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About dhanryu

  • Birthday 07/27/1986

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    Ragnarok Online and anything related with Ragnarok Online

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  1. I've just downloaded the file via browser. It works fine. maybe my mega account had already reach the limit, but I have download from other source with same date for ragexe thanks for your information.
  2. i played RO on 12" screen, with 2160x1440 screen resolution. but i set my RO resolution 1920x1200 and 2048x1152 I can't set it to 2160x1440 because it won't run. When I play it with 1920x1200,no problem with character size or NPC but it hurts my eyes to see the information windows, skill windows and all other windows. is there anyone can help me how to fix that? I mean at least make it readable.
  3. the tutorial works fine...i can run it with no problem...thanks...
  4. would you like to reupload the 2015-11-04aRagexe rar to other link?it is already overquota
  5. hi..i have a problem with my own server..can someone help me? my problem is i cannot change the job, i mean i use @jobchange command or event manual changing the job, but still my job didn't change, including no skill tree, and sprite. i use 18-05-2015 client from rate my server..i hope someone can help me
  6. i downloaded ROclient 01-03-2015..and i followed cassiel..all steps are done..but everytime i launched loki launcher, the client is forced closed..i use 07a-08-2013 ragexe..and to make sure i did the right things, i started over and use any files and ragexe that cassiel use, but still it gave me the same problem..i didn't start the server because i know the client can run but cant connect without running server..can someone please help me with this, i want to play RO without connection..
  7. now everytime i open the loki launcher, the client is closed...anyone knows how to solved that?thankss
  8. that local host cant be accessed..you have to make your own sql server...first download mysql-5.6.13-win32(based on your windows) then when u instal it,you will be asked to create your own server through some steps...after that when u run workbench u will see Local instance MySQL(MySQL5 mine)..before u meet with my explanation,your server wont run...or try to delete that local host,delete mysql..after that instal it again.
  9. it means u need to instal my sql server... it means u need to instal my sql server...
  10. Hi guys,is there any ways to avoid poring sprite when adding custom mob?i have done all tips...here the steps that i have done 1.made a mob db with 4000 id dumber (4000,SONGOKU,Son Goku,Son Goku,..........) 2.put the sprite in folder (¸ó½ºÅÍ) and (몬스터) (SONGOKU.spr and SONGOKU.act) 3.fill in the data in NPCIdentity.lua (JT_SONGOKU = 4000,) 4.fill in the data in jobname.lua ([jobtbl.JT_SONGOKU] = "songoku",) thats all the tips or trick that i ever found...but still it ended with Poring sprite HELP ME PLEASEEEEE.....
  11. 10. DiffFiles is DONE. i want know about : 2. Visual Basic - http://www.microsoft...xpress-products : what must i download ?? HELP PLEASE dont download from microsoft site because its slow...just type in google free microsoft visual basic c++ 2010... i'll try download from microsoft. no problem if download speed is slow. 2010 right ?? like this ?? : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 yes it is...just download...i forgott...maybe around 600mb lol
  12. 10. DiffFiles is DONE. i want know about : 2. Visual Basic - http://www.microsoft...xpress-products : what must i download ?? HELP PLEASE dont download from microsoft site because its slow...just type in google free microsoft visual basic c++ 2010...
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