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Posts posted by chromus28

  1. check there these lines

    // The rate at which equipment is dropped.
    item_rate_equip: 10000
    item_rate_equip_boss: 10000 //here lol
    item_drop_equip_min: 3000
    item_drop_equip_max: 10000

    This one :) but i never touch my item ratio before just the drop.txt and no more

  2. D:! i'm not sure about this but, why don't you try to add it manually? this lines

    setarray .Castles$[0],
    		"schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05","custom_woe_map"; //custom woe map here
    should work D:!

    I will try later th

  3. i recommend you this one, it's amazing, it's the one i'm using, look fo the WoE controller


    by configuring it, you will be able to set it like you want, even 00:00 to 24:00

    eathena version


    Im using aleady toasty woe controller sir, what i mean is if there is a script that can add a custom map for 24/7 woe?

    Hmmmm hard to explain :( i have a custom woe map here i want this to be my 24/7 woe map

  4. guys does any have some script like this,


    Only have party members can enter in the map (Example: 1@mist) then  they must pay like (zeny or coins). then once they get in the map, there is a automatic spawn mvp in that map then after they killed it, auto award to all member will be given..

  5. you just remind me I should put some fake labels o.o

    update again ...






    the OnClock2000:

    can change into OnSat2000:

    then it will start every saturday 8pm

    and end it with OnSat2030: put below L_end:





    ok the forum unicode problem again

    #include "../common/mmo.h"
    #include "../config/core.h"

    use attachment

    is this for rathena only?

  6. the source modification for hercules seems different than rathena

    this one is for hercules users, you don't need this


    source modification


    shuffle function

    function	script	rand__	{
    	.@range = getarg(0);
    	.@count = getarg(2, 0);
    	if ( !.@count || .@count > .@range )
    		.@count = .@range;
    	else if ( .@count > 128 )
    		.@count = 128;
    	while ( .@i < .@count ) {
    		.@r = .@save = rand( .@i, .@range -1 ) ;
    		if ( !getd( ".@tmp1_"+ .@i ) ) {
    			.@r = ( getd(".@tmp1_"+ .@r ) )? getd( ".@tmp2_"+ .@r ) : .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@i, .@r;
    			setd ".@tmp2_"+ .@save , .@i;
    			setd ".@tmp1_"+ .@save , 1;
    			set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@i ), .@r;
    			if ( .@save < .@count )
    				set getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@save ), .@i;
    	return .@count;
    and the script



    only compatible with rathena or hercules

    eathena or 3ceam is not supported


    propose in hercules script request section,

    I'll definitely make it because writing battleground script is my hobby now


    ok T_T

  7. getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);
        if(@map$ == "edit_map") {

    add the getmapxy codes before calling the package function.

    this is for all right? coz this script is.. the party leader must be the one who will click ths npc to distribute the award to all..


    and where to add this?

  8. can anyone make this script that when the award fairy comes out.. only on who are only on that map can get the prize.. coz this script even when you are on prontera and the party is on guild_vs3 the player on prontera can still get prizes.. i want that only who are in the map can get the prize only

    06guild_01,50,48,5	script	Award Fairy D	811,{
    	if(getcharid(0)!=getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)) end;
    	set .mem, $@partymembercount;
    	copyarray .mem_aid[0], $@partymemberaid[0], 128;
    	while(.@i<.mem) {
    	set @id,getcharid(1);
    	warpparty "prontera",165,24,@id;
    	disablenpc "Award Fairy D";
    	disablenpc "Award Fairy D";
    /// callfunc("package_func",<length>,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,<itemid>,<amount>,<chance>{,...}}})
    function	script	package_func	{
    	set .@len, getarg(0); set(.@i,1);
    	while(.@i<.@len) {
    		if(rand(101)<=getarg(.@i-1)) {
    	return .@a;
    06guild_01,50,52,6	script	Tier D	106,{
    	if (getcharid(1) < 1) {
    		mes "You're not in a party.";
    	} else if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) {
    		mes "You are not the party leader.";
    	} else {
    		set .mem, $@partymembercount;
    		if (.mem < 2) {
    			mes "You need at least 2 party members.";
    		} else {
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "Hi There,";
    			mes "Welcome to Riot's Tier D";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "This is a custom party quest of XXXXXX that you need party members to get through on this quest...";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "This is not a simple MVP Room remember all MVP here is";
    			mes "a Edited Stats by your Admin which 1 or 2 people";
    			mes "cannot defeat the MVP's Hope you enjoy and good-luck...";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "Would you like to summon the first Boss?";
    			menu "Yes",-,"No",L_ayaw;
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "before you summon the boss please bring me the following";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "1x Riot Nectar";
    			menu "Yes",-,"No",L_ayaw;
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "I'll be waiting for you chosen one!";
    			if(countitem(32004) < 1) goto koolang;
    			if(countitem(32004) >= 1) goto k1;
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "Just speak to me if you have the Requirements";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "As I said one missing material and all the others go to waste";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "Very well done my friend you have finished the Tier D Quest";
    			mes "Get ready";
    			delitem 32004,1;
    			monster "06guild_01",0,0,"Prime Baphomet",3263,1,"Tier D::OnDarkDead";
    			mes "[Tier D]";
    			mes "Now go and kill the Prime Baphomet!!";
    			announce "Party "+getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" has Finish the Tier D",bc_all,0xFFFF00;
    			enablenpc "Award Fairy D";
    			announce "Tier D: ",3;
    			set $OnDarkDead,0;
  9. Ma'am annie, i followed everything and it is working great!!


