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Posts posted by NotKappa

  1. When I set langtype in clientinfo.xml to 19 the map signs stop appearing when changing maps.

    But when having langtype as 1 or 0 map signs show just fine. I'm wondering how would I get map sings to work with langtype 19.

    I tried using older and newer clients, but changing client doesn't seem like the issue.

    Namo patch

    5 Enable Proxy Support
    8 Custom Window Title
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    20 Extend Chat Box
    21 Extend Chat Room Box
    22 Extend PM Box
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    28 Increase Headgear ViewID
    31 Increase Zoom Out 75%
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    76 Enforce Official Login Background
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    115 Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental]
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    215 Increase Map Quality
    230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
    231 Remove hardcoded address/port (Recommended)
    232 Restore old login packet (Recommended)
    233 Hide SNS Button
    244 Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard (Recommended)
    246 Increase hair style limit in game
    247 Change new char name field height
    248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop
    253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
    256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop
    258 Enable Shortcut All Item
    268 Restore chat focus
    270 Change AchievementList*.lub path
    272 Change Towninfo*.lub path
    273 Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
    274 Change Tipbox*.lub path
    275 Change CheckAttendance*.lub path
    276 Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
    277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
    278 Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
    279 Fix item description bug
    283 Change fade in/out delay
    287 Change character display deletion time
    289 Fix Homunculus attack AI
    290 Hide build info in client (Recommended)
    291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended)
    313 Change MapInfo*.lub path
    319 Opening To Service Select
    322 Case-Insensitive Storage Search
    326 Disable OTP Login Packet
    328 Enable 44.1 kHz Audio Sampling Frequency
    329 Disable ViewPointTable.txt
    338 Additional client validation (Recommended)
    342 Add support for preview button in cash shop
    345 Send at commands to server
    348 Send client flags to server (Recommended)
    351 Translate arrows buttons text from korean to english
    362 Fixes the Korean Job name issue with LangType (Recommended)


    langtype 19 no map signs showing



    langtype 1 map signs show just fine


  2. I have updated the database files to support latest YAML changes, and updated mob stats/skills to match latest kRO updates.

    The update (v1.1) is pending for approval atm.


    On 6/24/2020 at 11:14 AM, kokoryuha said:

    hi, i got stuck in Unreliable Fake Blood, I have the items but the NPC still says I'm missing getting them

    how can i fix this?



    You have to collect the items AND kill 5 Matte Drainliars + 5 Illusion Black Mushroom. and yes it is not mentioned in the text when talking to the NPC and not mentioned in quest file from the game, but this how it works from last time I tested the quest.

  3. On 4/28/2020 at 11:41 AM, CyberDevil said:

    Believe me, I've been looking all day for a tool or a way to convert this file quickly, but it doesn't exist ... so I decided to do it manually ... I'm converting more than 500 quests one by one.

    from this:

    7781,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Nightmare in the Ruined Village"
    7782,0,3764,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stop the Wizard!"
    7783,4:00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stop the Wizard!"

    to this:

      - Id: 7781
        Title: Nightmare in the Ruined Village
      - Id: 7782
        Title: Stop the Wizard!
          - Mob: ILL_HIGHWIZARD
            Count: 1
      - Id: 7783
        Title: Stop the Wizard!
        TimeLimit: 4h

    I think I will end in 20 years! T_T


    On 4/13/2020 at 3:40 AM, AyenPanda said:

    how import on quest_db.yml? is there any converter?

    I haven't gotten to update the quest_db to yml yet, I will try to update them as soon as I can get to it.

  4. On 7/25/2019 at 9:23 PM, Balfear said:

    On the quest we need to kill Gaster? 3740.png https://www.divine-pride.net/database/quest/14672
    Is that right?

    // From this file "Illusion Vampire"
    14672,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Preparing for the Firework Festival"
    14673,4:00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Time to Make Bombs"

    rA quest_db // Rock Ridge
    14672,0,3740,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Preparing for the Firework Festival"
    14673,4:00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Time to Make Bombs"

    Yeah, these quests are unrelated to the Illusion vampire quests.

