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Posts posted by Lary

  1. -	script	hourlygift	-1,{
    set .Hour,1;
    if( #dailytimer < gettimetick(2) ) {
    mes "You have Gained a Hourly Gift.";
    set #dailytimer,gettimetick(2) + ( .Hour * 3600 );
    getitem 6101,1; //set the price here
    set .@last,#dailytimer - gettimetick(2);
    set .@hour, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) / 3600;
    set .@min, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / 60;
    set .@sec, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 % 60;
    mes "You have to wait to get your next Hourly Gift.";
    mes "Time CountDown : ^FF0000"+.@hour+":"+.@min+":"+.@sec+"^000000";

    Perfect  /no1

  2. @Anakid

    In your script the player get a gift everyday and A c e S p a d e ask to give a gift every hour.


    Players receive an item every hour as a gift.....

    Automatically or the player must click on the NPC to get the gift ?

    Every hour automatically, when the player is online...




    You can easily change the amount of hour in the script.

    May i know how to do that ? Sry i am so noob at programming....Thanks a Billion in Advance...

  3. hello,



    prontera,155,181,5	script	Sample	718,{
    	set .Hour,24;
    	if( #dailytimer < gettimetick(2) ) {
    		mes "You have Gained a Daily Gift.";
    		set #dailytimer,gettimetick(2) + ( .Hour * 3600 );
    		getitem 6101,1; //set the price here
    		set .@last,#dailytimer - gettimetick(2);
    		set .@hour, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) / 3600;
    		set .@min, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / 60;
    		set .@sec, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 % 60;
    		mes "You have to wait to get your next Daily Gift.";
    		mes "Time CountDown : ^FF0000"+.@hour+":"+.@min+":"+.@sec+"^000000";


    c'd you plz edit this script in such a way, Players receive an item every hour as a gift.....
    /thx  a Billion in Advance....
  4. find this




    and search for this line


    // Max level for regular Homunculus

    homunculus_max_level: 99

    // Max level for Homunculus S

    homunculus_S_max_level: 150



    this should do the trick

    but i use this.. 

    my solution is i change the regular homunculus lvl to 150 then it not continue to lvluping 600+

    /thx  it solved my Issue...

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