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Posts posted by Lary

  1. Hello Guys -  Plz help me i am just 2 steps away from hosting a server,

    1.} Sadly my windows screen appears 480x640x18 though i change it to full screen tons of time, And

    2.} My short cuts are never getting saved, Thanks a billion to you in advance, looking forward to your reply >.>

  2. Naan i am Sry...i ran the client without starting Cmd [ Cygwin ] 


    1.} it worked fine only with "Read Data Folder First and "Read Lua First befor Lub----No Errors >.<


    2.}But when, I ran the client without  "Read Data Folder First and "Read Lua First befor Lub, It showed me the following Error



    and also


    My Command list looks screwed and weird...C'd you help me to fix this too, Thanks....



  3. sorry for asking silly question, I Have downloaded this file, in which file should i add."My server.grf" file or "myserver.exe" file ? If i have to add in myserver.exe" file, Plz help me how to add it ? thanks...

  4. Hello...


    This is my first time RO server hosting, I guess i am probably 99% done as far as my knowledge by learning through forums, Still i get " Failed to connect ERROR - i w'd much appreciate , If you c'd guide me to resolve this problem, Thanks to you in Advance...





    1.} Juda's Undiffed Client { 2012 - 04 -10 } + LUB + DATA from http://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/

    2.}  Kro Renewal 20130401 from http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro


    I have added pics of my complete Description below: 


    1.} Basically My Error 


    I have no idea, which went wrong, Plz Help...




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