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Everything posted by giullyan2

  1. The problem is: when I start the server the first bg works normally but in the second bg onwards it starts to unbalance the team and go all to the blue team Example: Kvm [1/2 vs 0/2] -> Kvm [1/2 vs 1/2] -> Kvm [2/2 vs 2/2] -> Start Bg -> Kvm [5 vs 2] -> Kvm [30 vs 2] Note: My bg is custom (@joinbg)
  2. I'm needing a developer who knows the functions of Custom BG eamod, I paid $ 30 (urgently) >Until today
  3. I'm the "itallo61" on skype


    I have some questions about gepardshield antinodelay efficiency

  4. This function is used to buy an item from npc and it goes straight to storage Help pls
  5. Thx , but sorry , i'm new here , i just trying xD
  6. I have a function on my npc bg Stuffs who's get a item purchased and send direct to kafra: The problem is: this script work on my rathena 2013 , but my actualy emulator his don't work becouse the function "checkspace" and "storage" doesn't exist. I suppose there is a function similar to "checkspace" or "storage" to replaced by those. Does anyone know what this function whould be? Error: NPC: consumiveis_bg.txt NPC Functions: npc_comando.txt Checkspace on bgStuffShop on npc_comando.txt: //=================== Consul shop BG ==================== function script bgStuffShop { if(!$@BG_SHOPS_READY) end; .@type = select( "Consumíveis", "Ferramentas" ); switch(.@type){ case 1: .@var$ = "$@BG_CONSUMABLES_NORMAL"; break; case 2: .@var$ = "$@BG_TOOLS_NORMAL"; break; } mes( "^777777======= Ferramentas BG =======", "^FFA500Qtd × ^ff0000Item ^0000ff- ^777777Preço", "^777777=========================" ); for(.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(getd(.@var$)); .@i+=3){ switch(getd(.@var$+"["+.@i+"]")){ default: .@mName$ = getitemname(getd(.@var$+"["+.@i+"]")); .@mQuant = getd(.@var$+"["+(.@i+1)+"]"); .@mPrice = getd(.@var$+"["+(.@i+2)+"]"); .@menu$[getarraysize(.@menu$)] = "^FFA500"+.@mQuant+" × ^ff0000"+.@mName$+"^0000ff - ^777777"+.@mPrice; break; } } next(); .@idx = ((select(implode(.@menu$,":"))-1) * 3); .@item = getd(.@var$+"["+.@idx+"]"); .@quant = getd(.@var$+"["+(.@idx+1)+"]"); .@price = getd(.@var$+"["+(.@idx+2)+"]"); mes( "^777777======= Ferramentas BG =======", "^FFA500Qtd × ^ff0000Item ^0000ff- ^777777Preço", "^777777=========================" ); mes("^0000ffPacks de ^777777"+.@quant+" × ^FFA500"+getitemname(.@item)); input(.@packs, 0, 30000); if(.@packs == 0){ mes("^ff0000Cancelado!"); close; } mes("^0000ffReceber no inventário ou armazém?"); switch(select("Inventário", "Armazém")){ case 1: .@destiny$ = "inventory"; break; case 2: .@destiny$ = "storage"; break; } if((.@destiny$ == "inventory" && checkweight(.@item, .@packs * .@quant)) || (.@destiny$ == "storage" && checkspace(.@item,.@packs * .@quant,1,0,0,0,0,0,0))){ .@totalPrice = .@price * .@packs; mes("^0000ffModo de Pagamento"); switch(select("Pagar com Emblemas de Bravura", "Pagar com Emblemas de Valor")){ case 1: .@coin = 7828; break; case 2: .@coin = 7829; break; } if(countitem(.@coin) >= .@totalPrice){ delitem(.@coin, .@totalPrice); if(.@destiny$ == "inventory") getitem(.@item,.@packs * .@quant); else if(.@destiny$ == "storage") storeitem(.@item,.@packs * .@quant); mes("^007700Finalizado!"); } else { mes("^ff0000Você não possui ^FFA500"+getitemname(.@coin)+" ^ff0000suficiente."); } } else { if(.@destiny$ == "inventory") mes("^A58500Você não aguenta tanto peso"); else if(.@destiny$ == "storage") mes("^A58500Seu armazém não tem espaço"); } close; } Checkspace on script.c: BUILDIN_FUNC(checkspace) { int nameid = 0, amount; struct map_session_data *sd; if( (sd = script_rid2sd(st)) == NULL ) script_pushint(st,0); else if( sd->status.storage.storage_amount > MAX_STORAGE ) script_pushint(st,0); // Storage at max else { struct script_data *data = script_getdata(st,2); struct item_data *id; struct item it; int i; get_val(st,data); if( data_isstring(data) ) { const char *name = conv_str(st,data); struct item_data *id = itemdb_searchname(name); if( id ) nameid = id->nameid; } else nameid = conv_num(st,data); memset(&it,0,sizeof(it)); amount = script_getnum(st,3); it.nameid = nameid; it.identify = script_getnum(st,4); it.refine = script_getnum(st,5); it.attribute = script_getnum(st,6); it.card[0] = (short)script_getnum(st,7); it.card[1] = (short)script_getnum(st,8); it.card[2] = (short)script_getnum(st,9); it.card[3] = (short)script_getnum(st,10); if( nameid < 500 || amount <= 0 || (id = itemdb_exists(nameid)) == NULL || !itemdb_canstore(&it, pc_get_group_level(sd)) || !itemdb_isstackable2(id) ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } if( itemdb_isstackable2(id) ) { ARR_FIND(0,MAX_STORAGE,i,compare_item(&sd->status.storage.items[i],&it)); if( i < MAX_STORAGE ) { // Item on Storage script_pushint(st,amount + sd->status.storage.items[i].amount > MAX_AMOUNT ? 0 : 1); return 0; } } ARR_FIND(0,MAX_STORAGE,i,sd->status.storage.items[i].nameid == 0); if( i >= MAX_STORAGE ) { script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } script_pushint(st,1); // Can be Stored } return 0; } I really am researching a lot of time and would be very grateful to anyone at least consumiveis_bg.txttry to help
  7. Sorry for my bad English , i just want a script who make the item buying going directly to storage like npc telma from battleground. For example: I buy 25.000 white potions and 900 speed potions on npc shop. Where are these items going? For storage. I realy want this script but the function "checkstorage" and "storeitem" on script.c don't work on my emulator (rathena 2017)
  8. Does anyone have an npc with storefront script that moves the purchased item straight to the store. I'm searching for a long time something of the type "npc_telma", I need for a bg npc for sale of consultable by emblem
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