    http://rathena.org/b...&attach_id=5375   <---(battleground random)



    Please i have a couple of requests,


    1. Could you please edit this by making the match score adjustable from 10 to 50?


    Like if the score was set to 50.


    If the Red team reaches 50 kills, the game is over and Red team wins!




    2. Please have the losing team get items too. say, 10 red potions  for the winning team and 2 red potions for the losing team!


    Thank you very much!

    this is for rathena only?


    Hello rathena,

    I would like to know if its possible to duplicate this wonderful battleground script made by ma'am annie?


    Would it be possible if ever duplicate, run at the same time? So that it wont overcrowd people that wants to get in?

    If its possible, mind telling me how? Im thinking just to change the map and npc, i could be wrong though :D



    oh lol was about to say the same


    change map npc and inside script maps D:


    for example this lines to another map

    	.red = createbgid( "guild_vs3", 13,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onredout", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onredout" );
    	.blue = createbgid( "guild_vs3", 86,50, strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onblueout", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onblueout" );
    	callfunc "rand__", .min2start *2, $@rand;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@warpwaitingpcnum; .@i++ )
    		setbgid ( .@i %2 )? .red : .blue, $@warpwaitingpc[ $@rand[.@i] ];
    	delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
    	bg_warp .red, "guild_vs3", 13,50;
    	bg_warp .blue, "guild_vs3", 86,50;
    	bg_updatescore "guild_vs3", 0,0;
    	sleep .eventlasting * 1000;

    got error on this script


        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
       192 :                next;
       193 :                if ( input( .min2start, 1, 9 ) ) {
       194 :                        mes "invalid range";
       195 :                        close;
       196 :                }
    *  197 :                '.'start = 1;
       198 :                announce strcharinfo(0) +" has hosted a "+ .min2start +"vs"+ .min2start +" battleground", 0;
       199 :                waitingroom "BG PVP", .min2start *2 +1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart", .min2start *2;
       200 :        }
       201 :        else if ( .start == 1 ) {
       202 :                mes "abort registration?";
  11. save in a text file this and then loaded as it was a npc

    function    script    soullink    {
        switch ( basejob ) {
            case Job_Alchemist:    set .@spirit, 445; break;
            case Job_Monk:     set .@spirit, 447; break;
            case Job_Star_Gladiator:  set .@spirit, 448; break;
            case Job_Sage:     set .@spirit, 449; break;
            case Job_Crusader:    set .@spirit, 450; break;
            case Job_SuperNovice:   set .@spirit, 451; break;
            case Job_Knight:    set .@spirit, 452; break;
            case Job_Wizard:    set .@spirit, 453; break;
            case Job_Priest:    set .@spirit, 454; break;
            case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break;
            case Job_Rogue:     set .@spirit, 456; break;
            case Job_Assassin:    set .@spirit, 457; break;
            case Job_Blacksmith:   set .@spirit, 458; break;
            case Job_Hunter:    set .@spirit, 460; break;
            case Job_Soul_Linker:   set .@spirit, 461; break;
                if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 )
                    set .@spirit, 494;
        if ( .@spirit ) {
            sc_start4 sc_spirit, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0;
            skilleffect .@spirit, 5;

    remember tabs on line 1


    then try this

    { if(Class==Job_Soul_Linker) { bonus bMatkRate,15; } },{ callfunc "soullink"; },{ }


    remember @loaditemdb after saved

    wow its working :)


    but when im taking it off, the soul link is still working?

