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Posts posted by Derceto

  1. More like, it was a null reference exception (dereferencing a null pointer).

    (sd->gmlevel == 1) is same as (*sd).gmlevel; in this case, if (sd == null), you're doing a forbidden operation (*null)

    The expression

    (sd && sd->gmlevel ==1)

    is true only when both statements "sd" and "sd->gmlevel==1" are true, so when program encounters "sd" being false (sd == null) it stops reading the expression and gets it as false, thus not doing the *null operation in the next part of expression.

    Hope I'm clear enough.

    //===== Hourly Points Script =========================================
    //===== By: ==========================================================
    //= nostafu
    //===== Current Version: =============================================
    //= 1.3
    //===== Compatible With: =============================================
    //= Any eAthena Version
    //===== Description: =================================================
    //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get
    //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will
    //= get a very big bonus if they played 12 hours consecutively
    //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending
    //= the script will then stop.
    - script hourlypoints -1,{
    //--Start of the Script
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    //Check if Vending (normal or @at)
    if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) {
    dispbottom "The hourly points event stopped because you were vending / chatting. Please relog if you wish to start again.";
    //Check if Idle
    getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 );
    if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) {
    if(@map$ == "some_map" || @map$ == "some_other_map" || @map$ == "some_yet_another_map") // (...)
    set @afk, @afk + 1;
    //If move timer resets
    else {
    set @afk, 0;
    set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y;
    //Idle Check for 5 Minutes
    if(@afk == 10) {
    dispbottom "The hourly points event stopped because you were idle for 5 minutes. Please relog if you wish to start again.";
    set @minute, @minute + 1;
    //Check for 1 Minute
    if(@minute == 60){
    set @minute,0;
    set .@point_amt, 1; //Points to get every hour (default: 10)
    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@point_amt;
    dispbottom "You received "+.@point_amt+" Kafrapoints by staying ingame for 1 hour";
    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";
    set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1;
    //Check for 12 hours consecutive
    if(@consecutive_hour == 12) {
    set @consecutive_hour,0;
    set .@cpoint_amt, 10; //Points to get for 12 Consecutive hours (default: 50)
    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@cpoint_amt;
    dispbottom "You receive "+.@cpoint_amt+" Kafrapoints in playing for 12 consecutive hours";
    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";
    //--End of the Script

  3. Or Rather, make "OnPCLoadMapEvent" that checks for a GM level and current location. If current map is the map you want restricted and GM's level is less than 99 warp to savepoint.

  4. Check your battle.h for its declaration:

    // eAthena additions
    int night_at_start; // added by [Yor]
    int day_duration; // added by [Yor]
    int night_duration; // added by [Yor]
    int ban_hack_trade; // added by [Yor]
    int hack_info_GM_level; // added by [Yor]
    int any_warp_GM_min_level; // added by [Yor] <<< here it is
    int packet_ver_flag; // added by [Yor]

    More context:

