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  1. So that seems to be the problem, there's something going wrong in the SQL server ><
  2. Thanks for the reply =) And this is it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ud4b26p8kt5aal1/3.png Also, I'm using easyPHP to run the mySQL server, since the ones recommended couldn't be run by my computer for whatever reason. Hope that's not the problem tho
  3. Since I do not want the topic to fall onto 2nd page, and 4 days has passed, I feel a bump is OK ^^U I do need help, and if the lack to replies is because of lack of information, or that I may have ignored something, let me know so I may advance =) Cheers!
  4. And despite reading topics I can't find my solution, or maybe it's that I didn't understand, but anyways I guess I'll have to make this topic in order to solve it. The problem is here, with nothing showing up there. I have the exe allowed on the firewall, but that didn't help. First I made everything following those SharpieneRO video tutorials, then I remade everything using Judas' Bible, and last attempt was a combination of both plus what I found on the forums, but the results are the same I think the problem must be somewhere in that mishap I made, or maybe something I overlooked, but I can't figure it out. Everything was tried with a 2012-04-10aRagexeRE I diffed myself following both recommendations, though I can't remember everything, I may offer a link or something if asked. My clientinfo is already at packet ver 30: mmo.h is like this: packet_db: And I think that's it >< Hope it's something silly and easy to solve... I'm also open to try some generic "premade working server" or something if asked, but I'd like to test whatever I'm modifying
  5. Welcome Back! I was freaking out because I'm new and gaaah, but I'm glad to see you again
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