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  1. Kreustoo's post in Separate Storages was marked as the answer   
    There's a mecanism inside rathena: https://rathena.org/board/topic/108140-storage-types-optimization/
  2. Kreustoo's post in i got error on console from getgmlevel was marked as the answer   
    I'd say it's only missing an "end;" after the set .GMLevel.
    OnInit is not attached to any player.
    But you'd have to move your OnInit or it won't work for the players when talking to it. If I'm nto clear enough, post the actual code and I'd just show you ?.
  3. Kreustoo's post in bDropAddRace was marked as the answer   
    I checked the src and the bonus is only working on normal dropped items, same for bubble gum. Normal drops and mvp drops are in 2 totally seperate check.
  4. Kreustoo's post in Rank position was marked as the answer   
    This should work (not tested):
    dispbottom "============== My Rank ==============", 0xffe066; query_sql( "SELECT `points`, 1 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `mvp_ranking` t1 WHERE t1.`points` > t2.`points`) FROM `mvp_ranking` t2 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@points, .@rank); query_sql( "SELECT `char_id` FROM `mvp_ranking` WHERE `points` = "+ .@points, .@charid);//search all that are equals, supposing there's less than 127 players at the same value .@size = getarraysize(.@charid); for(.@i = 0;.@i<.@size && .@charid[.@i] != getcharid(0);.@i++){ //Parse every line and rank++ for each one different than charid .@rank++; } dispbottom "My Rank is: " + .@rank+ ".", 0x6666ff; dispbottom "My Points is: " + .@points+ ".", 0x6666ff; dispbottom "==========================================", 0xffe066; Be aware that the rank when they have the same number of points would depend of the entry in the database, not the time it had its points. If it's not clear, for example:
    Suppose Player 2 killed a mvp before player 3 => he's added in the table before the player 3

    --Player 3 got 400 points first, Player 3 has a better rank
    Player 3: 400 Exp
    Player 2: 399 Exp

    --Player 2 go to 400 points, Player 2 has now a better rank
    Player 2: 400 Exp
    Player 3: 400 Exp
  5. Kreustoo's post in MVPs announce & PVP on/off was marked as the answer   
    - script mvpspawner::mvpspawner -1,{ OnClock1130: OnClock2330: .event$ = strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBossDead"; if( mobcount( "pvp_y_1-1",.event$ ) ) killmonster "pvp_y_1-1",.event$; pvpon "pvp_y_1-1"; monster "pvp_y_1-1",100,119,"Faceworm Queen",2529,1,.event$; monster "pvp_y_1-1",44,204,"Faceworm Queen (Yellow)",2535,1,.event$; monster "pvp_y_1-1",156,315,"Faceworm Queen (Red)",2532,1,.event$; monster "pvp_y_1-1",268,204,"Faceworm Queen (Blue)",2534,1,.event$; monster "pvp_y_1-1",237,79,"Faceworm Queen (Green)",2533,1,.event$; announce "FACEWORM QUEENS HAS AWAKEN! DEAR ADVENTURE, PLEASE PUT THEM TO SLEEP.",bc_all; end; OnBossDead: announce "OnBossDead called, remove me, I'm here to check if it works.",bc_all; set .@mob_dead,mobcount("pvp_y_1-1", .event$); announce "OnBossDead called, value: "+.@mob_dead,bc_all; if (.@mob_dead < 1) { pvpoff "pvp_y_1-1"; } else announce "Remaining" + .@mob_dead + "MVPs left.",bc_all; end; } This should works, I added 2 announce to help you be sure it works or not (hopefully you have a test server, otherwise removes them before testing).
  6. Kreustoo's post in How to know the ,bmp name of the npc sprite when using cutin was marked as the answer   
    Not all the npc has a cutin, if the website is up to date, you have this where a cutin exist (and check the link of the gif to know the cutin name)

    And you can check here the list of the cutin :
  7. Kreustoo's post in GM and VIP Account filters, can u fix my script? was marked as the answer   

    I think you just need to add an else to make it work the way you want:
    if (getgmlevel()>=99) showscript strcharinfo(0)+" : Admin Level Account Confirmed!."; else if (vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ if a gm => admin level
    else if a vip => vip confirmed
    else => (not a gm nor a vip) => kick
  8. Kreustoo's post in Can't use @afk if it's from @autoattack was marked as the answer   