    extern struct Battle_Config
    int warp_point_debug;
    int enable_critical;
    int mob_critical_rate;
    int critical_rate;
    int enable_baseatk;
    int enable_perfect_flee;
    int cast_rate, delay_rate;
    int delay_dependon_dex, delay_dependon_agi;
    int sdelay_attack_enable;
    int left_cardfix_to_right;
    int skill_add_range;
    int skill_out_range_consume;
    int skillrange_by_distance; //[skotlex]
    int use_weapon_skill_range; //[skotlex]
    int pc_damage_delay_rate;
    int defnotenemy;
    int vs_traps_bctall;
    int traps_setting;
    int summon_flora; //[skotlex]
    int clear_unit_ondeath; //[skotlex]
    int clear_unit_onwarp; //[skotlex]
    int random_monster_checklv;
    int attr_recover;
    int item_auto_get;
    int flooritem_lifetime;
    int item_first_get_time;
    int item_second_get_time;
    int item_third_get_time;
    int mvp_item_first_get_time;
    int mvp_item_second_get_time;
    int mvp_item_third_get_time;
    int base_exp_rate,job_exp_rate;
    int drop_rate0item;
    int death_penalty_type;
    int death_penalty_base,death_penalty_job;
    int pvp_exp; // [MouseJstr]
    int gtb_sc_immunity;
    int zeny_penalty;
    int restart_hp_rate;
    int restart_sp_rate;
    int mvp_exp_rate;
    int mvp_hp_rate;
    int monster_hp_rate;
    int monster_max_aspd;
    int view_range_rate;
    int chase_range_rate;
    int atc_gmonly;
    int atc_spawn_quantity_limit;
    int atc_slave_clone_limit;
    int partial_name_scan;
    int gm_allskill;
    int gm_allequip;
    int gm_skilluncond;
    int gm_join_chat;
    int gm_kick_chat;
    int skillfree;
    int skillup_limit;
    int wp_rate;
    int pp_rate;
    int monster_active_enable;
    int monster_damage_delay_rate;
    int monster_loot_type;
    int mob_skill_rate; //[skotlex]
    int mob_skill_delay; //[skotlex]
    int mob_count_rate;
    int no_spawn_on_player; //[skotlex]
    int force_random_spawn; //[skotlex]
    int mob_spawn_delay, plant_spawn_delay, boss_spawn_delay; // [skotlex]
    int slaves_inherit_mode;
    int slaves_inherit_speed;
    int summons_trigger_autospells;
    int pc_walk_delay_rate; //Adjusts can't walk delay after being hit for players. [skotlex]
    int walk_delay_rate; //Adjusts can't walk delay after being hit. [skotlex]
    int multihit_delay; //Adjusts can't walk delay per hit on multi-hitting skills. [skotlex]
    int quest_skill_learn;
    int quest_skill_reset;
    int basic_skill_check;
    int guild_emperium_check;
    int guild_exp_limit;
    int guild_max_castles;
    int guild_skill_relog_delay;
    int emergency_call;
    int guild_aura;
    int pc_invincible_time;
    int pet_catch_rate;
    int pet_rename;
    int pet_friendly_rate;
    int pet_hungry_delay_rate;
    int pet_hungry_friendly_decrease;
    int pet_status_support;
    int pet_attack_support;
    int pet_damage_support;
    int pet_support_min_friendly; //[skotlex]
    int pet_support_rate;
    int pet_attack_exp_to_master;
    int pet_attack_exp_rate;
    int pet_lv_rate; //[skotlex]
    int pet_max_stats; //[skotlex]
    int pet_max_atk1; //[skotlex]
    int pet_max_atk2; //[skotlex]
    int pet_no_gvg; //Disables pets in gvg. [skotlex]
    int skill_min_damage;
    int finger_offensive_type;
    int heal_exp;
    int max_heal_lv;
    int max_heal; //Mitternacht
    int resurrection_exp;
    int shop_exp;
    int combo_delay_rate;
    int item_check;
    int item_use_interval; //[skotlex]
    int wedding_modifydisplay;
    int wedding_ignorepalette; //[skotlex]
    int xmas_ignorepalette; // [Valaris]
    int summer_ignorepalette; // [Zephyrus]
    int natural_healhp_interval;
    int natural_healsp_interval;
    int natural_heal_skill_interval;
    int natural_heal_weight_rate;
    int arrow_decrement;
    int max_aspd;
    int max_walk_speed; //Maximum walking speed after buffs [skotlex]
    int max_hp;
    int max_sp;
    int max_lv, aura_lv;
    int max_parameter, max_baby_parameter;
    int max_cart_weight;
    int skill_log;
    int battle_log;
    int save_log;
    int etc_log;
    int save_clothcolor;
    int undead_detect_type;
    int auto_counter_type;
    int min_hitrate; //[skotlex]
    int max_hitrate; //[skotlex]
    int agi_penalty_target;
    int agi_penalty_type;