    I suppose copied it by mistake from my quests files.

    On 7/28/2019 at 8:02 PM, AdrianoGC said:


    Line 4246:

    "If you want refine your equipment, then go to the Illusion Echanter.";

    "If you want refine your equipment, then go to the Illusion E"n"chanter.";


    Line 663,929,1222,1242,2811,2851,3468:

    ^0000FFafer dawn^000000.";

    ^0000FFaf"t"er dawn^000000.";


    Line 3301::

    Oh, oome on! You know I've been";

    Oh, 'c'ome on! You know I've been";


    Line 3510:

    You two get along aw well as I remember.");

    You two get along a's' well as I remember.");


    Line 3350:

    "Be honet, though.

    "Be hone's't, though.

    I've updated the script with these corrections.


  5. Geffen Magic Tournament Enchanter

    Geffen Magic Tournament armors and accessories enchanter.

    Note: Magic Reflector and Revised Encyclopedia are disabled from enchanting since I'm not sure if they can be enchanted or not. Also increase healing received by 5~10% for armor is disabled since I'm not sure what's the random option for that.

    Credits: kRO, iRO, NovaRO and Divine-pride

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    • Upvote 2
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  6. 20 hours ago, Quesooo said:



    You have to add vampire.txt to run before vampire_mobs.txt


    9 hours ago, CyberDevil said:

    Correct weight for item 18968... converting it with "rACCOONv" and importing it into mySQL the error appears that the weight cannot be NULL:

    HERE the result!

    well, it isn't needed to be added with the items, but I guess I added it by mistake.
    I uploaded a new version and removed it.

    • Like 1
  7. Here is the script I'm testing 

    gef_d01_i,81,135,5	script	Wizard#illuvamp	HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,{
      questinfo 14664,QTYPE_QUEST;

    The script is loaded, but the quest icon will not show on the map and not even the NPC and I didn't take the quest yet.

    The icon will only show if I used a visible NPC sprite but not with HIDDEN_WARP_NPC.

  8. I've made a workaround for this.

    I used OnTouch: and classchange when the player touch the npc.

    	if(illusion_vampire_temp == 5){
    		classchange 110,"Priest#illuvamp",bc_self;

    But it would be really great if something official from rathena could be implemented so this can be done by using quest id rather than having to use workarounds.

  9. For example in the illusion vampire there is a section where you follow Marina to find 2 other NPCS, the Marina is hidden for all other players but only visible to the player who has the quest.

    How can this be done?

    I've tried to use classchange with bc_self, but this wont work for distant NPCs from the player when I tried it.

  10. So, we've updated and got the new pet evolution system, but we have an issue here.


    However all the items listed in the screenshot are present in the re/item_db.txt

    9094,Dr_Lunatic_Egg,Leaf Lunatic Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9095,Nine_Tail_Egg,Nine Tail Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9096,Cat_o_Nine_Tail_Egg,Cat o Nine Tail Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9097,Diabolic_2_Egg,Diabolic Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9098,Fire_Deleter_Egg,Fire Deleter Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9108,Xm_Teddy_Bear_Egg,Xmas Teddy Bear Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    9112,Moonlight_Egg,Moonlight Egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}
    23256,Elixir_Bandages,Elixir Bandages,2,10,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ pet 1041; },{},{}
    25290,Sweets_Festival_Coin,Sweets Festival Coin,3,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{}

    Note: I've solved the issue, the problem was that I had the items added under import with different Aegis Name under the same ID.

  11. Hello,

    I have seen some servers do verification for their votes, for example the current V4P addons I saw they just add points when you click on the voting site, not after you vote. While the servers I saw they wait until you voted then you get the points not by just clicking the vote.

    How can I do this and if it's already included how can it be enabled?

    • Upvote 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Nerks said:

    One more question.


    This special label triggers when a player dies. The variable 'killerrid'
    is set to the ID of the killer.
    This special label triggers when a player kills another player. The
    variable 'killedrid' is set to the ID of the player killed.*// 

    Base on my understanding. The label OnPCDieEvent can only use the variable KILLERRID not the KILLEDRID vice versa.

