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Everything posted by carlcarl

  1. i cant hit the emperium? why? Maybe you dont have a guild? make sure to add the kafra's contract in the guild skill
  2. carlcarl


    How can I increase max damage or damage rate of my Magic Crasher?
  3. Thanks for the very fast response What will I change in the mobs.txt? What will I change? prt_maze03,100,100,80,80 monster Baphomet Jr. 1101,25,5000,0,0
  4. How can I increase the spawn rate of all the mobs? and their numbers
  5. Once again Problem solved by Capuche
  6. where/what is index folder? Error
  7. How can I put a View button on the item when right clicked? So when people click the view button in the Item it shows the Effects and Item combo instead of the picture like in the card. THANKS
  8. Anyone know where can I download this?
  9. How can I remove or Can I remove this? Add(1,5900,1,30000000,0,983,15,1020,300,7161,50,5057,2,7297,10); Add(1,5901,1,30000000,0,983,7,1020,100,7161,20,5057,1,7297,5); Add(1,5902,1,30000000,0,2280,1,1048,400,7005,150,1006,200); Add(1,5903,1,30000000,0,2280,1,1048,350,7005,120,975,10); Add(1,5904,1,50000000,0,5025,1,980,50,2254,5,6394,300,7036,10,4430,1); Already replaced that but the sample items is still in the shop.
  10. BINGO! THANKS MR MStream
  11. Can anyone give me a downloadable link of YingYang aura or black and white aura?
  12. Requesting for Novice Suit or Costume of Youth Script Thanks
  13. Oh, I see Thanks guys for the Reply 1288,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,700,1,0,0,1,60,73,64,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,8,26,0x160,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 When I checked my mob_db.txt Why is that the HP of my Emperium is just 700? but when I try to break it took me a while
  14. How can I reduce the Emperium's HP? or how can I increase the % of atk rate?
  15. 5937,Runes_of_Power,Runes of Power,5,100,10,10,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,1,0,909,{ bonus bAllstats,10; },{ sc_start4 SC_FIREWEAPON,60000,5,0,0,1; },{ sc_end SC_FIREWEAPON; } SOLVED
  16. HI Euphy ur script are awesome I have one question in the Quest shop how can I remove the Helm of sun god and the others in the selection? Cuz I did try to replace them to my Custom hats fortunately It worked but the old ones are still there how to remove it? Thank you in Advance
  17. Ok i'll try this thanks for the reply Ok i'll try this thanks for the reply Yeah it work but the problem is it still Stone Curses me when I use it
  18. Thanks Mate i'll try this later Its a shame It doesnt do anything Well It just Thanks Mate i'll try this later Its a shame It doesnt do anything Actually it does a thing the skill was activating was stone curse instead the one I want
  19. Can I have a script that when I equip a Item it auto cast lightning loader or Flame Launcher?
  20. Anyone know how can I see the actual look of my custom weapon when attacking?
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