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Posts posted by Nipsino

  1. Hello rA. I know this isn't 3Ceam Support but it looks like their Forums is dead. 


    My current 3Ceam Revision is the latest one: 734


    The problem that I am currently having is whenever I try to change characters it would always say 'Failed to connect to server.'


    I can log into the game just fine, but once I'm in and I press 'Character Select' it would say, 'Failed to connect to server.'


    Does anybody know why this is happening?



    Edit : Nvm. Just going to change Emulators to rA.

  2. Hmm.


    set #Premium,#Premium + ( 30 * 24 * 3600 ); // Days * Hours * secondsperhour


    Just change 30 to the number of premium days you want to give them accordingly.


    Woaaah. Clearly forgot all about that, haha. Been too busy forgot a bit of scripting knowledge. :[

  3. You can try this. 



    //Item_Db2 : 20000,VIP_Mistress,VIP Mistress,2,1,,,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "VIPStart"; },{},{}
    prontera,155,181,5    script    VIP Mistress    757,{
    function getPremiumTime;
    mes "Want to buy ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 ?";
    if( select( "Purchase ^0055FFPremium Time^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){
        if( #Premium > gettimetick(1) ){
            mes "Your ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 is currently activated which end after "+getPremiumTime( #Premium );
            mes "Or you want to ^FF0000Extend^000000 the duration ?";
            if( select("Extend:Cancel") == 2 ) close;
    mes "1 Day = "+.DayCost+" Cash Points";
    mes "How many Day you want to buy ?";
    input .@Day;
    if( .@Day || #CASHPOINTS < ( .@Day * .DayCost ) ){
        if( #CASHPOINTS < ( .@Day * .DayCost ) ){
            mes "You need more "+( ( .@Day * .DayCost ) - #CASHPOINTS )+" Cash Points.";
            mes "You plan to purchase "+.@Day+" Day which total cost is "+( .@Day * .DayCost )+" Cash Points.";
            if( select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1 ){
                set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS - ( .@Day * .DayCost );
                set #Premium,#Premium + ( .@Day * 24 * 3600 );
                mes "You have purchased another "+.@Day+" of Premium Times.";
    function    getPremiumTime    {
    set .@Time,getarg(0);
        set .@SecondLeft,( .@Time % 60 );
        set .@MinuteLeft,( .@Time / 60 % 60 );
        set .@HourLeft,( .@Time / ( 60 * 60 ) % 24 );
        set .@DayLeft,( .@Time / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
        set .@TimeLeft$,(( .@DayLeft )?.@DayLeft+" Day ":"" ) +
                        (( .@HourLeft )?.@HourLeft+" Hrs ":"" ) +
                        (( .@MinuteLeft )?.@MinuteLeft+" Min ":"" ) +
                        (( .@SecondLeft )?.@SecondLeft+" Sec":"" );
    return "^FF0000"+.@TimeLeft$+"^000000";
    if( #Premium > gettimetick(1) ){
        mes "Your Premium Time Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium );
        //by Jezu.
        //sc_start SC_SAMPLEBUFFS,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),<number/level of buffs;
        sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),300;
        sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200;
        sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200;
    setarray .DayCost,25; //points payment
    function    VIPStart    {
    goto L_VIPStart;
  4. 1. In login_athena.conf change yes to no

    // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server?
    new_account: yes no


    3. In char_athena.conf change these accordingly.

    // Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y)
    start_point: new_1-1,53,111
    // Starting weapon for new characters
    start_weapon: 1201
    // Starting armor for new characters
    start_armor: 2301
    // Starting zeny for new characters
    start_zeny: 0
  5. Nipsino is right. We do not have tapatalk enabled. I didn't even know about it up until this post.

    Me neither, LOL. Had to google it in order to know what the OP was talking about.

  6. Hello, rAthena!

    I was wondering if anybody could help me with this problem that I'm having. Currently I'm trying to increase my Homuculus' Max Level to 750. My player's levels are capped at 255. I'm using r17015. This is what I changed.

    Player's Max Level

    { "max_lv",							 &battle_config.max_lv,						  255,	 0,	  MAX_LEVEL,	  },

    Homuculus' Max Level

    { "homunculus_max_level",			   &battle_config.hom_max_level,				   750,	 0,	  MAX_LEVEL,	  },
    { "homunculus_S_max_level",			 &battle_config.hom_S_max_level,				 750,	0,	  MAX_LEVEL,	  },

    I've added in the required exp stats in pre-re/homuculus_exp.txt

    This is the error that I'm receiving whenever I start up my server.


    Solved! I've edit the MAX_LEVEL in src/map/map.h.

  7. What do you mean? If it says storage failed whenever you use an item try this.

    function script storage {
    atcommand "@storage";

    Then in the item use callfunc "storage";


    Forgot all about openstorage! LOL.

    prontera,151,183,4 script VIP Warper 714,{
    mes "Would you like to enter the VIP Room?";
    menu "No I don't.",-,"Yes I do.",L_Yes;
    mes "Have a nice day.";
    mes "You will now be going to the VIP Room!";
    sleep 500;
    warp "prt_in",128,39; } else {
    mes "I'm sorry but you don't meet the requirements!";
    close; }

  9. Instead of going the MySQL way, I've created something easier for you.

    - script LoginCount -1,{
    set LoginCount,LoginCount+1;
    dispbottom "You have logged in "+LoginCount+" times!";

    Oh! Forgot about the login count. Hold on, I'll try it right now.

    Try this one

    - script LoginCount -1,{
    query_sql "SELECT `logincount` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",@login;
    dispbottom "You have logged in "+@login+" times.";

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