    int agi_penalty_count;
    int agi_penalty_num;
    int vit_penalty_target;
    int vit_penalty_type;
    int vit_penalty_count;
    int vit_penalty_num;
    int weapon_defense_type;
    int magic_defense_type;
    int skill_reiteration;
    int skill_nofootset;
    int pc_cloak_check_type;
    int monster_cloak_check_type;
    int estimation_type;
    int gvg_short_damage_rate;
    int gvg_long_damage_rate;
    int gvg_weapon_damage_rate;
    int gvg_magic_damage_rate;
    int gvg_misc_damage_rate;
    int gvg_flee_penalty;
    int gvg_eliminate_time;
    int pk_short_damage_rate;
    int pk_long_damage_rate;
    int pk_weapon_damage_rate;
    int pk_magic_damage_rate;
    int pk_misc_damage_rate;
    int mob_changetarget_byskill;
    int attack_direction_change;
    int land_skill_limit;
    int party_skill_penalty;
    int monster_class_change_recover;
    int produce_item_name_input;
    int display_skill_fail;
    int chat_warpportal;
    int mob_warp;
    int dead_branch_active;
    int vending_max_value;
    int vending_over_max;
    int vending_tax;
    int show_steal_in_same_party;
    int party_share_type;
    int party_hp_mode;
    int party_show_share_picker;
    int attack_attr_none;
    int item_rate_mvp, item_rate_common, item_rate_common_boss, item_rate_card, item_rate_card_boss,
    item_rate_equip, item_rate_equip_boss, item_rate_heal, item_rate_heal_boss, item_rate_use,
    item_rate_use_boss, item_rate_treasure, item_rate_adddrop;
    int logarithmic_drops;
    int item_drop_common_min,item_drop_common_max; // Added by TyrNemesis^
    int item_drop_card_min,item_drop_card_max;
    int item_drop_equip_min,item_drop_equip_max;
    int item_drop_mvp_min,item_drop_mvp_max; // End Addition
    int item_drop_heal_min,item_drop_heal_max; // Added by Valatris
    int item_drop_use_min,item_drop_use_max; //End
    int item_drop_treasure_min,item_drop_treasure_max; //by [skotlex]
    int item_drop_adddrop_min,item_drop_adddrop_max; //[skotlex]
    int prevent_logout; // Added by RoVeRT
    int alchemist_summon_reward; // [Valaris]
    int drops_by_luk;
    int drops_by_luk2;
    int equip_natural_break_rate; //Base Natural break rate for attacks.
    int equip_self_break_rate; //Natural & Penalty skills break rate
    int equip_skill_break_rate; //Offensive skills break rate
    int pet_equip_required;
    int multi_level_up;
    int max_exp_gain_rate; //Max amount of exp bar % you can get in one go.
    int pk_mode;
    int pk_level_range;
    int manner_system; // end additions [Valaris]
    int show_mob_info;
    int agi_penalty_count_lv;
    int vit_penalty_count_lv;
    int gx_allhit;
    int gx_disptype;
    int devotion_level_difference;
    int player_skill_partner_check;
    int hide_GM_session;
    int invite_request_check;
    int skill_removetrap_type;
    int disp_experience;
    int disp_zeny;
    int castle_defense_rate;
    int backstab_bow_penalty;
    int hp_rate;
    int sp_rate;
    int gm_cant_drop_min_lv;
    int gm_cant_drop_max_lv;
    int disp_hpmeter;
    int bone_drop;
    int buyer_name;
    // eAthena additions
    int night_at_start; // added by [Yor]
    int day_duration; // added by [Yor]
    int night_duration; // added by [Yor]
    int ban_hack_trade; // added by [Yor]
    int hack_info_GM_level; // added by [Yor]
    int any_warp_GM_min_level; // added by [Yor]
    int packet_ver_flag; // added by [Yor]
    int min_hair_style; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int max_hair_style; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int min_hair_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int max_hair_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int min_cloth_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int max_cloth_color; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int pet_hair_style; // added by [skotlex]
    int castrate_dex_scale; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int area_size; // added by [MouseJstr]
    int max_def, over_def_bonus; //added by [skotlex]
    int zeny_from_mobs; // [Valaris]
    int mobs_level_up; // [Valaris]
    int mobs_level_up_exp_rate; // [Valaris]
    int pk_min_level; // [celest]
    int skill_steal_max_tries; //max steal skill tries on a mob. if 0, then w/o limit [Lupus]
