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Posts posted by Echoes

  1. First of all Capuche, thank you for responding C: Glad of being supported by the person who actually created the script.



    there is a little bug when loading from another map, it could be your issue



    Now, I tried when teleporting as a GM and that worked, but as a normal player doesn't, even being in the same map, still doesn't work :C


    I will test your suggestion anyways.


    Again, thank you C:

  2. Hello :D!


    Yesterday I was testing a command that was requested by the user 'Fresh prince', called @question, and I'm using the script similar to Capuche's one.

    But, when I tested it with my "normal" account (level 0, a normal player), it doesn't create the Chat Room, just teleports me and sits me.


    This are the scripts (an exact copy of the script owned (or given by) by Capuche , since I don't find mines D:!)

    -	script	atcmd_example	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "question",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand";
    	warp "prontera",150,150;
    	createchatroom( getcharid(3), "Question", "",5 );

    And its .src modification at script.inc

    // createchatroom( <char|account|name>, <title>, <password>, {<limit>, <type>} );
    // password : only enabled for type 0
    // limit[ 1,20 ], 1 by default
    // type : 1 -> public, 0 -> private
    	int len = strlen( script_getstr(st,3) );
    	int limit = 1;
    	char title[ CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE ];
    	char password[ CHATROOM_PASS_SIZE ];
    	bool type = 1;// chat public by default
    	TBL_PC *sd = NULL;
    	if ( script_isstring(st,2) )
    		sd = map_nick2sd( script_getstr(st,2) );
    	else {
    		int id = script_getnum(st,2);
    		sd = map_charid2sd(id) ? map_charid2sd(id) : map_id2sd(id);
    	if ( sd == NULL ) {
    		ShowWarning( "createchatroom : none player attached.\n" );
    		return 0;
    	if ( (sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT] && sd->sc.data[SC_NOCHAT]->val1&MANNER_NOROOM) || (battle_config.basic_skill_check && pc_checkskill(sd,NV_BASIC) < 4 ) || npc_isnear(&sd->bl) ) return 0;
    	if ( len > CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE || strlen( script_getstr(st,4) ) > CHATROOM_PASS_SIZE ) return 0;
    	if ( sd->chatID != 0 ) return 0;
    	safestrncpy( title, script_getstr(st,3), min( len+1,CHATROOM_TITLE_SIZE ) );
    	safestrncpy( password, script_getstr(st,4), CHATROOM_PASS_SIZE );
    	if ( script_hasdata(st,5) ) {
    		int tmp = script_getnum(st,5);
    		if ( tmp > limit && tmp <= 20 ) limit = tmp;
    		else if ( tmp > 20 ) limit = 20;
    	if ( script_hasdata(st,6) && script_getnum(st,6) == 0 ) type = 0;
    	chat_createpcchat( sd, title, password, limit, type );
    	chat_changechatstatus( sd, title, password, limit, type );
    	return 0;

    And script_def.inc


    As I said before, it works with any GM account (level 99 tested at least), but when used in level 0 accounts, it does not create the pub when teleported.


    Where is the possible error or what is the problem here?


    Thanks C:

  3. Como dijo Ziu, que se te vean los ítems en coreano (o algún otro idioma "raro") también depende del .lub que usa predeterminado tu .exe.


    Lo que puedes hacer para ver todos los ítems con nombre en inglés, es hacer que tu ejecutable lea el iteminfo.lua, y no el iteminfo.lub.

    Eso arregla el error de idioma en los ítems generalmente.


    El archivo se encuentra en la carpeta \System del juego

  4. Did you add your script to conf? If yes? Double check it maybe you mispelled it. If its correct? Check if you use<TABS>between headers? If yes? Try reducing script name length.

    -	script	EventoPayDun	-1,{
    areamonster "pay_dun00",147,173,156,164,"Zombie Master",1298,1,"EventoPayDun::OnZombieMKilled";

    Ok, I'll try.

    Thanks for the advice.

  5. Hello there, Echoes here :P New to the community..
    (I searched for similar topics but I didn't found anything, sorry if there were any similar topic..)
    This is my doubt:

    *monster     "<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,[b]"<event label>"[/b],<size>,<ai>};
    *areamonster "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,[b]"<event label>"[/b],<size>,<ai>};


    The "<event label>", I don't understand how to use that.
    On the examples where it says how to use it, this appears.

    <Normal NPC object definition. Let's assume you called him NPCNAME.>
    monster "prontera",0,0,"Quest Poring",1002,10,"NPCNAME::OnPoringKilled";


    The NPCNAME, which exactly need to be?

    I have this as my actual script:

    -	script	EventoPayonDungeon#1	-1,{
    	if (killedrid == 1015 && strcharinfo(3) == "pay_dun00"){
    		set evnt,evnt+1;
    		if (evnt == 2){
    			announce "Zombie Master: ¡¿Quién osa matar a mis subditos?!",pay_dun00,00xFF0000;
    		if (evnt == 4){
    			announce "Zombie Master: ¡Se arrepentirán de matar a mis esclavos!",pay_dun00,00xFF0000;
    			areamonster "pay_dun00",147,173,156,164,"Zombie Master",1298,1,"EventoPayonDungeon#1::OnZombieMKilled";
    			set evnt,0;
    	set $ZombieMKilled,$ZombieMKilled+1;
    	if ($ZombieMKilled == 1) goto Success;
    	announce "Zombie Master: ¡Esta no será la última vez que ataque! ¡Volveré!",pay_dun00,00xFF0000;
    	set $ZombieMKilled,0;


    And I got this mapserv-sql error:

    [Error] npc_event: event not found [EventoPayonDungeon#1::OnZombieMKilled]


    What I'm doing wrong?

    Help please C: Thanks.

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