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Posts posted by FXFreitas

  1. its not possible to increase the amount of frames, its a client limitation.

    also even if you manage to increase it, it would need to increase the number of frames on every head, headgear, costume garment, weapon and shield, because they are all tied together to work with the same amount of frames.

    anyway good luck.

  2. Upscalers are getting better with the AI, thats undeniable, I still don't understand that resolution fetiche people got, no offense.

    Pixel art is a art style, not a limitation, at least on the modern days, but its okay if you prefer modern hd graphics and all. 

     Well what I can tell about the AI work is that it understands the newer sprites way better than the old ones, just because of the technique used, most of the new sprites comes from 3D models that then are handworked by a artist, the old sprites had less tools to give references resulting on a more interpretative art, something that a AI will not get at least for now. I personally don't like much the new sprite styles, with strong expressive lines almost like a anime drawing, and the AI really loves to emphatise these lines.

    Anyway, you did a good job packing all this stuff into the game, and I assume you had a lot of effort looking for the best results on the AI upscaling, good luck and keep it up.

  3. Hello people, its been a long time huh? Well I've been away from RO community for some years already, but recently I've been requested to work on some hairstyles, the idea was to rework some of the janky still beloved custom hairstyles, however things happened and this project will not go further, so I'm here to share what was done so far.

    Keep in mind that those are the spr and act files with the palette adapted for a specific server use, so I do not assure that it will fully work on your server, I'll leave the pngs public on my DeviantArt soon, so you can grab the heads and pack yourself if you know how to use the ACT Edtior.

    Also I want to note that the heads are not all mine since I've worked to fix the work of other authors, you don't need my permission to use it on your server, but as always, don't put a paywall behind the work posted here and don't try to sell or claim the job done yours.

    Now lets go for the screenshots and files.

    Here a sample of every hairstyle:


    Some Comparisons (New on the top, Old on the bottom):

    (here the new is on the bottom and the old on the top)



    Anf of course the DOWNLOAD:
    data.zip < This is a Data folder with the hairs inside, remember to rename the number to the macthing hair on your server or you'll replace the wrong ones! The names on the folder does not match with the 84 pack, so even if you use it, make sure to give the proper ids.


    And to finish, thank you for passing by and checking out my work, I barely visit this forum anymore so keep in mind that I'll not give support by this topic or DMs here. I also got permission to make these files public so please lets avoid the drama.

    See ya!

    • Upvote 4
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  4. Nice sprites arround.

    Just to Remember:

    Create sprites is take the image edit tool and start from 0. Here the credits goes all to you and no one more.

    Edit sprites is take a already done sprite and turn it on a diferent thing. Here you credit the original creatior.

    Animate sprites is take already done original or edited sprites and convert to RO .spr/.act format. Here you credit the original creator too, even if its just from another game.

    See yah!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Vamos lá, primeiramente, precisará do programa ACT Editor, desenvolvido pelo Tokei, temos ele aqui na seção de downloads.

    Com o programa aberto, seguimos os passos:


    No caso aqui estou mostrando uma arma, mas você pode ver que tem uma template pra vários dos elementos do jogo, alem disso, você pode usar outro arquivo act (como por exemplo, se você quer fazer uma montaria, pegue a act de outra montaria e edite a partir dela)acttuto01_by_fxfreitas-d9umoml.png

    Aqui, você pega um frame cortado e arrasta ele pro quadro inferior, você pode tambem dar um click direito, e selecionar add.


    Esta parte requer um pouco mais de explicação, ao adicionar a sprite assim, ele gera automaticamente uma paleta, sprites como estilos de cabelo e classes precisam de uma paleta organizada por questões de compatibilidade, então deve-se antes configurar uma paleta, baseada nas cores que sua sprite usa.acttuto03_by_fxfreitas-d9umom8.png

    Como pode ver ele identifica as cores e aplica na paleta, se já tiver uma paleta, você pode dar a opção de ele buscar as cores na paleta e aplicar na imagem.


    Você pode habilitar uma referência pra alinhar as sprites, como pode ver tem varios tipos, e facilitam quando vai colocar a sprite no lugar.