    int motd_type; // [celest]
    int finding_ore_rate; // orn
    int exp_calc_type;
    int exp_bonus_attacker;
    int exp_bonus_max_attacker;
    int min_skill_delay_limit;
    int default_walk_delay;
    int no_skill_delay;
    int attack_walk_delay;
    int require_glory_guild;
    int idle_no_share;
    int party_update_interval;
    int party_even_share_bonus;
    int delay_battle_damage;
    int hide_woe_damage;
    int display_version;
    int who_display_aid;
    int display_hallucination; // [skotlex]
    int use_statpoint_table; // [skotlex]
    int ignore_items_gender; //[Lupus]
    int copyskill_restrict; // [Aru]
    int berserk_cancels_buffs; // [Aru]
    int debuff_on_logout; // Removes a few "official" negative Scs on logout. [skotlex]
    int mob_ai; //Configures various mob_ai settings to make them smarter or dumber(official). [skotlex]
    int hom_setting; //Configures various homunc settings which make them behave unlike normal characters.. [skotlex]
    int dynamic_mobs; // Dynamic Mobs [Wizputer] - battle_athena flag implemented by [random]
    int mob_remove_damaged; // Dynamic Mobs - Remove mobs even if damaged [Wizputer]
    int mob_remove_delay; // Dynamic Mobs - delay before removing mobs from a map [skotlex]
    int mob_active_time; //Duration through which mobs execute their Hard AI after players leave their area of sight.
    int boss_active_time;
    int show_hp_sp_drain, show_hp_sp_gain; //[skotlex]
    int mob_npc_event_type; //Determines on who the npc_event is executed. [skotlex]
    int mob_clear_delay; // [Valaris]
    int character_size; // if riders have size=2, and baby class riders size=1 [Lupus]
    int mob_max_skilllvl; // Max possible skill level [Lupus]
    int rare_drop_announce; // chance <= to show rare drops global announces
    int retaliate_to_master; //Whether when a mob is attacked by another mob, it will retaliate versus the mob or the mob's master. [skotlex]
    int title_lvl1; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl2; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl3; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl4; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl5; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl6; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl7; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int title_lvl8; // Players titles [Lupus]
    int duel_allow_pvp; // [LuzZza]
    int duel_allow_gvg; // [LuzZza]
    int duel_allow_teleport; // [LuzZza]
    int duel_autoleave_when_die; // [LuzZza]
    int duel_time_interval; // [LuzZza]
    int duel_only_on_same_map; // [Toms]
    int skip_teleport_lv1_menu; // possibility to disable (skip) Teleport Lv1 menu, that have only two lines `Random` and `Cancel` [LuzZza]
    int allow_skill_without_day; // [Komurka]
    int allow_es_magic_pc; // [skotlex]
    int skill_wall_check; // [skotlex]
    int cell_stack_limit; // [skotlex]
    int skill_caster_check; // [skotlex]
    int sc_castcancel; // [skotlex]
    int pc_sc_def_rate; // [skotlex]
    int mob_sc_def_rate;
    int pc_luk_sc_def;
    int mob_luk_sc_def;
    int pc_max_sc_def;
    int mob_max_sc_def;
    int sg_angel_skill_ratio;
    int sg_miracle_skill_ratio;
    int sg_miracle_skill_duration;
    int autospell_stacking; //Enables autospell cards to stack. [skotlex]
    int override_mob_names; //Enables overriding spawn mob names with the mob_db names. [skotlex]
    int min_chat_delay; //Minimum time between client messages. [skotlex]
    int friend_auto_add; //When accepting friends, both get friended. [skotlex]
    int hvan_explosion_intimate; // fix [albator]
    int hom_rename;
    int homunculus_show_growth ; //[orn]
    int homunculus_friendly_rate;
    int quest_exp_rate;
    int autotrade_mapflag;
    int at_timeout;
    int homunculus_autoloot;
    int idle_no_autoloot;
    int max_guild_alliance;
    int ksprotection;
    int auction_feeperhour;
    int auction_maximumprice;
    int gm_viewequip_min_lv;
    int homunculus_auto_vapor; //Keep Homunculus from Vaporizing when master dies. [L0ne_W0lf]
    int display_status_timers; //Show or hide skill buff/delay timers in recent clients [sara]
    } battle_config;

