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  1. Playtester's post in Renewal stats was marked as the answer   
    exp.conf // Use the contents of db/statpoint.txt when doing a stats reset and leveling up? (Note 1) // If no, an equation will be used which preserves statpoints earned/lost // through external means (ie: stat point buyers/sellers) use_statpoint_table: yes https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/statpoint.txt
    Should actually be 6058 at level 255 by default? And 52 more stat points when rebirthed.
    In pre-renewal it would be 7237 stat point at level 255 when rebirthed. 7316 must be a server customization.
  2. Playtester's post in All staffs bug ?? was marked as the answer   
    As said, weapons having Matk is a renewal thing. In pre-renewal this doesn't exist. All wands just gave Matk+15%.
  3. Playtester's post in Strengthened Mobs was marked as the answer   
    C'mon it's a normal math formula you don't need me to write that down.
    if(sd) //Player hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee; else //Monster hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee/2;  
  4. Playtester's post in Pj and mob freeze was marked as the answer   
    Maybe the server is running out of RAM.
  5. Playtester's post in Skill sacrifice with fixed damage? was marked as the answer   
    Nope, you are wrong. I have a Royal Guard with 19474 MaxHP and with Matyr's Reckoning active I always deal 1752 damage. Bare-handed, with spear and with racial damage bonus cards. Always 1752 damage. It isn't affected by weapons or cards on official servers.
  6. Playtester's post in status For Land Protector was marked as the answer   
    It isn't enough to connect the status change with the skill, you also have to completely recode Land Protector.
  7. Playtester's post in question about MD_assist mode was marked as the answer   
    Same mob_id. That's why only Andre will attack you when you tank Andre. Pierre and Deniro just don't care.
  8. Playtester's post in How to set up the max level only for Taekwon class? was marked as the answer   
    Should be fairly easy.
    First of all, check the db/import folder. After compiling, you should have a file named job_exp.txt there which is a copy of this file:
    Now you can really just follow the instruction, but in short you want to uncomment the appropriate line (base exp) and replace x with the job ID of Taekwon (4046). Then just put the max level you want.
    As long as you don't increase the level above 175, no other changes should be required.
  9. Playtester's post in Crit 0 was marked as the answer   
    Doesn't happen on default, maybe you have an item equipped that gives negative crit?
  10. Playtester's post in Champion Combo was marked as the answer   
    So if the player is a super player he should be able to chain combos however he wants?
    If guess you can get group_id via:
    int pc_get_group_id(struct map_session_data *sd); So for example... uh...
    case MO_CHAINCOMBO: if(!sc) return false; if(sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP]) break; if(sc->data[SC_COMBO] && (pc_get_group_id(sd) > 0 || sc->data[SC_COMBO]->val1 == MO_TRIPLEATTACK)) break; return false; Like this maybe?
  11. Playtester's post in Casting Skill knockback when walking was marked as the answer   
    It's not a knockback, the server just send you the correct coordinates so there is no position lag.
    If you rather want position lag you have to stop the client from sending fixpos packets when using a skill. This can be done by calling "unit_stop_walking" without the "1" bitset.
    For example here (unit.c):
    if(!ud->state.running) // Need TK_RUN or WUGDASH handler to be done before that, see bugreport:6026 unit_stop_walking(src, 1); // Even though this is not how official works but this will do the trick. bugreport:6829 And here:
    } unit_stop_walking(src,1); // SC_MAGICPOWER needs to switch states at start of cast skill_toggle_magicpower(src, skill_id); Change the "1" to "0". Might already have the effect you are looking for.
  12. Playtester's post in RK DragonBreath Fire/Water was marked as the answer   
    0x42 + 0x08 = 0x4A
  13. Playtester's post in SKILL CASTING NOT AFFECTED BY DEX was marked as the answer   
    If you want to use pre-renewal you have to open renewal.h and uncomment the PRERE define.
    #define PRERE Don't forgot to recompile after that.
  14. Playtester's post in Request item bonus was marked as the answer   
    It needs two parameters, though...
    Read the documentation:
    bonus2 bHPLossRate,n,t; Lose n HP every t milliseconds https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_bonus.txt
    Do you even want a regular HP loss? From what I understand you just want this:
    bonus bMaxHP,400-50*(JobLevel/10);  
  15. Playtester's post in Visual Skill Problem Help was marked as the answer   
    You probably did some modifications to the source or DB that caused this because I doubt it's like this in default rAthena. At least the last time I tested Deluge and Land Protector it looked just fine.
    What's your skill_unit_db?
    285,0x9a, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_VOLCANO 286,0x9b, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_DELUGE 287,0x9c, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_VIOLENTGALE 288,0x9d, , 3:3:4:4:5,0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_LANDPROTECTOR  
  16. Playtester's post in PA_PRESSURE was marked as the answer   
    My mistake.
    if( ((d_tbl && check_distance_bl(target, d_tbl, sc->data[SC_DEVOTION]->val3)) || e_tbl) && damage > 0 && skill_id != PA_PRESSURE && skill_id != CR_REFLECTSHIELD ) damage = 0; skill.c
    if (tsc && skill_id != PA_PRESSURE && skill_id != HW_GRAVITATION && skill_id != NPC_EVILLAND) {
  17. Playtester's post in Meteor Storm Meteors was marked as the answer   
    They are all independent already. Depending on where you stand only some meteors might hit you and others not.
  18. Playtester's post in Limiting the damage skill was marked as the answer   
    You have to put the code further down at the end of function "battle_calc_weapon_attack".
    Probably below "wd = battle_calc_weapon_final_atk_modifiers(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv);".
    if(skill_id == MC_MAMMONITE) wd.damage = cap_value(wd.damage, INT_MIN, 80000);
  19. Playtester's post in Gunslinger bug... was marked as the answer   
    Does he have a ranged weapon equipped?
  20. Playtester's post in Monster Level was marked as the answer   
    Well first of all that rate 300 is pretty high. That's 300% more EXP each kill. That is quadruple EXP the first kill! