for Yonko
    prontera,100,200,3	script	Hunting Challenge	78,{
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    	if(Hunter) {
    	mes "You have killed ^880000"+HuntCount+"^000000/^0000FF"+Amt
    +"^000000 "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"s, keep it up!";
    	if(gettimetick(2) < HuntDelay) {
    		mes "You can only do this quest once a day!";
    mes "Hello, do you want to take on the Monster Hunting Challenge?","If you manage to kill them, you'll receive a reward!"; 
    if(select("Bring it on!:How about no?")==2) {
    	mes .Npc_Name$;
    	mes "Fine!";
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    	Hunt = .Mob_List[rand(getarraysize(.Mob_List))];
    	Amt = rand (50,100); //Amount of mob to hunt
    mes "You have to hunt ^0000FF"+Amt+" "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"^000000!";
    mes .Npc_Name$;
    mes "Go go go!";
    HuntDelay = gettimetick(2)+86400; //Once a day only.
    	.Npc_Name$ = "[^0000FF NPC ^000000]";
    	setarray .Mob_List[0],1002,1007,1063; //Mobs to hunt. Default: Poring, Fabre, Lunatic
    	.Reward = 607; //Reward ID
    	.RewAmt = 10; //Reward Amount
    	if(Hunter > 0) {
    		if(killedrid == Hunt) {
    			dispbottom "You have killed "+HuntCount+"/"+Amt+" "+getmonsterinfo(Hunt,0)+"s, keep it up!";
    			if(HuntCount >= Amt) {
    				dispbottom strnpcinfo(1)+": Congratulations! You did it!";
    				getitem .Reward,.RewAmt;
    				Hunt = 0;
    				Hunter = 0;
    				HuntCount = 0;
    				Amt = 0;
  4. If there is already a support thread for that issue then don't create a new topic!! Especially in the completely wrong section of the forum.


    An exception to this would be posting a new topic in your native language's international support forum, where they may be able to understand you and support you better. :)

    • Upvote 1
  5. You posted this request (even called it a request in the topic title) in the support section when there is a request section right next to it??? And you're requesting a script and decided to post it in the source section???    /hmm 

    Batting 0/2.


    Also it might help if you provided the slightest amount of detail in terms of what you're looking for. "Punching bag script" isn't very specific.


    Batting 0/3.

  6. 	if(query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+escape_sql(.@Winner_Name$)+"'",.@Acc_ID)){		mes .npc$;
    		mes "Awesome, now put the ^aa0000Item ID^000000 of the item you want to be the prize for the player.";


    query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+escape_sql(.@Winner_Name$)+"'",.@Acc_ID);
    if(!.@Acc_ID) {
    mes "No character found with that name.";
    mes .npc$;
    		mes "Awesome, now put the ^aa0000Item ID^000000 of the item you want to be the prize for the player.";
  7. Are you serious? You have been warned MULTIPLE times to stop bumping your posts. Enjoy posting moderation.

    Furthermore, this topic provides literally no information. You haven't described a problem or mentioned any goal. You posted a map and a script. Are we supposed to just intuit what you want?

    You have been flooding the support forums with similar posts. rAthena Staff and the rest of the community are very helpful, but only when you provide the information required to help you. People who put in their own effort to resolve their issue, or at least show that they have tried to learn, are the ones who get the most help. You are quite honestly abusing the support community by refusing to put any effort into these numerous NPCs on your own. Try to figure these things out by yourself. Don't run to the support forum every time you want to add a new script to your server. We are not your staff or volunteers. If I am mistaken and you have been trying, then perhaps managing a server's scripts is not for you. Consider bringing a developer onto your team or request help from one of our approved paid service providers.

    I strongly hope that this is the last time I have to deal with this behavior from you. Your suspension and posting moderation will be extended drastically if you continue to break the rules.

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