    and this line in battle.c for assignment.

    { "any_warp_GM_min_level", &battle_config.any_warp_GM_min_level, 20, 0, 100, },

  5. md.damage = (int)((int64)7*tstatus->vit*sstatus->int_*sstatus->int_ / (10*(tstatus->vit+sstatus->int_)));

    That's the formula you have. If you just want to nerf the damage, you can divide it by 2 whatnot.

    If you mean that damage gets too high and it goes into healing, then it's already fixed below:

    if (md.damage < 0 || md.damage > INT_MAX>>1)
    //Overflow prevention, will anyone whine if I cap it to a few billion?
    //Not capped to INT_MAX to give some room for further damage increase.
    md.damage = INT_MAX>>1;

    Instead of INT_MAX/2 you can limit the whole thing to a different cap, like 123456 damage:

    if (md.damage < 0 || md.damage > 123456)
    //Overflow prevention, will anyone whine if I cap it to a few billion?
    //Not capped to INT_MAX to give some room for further damage increase.
    md.damage = 123456;

  6. - You don't have "Job_change" function in this script, apparently. You probably removed it while editing the "other" script.

    - On a side note, you can safely remove the "variable sets" in the bottom of the script

    - On a side note, the NPC can be freely abused by trying to change and saying "No" to "Do you really want to change?" (You can get infinite amount of the items from 'getitem' there.)

    "Can't level past 99 even though I'm a third job" is not related to this script.

    //===== Hourly Points Script =========================================
    //===== By: ==========================================================
    //= nostafu
    //===== Current Version: =============================================
    //= 1.3
    //===== Compatible With: =============================================
    //= Any eAthena Version
    //===== Description: =================================================
    //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get
    //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will
    //= get a very big bonus if they played 12 hours consecutively
    //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending
    //= the script will then stop.
    - script hourlypoints -1,{
    //--Start of the Script
    attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+"";
    set @minute, @minute + 1;
    //Check for 1 Minute
    if(@minute == 60){
    set @minute,0;
    set .@point_amt, 1; //Points to get every hour (default: 10)
    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@point_amt;
    dispbottom "You received "+.@point_amt+" Kafrapoints by staying ingame for 1 hour";
    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";
    set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1;
    //Check for 12 hours consecutive
    if(@consecutive_hour == 12) {
    set @consecutive_hour,0;
    set .@cpoint_amt, 10; //Points to get for 12 Consecutive hours (default: 50)
    set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .@cpoint_amt;
    dispbottom "You receive "+.@cpoint_amt+" Kafrapoints in playing for 12 consecutive hours";
    dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Kafrapoints";
    //--End of the Script

  8. 1.

    set .@duration, 10;
    set .@delay, 1000;
    set .@timeToEnd, gettimetick(2) + 
    while (gettimetick(2)<.@timeToEnd) {
    specialeffect whatever;
    sleep2 .@delay;


    set .working, 1;
    set .@delay, 1000;
    while (.working) {
    specialeffect whatever;
    sleep2 .@delay;
    .working = 0;

    Needless to mention the 1) is much better, but you can choose the one is more convenient for you.

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