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Azura Skyy

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Posts posted by Azura Skyy

  1. 2 hours ago, Humble_Bee said:

    My point being is that I was asking more people if they were interested, which I think they are. While I only offer $10 at the moment, if other people start commenting they are willing to drop $5 or $10 or whatever it may be, the money could start to add up. 

    The bigger issue here is classes have 2 attack animations; You can't add a 3rd without some other serious alterations to... I'm not sure what (but not just the sprite). So the bows have to override one of your existing animations if the sprite were ever made. I'd guess this is a large part of why Gravity decided SuperNovices could not use bows/spears/2h swords to begin with.

    Also hate to be a downer but the sprite work just to get the novice/super novice doing the same animation as the archer would probably cost you a couple hundred dollars. Spriting is expensive and finding a spriter willing to take on that big of a sprite is an even tougher challenge. Goodluck.

    ~Azura Skyy

  2. On 2/1/2018 at 2:40 PM, Kyrellia said:

    added some new~

    I don't know what is new and what is old. I somehow missed your initial post apparently but there is a lot of good here. I see room for improvement in the repeated rocks you sue to decorate paths. Even adjusting them with h/v in browedit could add some depth to it. Some of these areas look like they just be nice to sit in and listen to some RO BGM. Makes me want to map.

    ~Azura Skyy

  3. 9 hours ago, Shenna said:


    @Azura Skyy


    [Error]: script error in file 'MVP Point.txt' line 27 column 3 
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function 
        24: { 
    *   27:                 shop    MVSHOP1 -1,512:-1 
        28:                 shop    MVSHOP2 -1,512:-1 
        29: end; 

    You should check out npc/merchants/shops as a reference. You can denote shops in two ways. The first is to create a static NPC at a set location like you see in that txt file (Example 1). The other option is to create a shop that can be called using the callshop function (Example 2).

    • Example 1
    alberta_in,175,97,4	shop	Weapon Dealer#alb2	82,1146:-1,1245:-1
    • Example 2
    payon,166,106,6	script	Merchant	101,{
    	callshop "FruitShop",1;
    -	shop	MVSHOP1	-1,512:-1

    Hope this helps,
    ~Azura Skyy

    • Love 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Shenna said:

    Ok , sorry and thanks for the help . 

    Now i has a new error in line 110

    [Error]: Missing 1 right curlys in file 'MVP Point.txt', line '110'. 

    Please post what you have or I can't begin to tell you whats wrong since it was updated.

    ~Azura Skyy

  5. It may be helpful to post the script so users can download it or link us to the file on pastebin or github. As it stands it is difficult to discern where lines 30 and 109 are. I also encourage you to use the script tool when posting in the future.

    prontera ,167,188,3    script    Pontos    MVP    587;{
    prontera ,167,188,3    script    Pontos    MvP    Pontos    MVP ;{
    mes "[^FF0000Loja MvP^000000]";
    mes "•MVP e a abreviação para Most Valuable Player, que significa Jogador de Maior Valor.";
    mes "•É uma definição que não se limita apenas à Ragnarök Online.";
    mes "[^FF0000Loja_MvP^000000]";
    mes "•A dificuldade de um MVP está pelo seu HP, dano e Experiência altíssimos.";
    mes "•Eles são do tipo Chefe, ou seja, possuem certas prioridades que um monstro comum não possui.";
    mes "[^FF0000Loja_MvP^000000]";
    mes "•Os MVPs são livres para todos os jogadores: qualquer um poderá atacar um MVP sem estar infringindo a regra de Kill Steal.";
    mes "•Entretanto, se houver abuso e habilidade, os infratores deverão ser denunciados.";
    mes "[^FF0000Loja_MvP^000000]";
    mes "Deseja trocar seus pontos MvP por itens?";
    switch(select("[^339966+^000000] Sim.:[^FF0000+^000000] Não."))

    ^ In this excerpt you define two NPCs but you put a space between prontera and the comma. I'm not sure if this was an issue from copying this into notepadd++ but you need to make proper use of the tab key. You've also defined two NPCs on the same coordinates. This will cause issues. The 2nd NPC 'Pontos MvP Pontos MVP' has no sprite. If you are intending to use an invisible sprite, try ID 111. I wonder if you are trying too make a duplicate NPC here. If so read over this wiki article.

    EDIT: This example is corrected. I removed the space after prontera, gave the 2nd NPC a unique ID and replaced the semicolons with commas before your open bracket.

    prontera,167,188,3	script	Pontos MVP	587,{
    prontera,167,188,3	script	Pontos#MvP	587,{


    ~Azura Skyy

  6. 9 hours ago, Haziel said:

    The command described already exists /str+ , /agi+ and on and on.

    I believe its an @command though. Unless for some reason OP needs it to be / and not @ ?

    @str <+/- amount>
    @agi <+/- amount>
    @vit <+/- amount>
    @int <+/- amount>
    @dex <+/- amount>
    @luk <+/- amount>

    ~Azura Skyy

  7. Was wondering if its worth tagging people who contribute. I imagine you copy the contributors from somewhere resulting in the lack of tags like @nanakiwurtz
    I'm also not sure if its worth bothering with considering not all of those contributors seem to use the same name on rA/Git. Regardless, nice work as always.

    ~Azura Skyy

  8. 11 hours ago, Roni Chu said:

    please give an example

    If you are requesting an example of iRO ASPD, please create a SRC support request. If you are trying to enable/disable RE ASPD see images below and recompile your server.



    Pre-RE ASPD


    ~Azura Skyy

  9. 5 hours ago, Derlan said:

    Hi people, i have i problem trying to make roads with textures, i real don't know how to use it. I trying analyzing a map like prt_08, but is real confusing, can anyone help me with this question please, would appreciate.

    I'm guessing you are asking about prt_fild08 because of the shape of the roads. On the right side of this screenshot I've shown a small portion of how they do this. You lay down something like dirt as your base and chip away at it by using corners of other textures (see bottom right). You can take smaller segments to and really put in effort to make them line up nicely and look like natural paths like this map.

    If you mean the terrain- just play with the terrain edit and don't set the speed of the edit too high.

    EDIT: Worth noting that doing roads this way is extremely time consuming and its not uncommon for mappers to cut corners (literally) by covering up poorly done road edges with models like shrubbery or to just ignore slight imperfections and just make it 'close enough.' Within reason you will notice the issues in BrowEdit more than any player ever would. Some texturing bits look smother after applying lights as well.



    My own work using the same method for proof of concept



    Hope this helps,
    ~Azura Skyy

    • Upvote 1
  10. I think 14 year-old me subconsciously ripped it off of Balmung of the Azure Sky but it certainly wasn't intentional. Additionally the second y is taken from the name of a family I roleplayed a part of back in an Inuyasha based chat room while in middle school. First the Shizuka family before we become the Skyy family. In MMOs I see the player character I control separate from myself, and that character is Azura Skyy. A girl.



    ~Azura Skyy

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