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Posts posted by NexusXVI

  1. sql.db_username: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into your MySQL username which is I use default ‘root’)

    sql.db_password: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into your MySQL password which is I use default ‘root’)

    sql.db_database: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’ because later we make database using name ‘rathena’)

    char_server_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    char_server_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    char_server_db: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’)

    map_server_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    map_server_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    map_server_db: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘rathena’)

    log_db_id: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    log_db_pw: ragnarok (change ‘ragnarok’ into ‘root’)

    log_db_db: ragnarok (THIS ONE YOU CHANGE INTO ‘logs’ because later we make database ‘logs’

    Reffer to this @cyan

  2. PS. I Don't know if this is the right place to post this :(
    But I need urgent Help




    If you look into it on the LEFT SIDE is the RO that I'am playing while on The RIGHT SIDE is the RO that I made.
    The ATTACK and MATK has so much difference even thou I THINK they are both rathena.

    I have a hunch that it is because of the RENEWAL calculation.

    and I hope some one can help me bring the PRE RE calculation on this.


    // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    #ifndef _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_
    #define _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_
    //quick option to disable all renewal option, used by ./configure
    //#define PRERE
    #ifndef PRERE
     * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
     * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/
     * @INFO: This file holds general-purpose renewal settings, for class-specific ones check /src/config/classes folder
    /// game renewal server mode
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    #define RENEWAL
    /// renewal cast time
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms
    /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats.
    /// example:
    ///  on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a
    ///  "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills
    //#define RENEWAL_CAST
    /// renewal drop rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    /// based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table
    #define RENEWAL_DROP
    /// renewal exp rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item exp rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    #define RENEWAL_EXP
    /// renewal level modifier on damage
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    // leave this line to enable renewal base level modifier on skill damage (selected skills only)
    //#define RENEWAL_LVDMG
    /// renewal enchant deadly poison algorithm
    /// leave this line to enable the renewed EDP algorithm
    /// under renewal mode:
    ///  - damage is NOT increased by 400%
    ///  - it does NOT affect grimtooth
    ///  - weapon and status ATK are increased
    //#define RENEWAL_EDP
    /// renewal ASPD [malufett]
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal ASPD
    /// - shield penalty is applied
    /// - AGI has a greater factor in ASPD increase
    /// - there is a change in how skills/items give ASPD
    /// - some skill/item ASPD bonuses won't stack
    #define RENEWAL_ASPD
    #endif // _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_

    Already commented the //#define RENEWAL_LVDMG thinking it will work :( ,  I only want the Damage calculations back not the items or anything since I tried to comment them all It gives me error on Item DB

    PS . The bonus script on the head gears on the right are all percentage bonus bAtkRate which is 15% , 10% and 5% so I dont understand why the damage is so low.

  3. Thank to this guide. My server and clients are working with some errors.



    Above is my error. And also i cant change my screen resolution (fixed at 640X480). I followed some of the solution in this forum but it fails me.

    Please help.



    Had that error and found a fix /no1 /no1 /no1

    Here's my quest folder, put it in RO/data/luafiles514/lua files/



    Overwrite the current one

    Bou't the resolution did you use the "opensetup" mentioned in the tutorial?

    • Upvote 1
  4. I've been going easy since last week making tons of custom items and stuff even thou the folder name of my sprite is different.

    texture/ 유저인터페이스 /collection
                                          / item


    sprite/ 아이템 / (drop-sprite)

             / 악세사리 / (male-sprite)

                               / (female-sprite)



    The only thing i've been wondering about for days is where is the default GM SPRITE LOCATED?
    Can anyone share me some insights where to find it?
    I'd be much appreciated /ok /ok /ok /ok

    BTW im using kRO folder and it is fully updated

  5. Sir no points is being added even thou I already set it to +1

    no error on map server


    dewata,186,178,5	script	Points Manager	106,{
    switch( select( "Enter Greedy Points Room",
    	    "Exchange Points to "+getitemname(.CoinID),
    	    "Check Points",
    	    "Exit" ) ){
    Case 1: warp .Map$,0,0; end;
    Case 2:
      mes "You got "+#Points+" Points.";
      mes "How many will be used to change into "+getitemname(.CoinID)+" ?";
      mes "Each "+getitemname(.CoinID)+" = "+.Rate+" Points.";
      if( #Points >= .Rate ){
       input .@Amount,0,#Points;
       set .@Calculation,( .@Amount / .Rate );
       if( .@Calculation ){
    	    set #Points,#Points - ( .@Calculation * .Rate );
    	    getitem 7227,.@Calculation;
    	    mes "Gained "+.@Calculation+" x "+getitemname(.CoinID);
    Case 3: mes "You got "+#Points+" Greedy Points.";
    default: break;
    set .Map$,"guild_vs5";
    set .CoinID,7227;
    set .Rate,10;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"NAME",1906,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    set #Points,#Points + 1;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"NAME",1906,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    dispbottom "You Currently Have " +#Points +" Greedy Points";
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0	monster	Greedy Barricade	1906,15,0,0,0
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0	monster	Greedy Barricade	1906,15,0,0,0
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0	monster	Greedy Barricade	1906,15,0,0,0

    Fixed it Thnx

  6. Yup it's been running smoothy ever since I up'd it after I the error only showed this morning.the server is been running for like 3 days

    Tried changing it to "log" instead of "logs" but the 3 server map/login and char get's disconnected

    Fixed it ty

  7. [SQL]: DB error - Table 'logs.loginlog' doesn't exist
    [Debug]: at ..\src\login\loginlog_sql.c:75 - INSERT INTO `loginlog`(`time`,`ip`,
    `user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '', 'login server', '100', 'login se
    rver started')

    Can anyone help me with this error?