  12. yuno,209,310,6	script	Tapestry	111,{
    	mes "[Tapestry]";
    	mes "Please select a private Riot room.";
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") )
    		mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") +" "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +".";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") )
    		mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes is "+ callfunc("int__", getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) +" zeny.";
    		mes "You can only use the room for only "+ getvariableofnpc(.timeout, "MVP Summoner") +" minutes.";
    	mes " ";
    	for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    			switch ( .type[.@i] ) {
    				case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800"; break;
    				case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11"; break;
    				case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FF"; break;
    				default: set .@color$, "^000000";
    			mes "Room #"+ .@i +" = "+ .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@i] +"^000000";
    	set .@room, select("Tier 1 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_01") +"]",
    		"Tier 2 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_02") +"]",
    		"Tier 3 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_03") +"]",
    		"Tier 4 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_04") +"]");
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( .inuseid[.@room] == getcharid(.type[.@room]) ) {
    			if ( getvariableofnpc(.killmonster,"MVP Summoner") && getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) == 0 )
    				killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
    			warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
    		} else {
    			mes "[Special Quest]";
    			switch ( .type[.@room] ) {
    				case 1: set .@color$, "^EE8800Party "; break;
    				case 2: set .@color$, "^70CC11Guild "; break;
    				case 3: set .@color$, "^0000FFPlayer ";
    			mes "This room is reserved for ";
    			mes .@color$ + .whoinuse$[.@room] +"^000000 .";
    			if ( getgmlevel() < getvariableofnpc(.gmlvlkick,"MVP Summoner") ) {
    				mes "Please select another.";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "Currently there are "+ getmapusers("06guild_0"+ .@room) +" players";
    			mes "in that room.";
    			set .@remaintime, getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
    			mes "It still has "+( .@remaintime /10 )+"mn "+( .@remaintime %10 )+"s left.";
    			set .@nobodycounter, getvariableofnpc(.nobodycounter[.@room],"MVP Summoner");
    			if ( .@nobodycounter )
    				mes "And have left empty for "+( .@nobodycounter /10 )+"mn "+( .@nobodycounter %10 )+"s.";
    			mes "Kick them ?";
    			if ( select ( "No:Yes" ) == 1 ) close;
    			set getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner"), -1;
    			mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    			mes "Room#"+ .@room +" is empty now.";
    	mes "[Tapestry]";
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough zeny to rent a room.";
    	mes "You reserve this room for ...";
    	set .@type, select("For my party members" );
    	if ( getcharid(.@type) == 0 ) {
    		mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    		mes "You do not own a "+( (.@type == 1)?"Party":"Guild" )+".";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    			mes "You don't have enough "+ getitemname( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") ) +" to rent a room.";
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@room],"MVP Summoner") ) {
    		mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    		mes "I'm sorry, somebody else has already register this room faster than you.";
    	for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 8; set .@i, .@i +1 ) {
    		if ( getvariableofnpc(.remaintime[.@i],"MVP Summoner") && .@type == .type[.@i] && getcharid(.@type) == .inuseid[.@i] ) {
    			mes "[Private MVP Room]";
    			mes "You already rented Room#"+ .@i +". Use that room instead.";
    	set .type[.@room], .@type;
    	set .inuseid[.@room], getcharid(.@type);
    	set .whoinuse$[.@room], strcharinfo( (.@type == 3)?0:.@type );
    	if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner") && getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( countitem(getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner")) < getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
    		delitem getvariableofnpc(.rentitemid, "MVP Summoner"), getvariableofnpc(.rentitemamount, "MVP Summoner");
    	else if ( getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) {
    		if ( zeny < getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner") ) end;
    		set zeny, zeny - getvariableofnpc(.rentcost, "MVP Summoner");
    	warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0;
    	killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room;
    	donpcevent "MVP Summoner#"+ .@room +"::OnEnterMap";
    06guild_01,45,54,6	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#1	116
    06guild_02,45,54,6	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#2	116
    06guild_03,45,54,6	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#3	116
    06guild_04,45,54,6	duplicate(MVP Summoner)	MVP Summoner#4	116

    this script is working fine and have no error BUT, when im changing the "06guild_0" to other map like for sample novice its having errors T_T it need atleast 4 map in this script..what should i do??

  13. A script a bit like this:



    if (.@mapa$ == "pvp_n_1-5) //your map


    //  unequip <equipment slot>;



    You would have to place this in a pvp script with a loop.


    It might not be the best way, but it should work.


    what if my script is like this??

    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= PvP 
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Destinee~
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A basic PVP script.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= Dont copyright this and claiming that you've made this. Use it only for your own server.
    prontera,158,200,4	script	PVP Warper::pvpw	2000,{
    	mes "[ ^0065DFPVP Warper^000000 ]";
    	mes "Would you like to go to the PVP Arena ?...";
    	if (select("Yes!","No thanks.") == 2)
    	warp "pvpmap",0,0;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" entered the PvP Room",0;
        while(1) {
    		if ( .@users != getmapusers("prontera") ) {
    			waitingroom ""+ getmapusers("pvpmap")+" Players in PVP room", 0;
    			set .@users, getmapusers("pvpmap");
    		sleep 500;
    // == Mapflags
    pvpmap	mapflag	nowarp
    pvpmap	mapflag	noteleport
    pvpmap	mapflag	nomemo
    pvpmap	mapflag	noreturn
    pvpmap	mapflag	nodrop
    pvpmap	mapflag	nosave
    pvpmap	mapflag	nobranch
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nowarp
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	noteleport
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nomemo
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nogo 
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nodrop
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nosave
    pvp_y_2-2	mapflag	nobranch
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