    Am i correct? or even your not using OnPCKillEvent you can use the variable KILLEDRID?

    well as I said both of the variables are available in both events

    killerrid holds the killer ID

    and killedrid holds the killed target rid

    both killerrid and killedrid are in the events OnPCDieEvent and OnPCKillEvent

  13. 1 hour ago, Jey said:

    Okay next step would be if you're able to reproduce the bug on a clean rathena pull. If thats not the cause you already know, there is something wrong with your merge.

    It's sometimes hard to find the cause of the problem but I encourage you to keep looking. Good luck!


    ps: If you're curious if if some parts differ from rathena, I suggest you to use tools like WinMerge/meld to compare certain parts like `clif_party_info`. Spoiler: It seems like your not on the revision you think you are.

    Ok so I used a complete clean copy of rathena without gepard and nothing added. using 2017-05-17 client I got this error

    6141325266.png  ac64f514a5.png 


    • Upvote 1
  14. 33 minutes ago, Jey said:

    Okay next step would be if you're able to reproduce the bug on a clean rathena pull. If thats not the cause you already know, there is something wrong with your merge.

    It's sometimes hard to find the cause of the problem but I encourage you to keep looking. Good luck!


    ps: If you're curious if if some parts differ from rathena, I suggest you to use tools like WinMerge/meld to compare certain parts like `clif_party_info`. Spoiler: It seems like your not on the revision you think you are.

    I'm aware it is not the exact same hash since I do apply every single update using winmerge to keep my emulator updated.

    I also did copy clif.c pc.c party.c from the rathena git and I still have the same map server crash.

    I'll try to reproduce it with a clean copy of rathena

  15. 3 minutes ago, Jey said:

    Are you sure you're on `d770de8015afd31be89e1b125a8c3615a0453f88` ?


    I have gepard applied so it's probably not the same line.

    this is the function I have on that line

    void clif_party_info(struct party_data* p, struct map_session_data *sd)
    	unsigned char buf[2 + 2 + NAME_LENGTH + (4 + NAME_LENGTH + MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT + 1 + 1)*MAX_PARTY];
    	struct map_session_data* party_sd = NULL;
    	int i, c;
    #if PACKETVER < 20170502
    	int cmd = 0xfb;
    	int size = 46;
    	int cmd = 0xa44;
    	int size = 50;
    	WBUFW(buf, 0) = cmd;
    	safestrncpy(WBUFCP(buf, 4), p->party.name, NAME_LENGTH);
    	for (i = 0, c = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++)
    		struct party_member* m = &p->party.member[i];
    		if (!m->account_id) continue;
    		if (party_sd == NULL) party_sd = p->data[i].sd;
    		WBUFL(buf, 28 + c*size) = m->account_id;
    		safestrncpy(WBUFCP(buf, 28 + c*size + 4), m->name, NAME_LENGTH);
    		mapindex_getmapname_ext(mapindex_id2name(m->map), WBUFCP(buf, 28 + c*size + 28));
    		WBUFB(buf, 28 + c*size + 44) = (m->leader) ? 0 : 1;
    		WBUFB(buf, 28 + c*size + 45) = (m->online) ? 0 : 1;
    #if PACKETVER >= 20170502
    		WBUFW(buf, 28 + c*size + 46) = m->class_;
    		WBUFW(buf, 28 + c*size + 48) = m->lv;
    #if PACKETVER < 20170502
    	WBUFW(buf, 2) = 28 + c*size;
    	WBUFB(buf, 28 + c*size) = (p->party.item & 1) ? 1 : 0;
    	WBUFB(buf, 28 + c*size + 1) = (p->party.item & 2) ? 1 : 0;
    	WBUFL(buf, 28 + c*size + 2) = 0; // unknown
    	WBUFW(buf, 2) = 28 + c*size + 6;
    	if (sd) { // send only to self
    		clif_send(buf, WBUFW(buf, 2), &sd->bl, SELF);
    	else if (party_sd) { // send to whole party
    		clif_send(buf, WBUFW(buf, 2), &party_sd->bl, PARTY);


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