    A imagem já explica, arrasta a imagem pra cima da referencia e alinhe, então passa pro próximo frame, até fazer todos, daí passe pra outra direção, quando alinhar todos os frames de todas as direções, passe pra próxima animação, de fato a parte mais trabalhosa, e mais longa, por sorte existe a opção de inverter os frames e tambem copiar uma action e colar em outra, para animações como a de ataque que se repetem.

    É isso, nas configurações tambem tem as âncoras, quando se tem uma template não precisa se preocupar com elas, mas em sprites como as de classe, será necessário configurar as âncoras, basicamente a âncora define onde que uma sprite conecta a outra, exemplo: a âncora de uma sprite de cabeça fica na base dela, e a de uma sprite de corpo fica no pescoço, quando o game vai carregar as imagens ele junta as 2 âncoras, manendo a sprite no lugar.

  6. The reference of a hg is the head, so the head stay in the center when the body follow the anchor to keep aligned for reference, if you ate making a headgear, don't worry, keep following the head and in game everything will fits fine.

  7. GM Sprite is with the other job sprites at:

    data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë (For Female, go to \¿©, For Male Go to ³².)

    File Name is:

    ¿î¿µÀÚ_³² (if male, for female the name ends with _¿©)

    Is strongly recommended use Tokei's Grf Editor to build your grf, because it can preview most of the files, making more easy to identify what are you looking for.

    If you are making a custom grf, make sure to put him in the top of data.ini file, like this:



  8. ?

    ID = 4000

    SPRName = THIEF

    kRO Name = Thief

    jRO Name = Thief

    Level = 20

    HP = 648

    SP = 0

    EXP = 0

    JEXP = 0

    Range = 1

    MinAttack = 90

    MaxAttack = 0 ----> add a number here, need a second attack value

    DEF = 20

    MDEF = 10

    STR = 15

    AGI = 30

    VIT = 5

    INT = 1

    DEX = 25

    LUK = 1

    Sight Range = 10

    Spell Range = 12

    Size = 1

    Race = Demi-Human

    Element = Neutral 1

    Mode = 0x3885

    MoveSpeed = 200

    AttackSpeed = 1500

    aMotion = 1000

    dMotion = 300

    Drops = 0

  9. 2 reasons:

    Custom Mob Level is too low

    Custom Mob (attacker) Stats are too lower than normal mob (attacked)

    A Fake Player must be Demi-Human (or Player) and Neutral 1, you can define it on mob_db.

    I was testing My Dark Knight Sprites Making Mob Versions of them, you can see here how they are:

    3989,DARK_KNIGHT_F,Dark Knight,Dark Knight,99,72300,1,100000,300000,2,700,1300,78,40,99,80,40,40,80,70,12,14,1,10,20,0x3195,150,110,400,550,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5482,500,2780,1000,2779,1000,0,0

    In doc/mob_db.txt you can see a detailed explanation about mob_db.

    he got level 99, 72300 hp but 1 sp because mobs desn't have sp, gives 100000 base and 300000 job exp, attack range is 2 cells, the attack varies 700 to 1300, def is 78 and mdef is 40, his status are str 99, agi 80, vit 40, int 40, dex 80 and luk 70, sight ranger is 12 cells, skill range is 14, size is 1 (medium), race and element are player and neutral 1, mode is agressive, cast detector, can change target on attack and chase, walk speed is 150, attack delay is 110 (aka aspd but not like player's), attack motion is 400 (how fastest attack animation plays) and damage motion is 550 (same but when he get hit), he is not a boss so have no mvp exp or mvp drops, normal drops are part of dark knight armor set.

    My Dark Knight is Race Player (10) and Element Neutral 1 (20), you can set other element if you want (like put fire 1 to simulate a pasana card) If race 10 don't work, you can put race 7 (demi-human)

  10. I've read on notes long time ago (arround 2013) on iROwiki forums, Acid demonstration takes the weapon element to add damage but is forced to neutral, the skill still can miss ghost even if enchanted with elemental proprieties, but a AD with fire weapon does more damage on earth monsters.

    Well, I cannot find any source right now, better you ask on iRO or wathever oficial server you have access.

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