    I don't kow your implant of @afk, but inside the definition ACMD_FUNC(afk) add:
    if(sd->state.autoattack){ clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use @afk while autoattacking."); return 0; } It should prevent the @afk to work.
  9. Kreustoo's post in Won't Save Any Changes I Done in conf/import-tmpl was marked as the answer   

    If I read this post correctly :
    You should edit the conf/import and not conf/import-tmpl that is only used if nothing is set.
  10. Kreustoo's post in Request Auto Reward Zeny For Base Level was marked as the answer   
    - script LabelEvent -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: while(BaseLevel - lastRewarded >= 10){ //lastRewarded to not miss multiple leveling lastRewarded = lastRewarded + 10; Zeny = Zeny + 1000; dispbottom "Congratulation you have reach milestone base level "+(lastRewarded)+", you gained 1000z"+(lastRewarded<90?(", next mile stone is base leve "+(lastRewarded+10)+"."):"."); } }
    Killed one remover:

    Not heavily tested
  11. Kreustoo's post in Warp to GM Area was marked as the answer   
    From the documentation:
    *warp "<map name>",<x>,<y>{,<char id>}; This command will take the invoking character or <char id>, if specified, to the specified map, and if wanted, specified coordinates too, but these can be random. warp "place",50,55; This would take them to X 50 Y 55 on the map called "place". If your X and Y coordinates land on an unwalkable map square, it will send the warped character to a random place. Same will happen if they are both zero: warp "place",0,0; Notice that while warping people to coordinates 0,0 will normally get them into a random place, it's not certain to always be so. Darned if I know where this is actually coded, it might be that this happens because square 0,0 is unwalkable on all official maps. If you're using custom maps, beware. There are also three special 'map names' you can use. "Random" will warp the player randomly on the current map. "Save" and "SavePoint" will warp the player back to their save point. so just :
    warp "1@bamq",x,y; close; Is that what you were searching for?
  12. Kreustoo's post in HP Bars showing as GM was marked as the answer   
    Inside permissions:
    view_hpmeter: false
    For example:
    { id: 10 name: "Law Enforcement" inherit: ( "Mentor" ) level: 2 commands: { follow: true kick: true jail: true jailfor: true mute: true hide: true warp: true } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true hide_session: true who_display_aid: false hack_info: true any_warp: true view_hpmeter: false view_equipment: false } },  
  13. Kreustoo's post in Below lvl 99 Reward. Npc. was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, even level 1 can get the reward. Anyone below 99 can talk to the npc, anyway:
    if ( BaseLevel > .max_base_level || JobLevel > .max_job_level ) { mes "[ ^00FF00Race Up to Max^000000 ]"; mes "We're sorry you are not qualified anymore for this event. Come back being less than "+(.max_base_level+1)+" base level and "+(.max_job_level+1)+" job level."; close; } to this
    if ( BaseLevel != 98 ) { mes "[ ^00FF00Race Up to Max^000000 ]"; mes "Only level 98 players can get the reward."; close; }
  14. Kreustoo's post in Skill custom client side, doesn't want to update was marked as the answer   
    I tryed again, and, I think I juste changed something in the db, the spell was a passive one.
    Dunno if it can help someone, I'm not sure the problme was that but well, finally I succeed withotu changing anything client side ?
  15. Kreustoo's post in Packet Obfuscation failing was marked as the answer   
    Hi Lelouch,
    Thanks for trying to help, I can connect with his client with the packet obfuscation, but when I try to do my own packet obfuscation client, it fails miserably .
    EDIT : Even why I try to use his .log (profile in Nemo)
    EDIT : OKAY, I don't get it, but, it worked, for anyone else :
    This client : http://k3dt.eu/Ragex...aRagexe.exe.zip
    This diff : 
    Save at .log

    The one that Tranquility gave.
    I restarted Nemo, let him chose where to save the files, and finally, it worked. I think I tryed this like a million times, it didn't worked, and then, it worked, so, I dunno.
    But, thanks ! I have just a black login screen/choose character screen. Dunno why :'(.
    EDIT : Solved by Napster : https://rathena.org/board/topic/100231-help-black-login-screen/
    And I could put custom keys using nkwz ro toolkit.

    Thanks a lot : https://rathena.org/board/topic/101492-packet-obfuscation-failing/?p=283031
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