    Here is my inter_athena.conf

    // MySQL Log SQL Database


    log_db_port: 3306

    log_db_id: root

    log_db_pw: root

    log_db_db: logs


    log_login_db: loginlog

  8. In Accname please put an underscore (_) before the file name.


    "fallen_gladiator_aura", = make it like this = "_fallen_gladiator_aura",

    If error still persist please re check the the sprites location, refer to this link and study it well :)http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items

    If your using the new client check "itemInfo.lub" inside "system/iteminfo.lub" and check for the "unidentidiedResourceName" and "identifiedResourceName"

    Hope this helps

  9. // Athena InterServer configuration.
    // Contains settings shared/used by more than 1 server.
    // Options for both versions
    // Log Inter Connections, etc.?
    log_inter: 1
    // Inter Log Filename
    inter_log_filename: log/inter.log
    // Level range for sharing within a party
    party_share_level: 15
    // SQL version options only
    // You can specify the codepage to use in your mySQL tables here.
    // (Note that this feature requires MySQL 4.1+)
    // For IPs, ideally under linux, you want to use localhost instead of
    // Under windows, you want to use  If you see a message like
    // "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)"
    // and you have localhost, switch it to
    // Global SQL settings
    // overridden by local settings when the hostname is defined there
    // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings)
    sql.db_port: 3306
    sql.db_username: root
    sql.db_password: 123q123q
    sql.db_database: rathena
    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: root
    char_server_pw: 123q123q
    char_server_db: rathena
    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: root
    map_server_pw: 123q123q
    map_server_db: rathena
    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: root
    log_db_pw: 123q123q
    log_db_db: logs
    log_login_db: loginlog

    Well i hope this helps

    in = char_server_pw:




    change every password to root :) cause if i'm not mistaken it is the pass for the mysql.

  10. Disclamer : This is not my script, I only found it in rathena :)


    I am having problems making it work and I need help.


    Here is the script :


    dewata,186,178,5	script	Points Manager	106,{
    switch( select( "Enter Greedy Points Room",
    	    "Exchange Points to "+getitemname(.CoinID),
    	    "Check Points",
    	    "Exit" ) ){
    Case 1: warp .Map$,0,0; end;
    Case 2:
      mes "You got "+#Points+" Points.";
      mes "How many will be used to change into "+getitemname(.CoinID)+" ?";
      mes "Each "+getitemname(.CoinID)+" = "+.Rate+" Points.";
      if( #Points >= .Rate ){
       input .@Amount,0,#Points;
       set .@Calculation,( .@Amount / .Rate );
       if( .@Calculation ){
    	    set #Points,#Points - ( .@Calculation * .Rate );
    	    getitem 7227,.@Calculation;
    	    mes "Gained "+.@Calculation+" x "+getitemname(.CoinID);
    Case 3: mes "You got "+#Points+" Greedy Points.";
    default: break;
    set .Map$,"guild_vs5";
    set .CoinID,7227;
    set .Rate,10;
    monster .Map$,0,0,1906,100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    set #Points,#Points + rand(1);
    monster .Map$,0,0,1906,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled";
    dispbottom "You Currently Have " +#Points +" Greedy Points";
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0 monster Greedy Barricade 1906,10,0,0,0
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0 monster Greedy Barricade 1906,10,0,0,0
    guild_vs5,0,0,0,0 monster Greedy Barricade 1906,10,0,0,0


    Here is the error:





    Thanks in advance :)

  11. In your post I think you need to put msgstring.txt in your data folder because you got so many NO MSG.

    and your diff client still reading and searching for your lua file in data folder



    Already fixed the no msg thnx sir and I've posted a new topic for the new errors that happened can you look at that?

    Thnx in advance :)


  12. I have to say the guide is good and working well, server is running, smooth and ok :)


    Just this error after the loki launcher. I know pretty well its a lua error,since the luatolub.bat file deleted every lua on it and im not even sure if the conversion was a success. can anyone give me lua files for rathena the updated ones :) can't seem to find it anywhere.




    Here's the other screenshots in game






    other than that I give a thumbs up to this TUTORIAL. its good and working well great job sir.  /no1  /no1  /no1

  13. Sir can you clarify this

    In your tutorial u used = 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe

    And diff'ed it with xDiff Patcher

    I downloaded the svn you are using and found that in mmo.h the date for the ragexe is only up to 20120307 = 

    Can you confirm that using 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe brings no error at all?

    Been long since I made my last server and my FIRST TIME trying r@thena thnx.



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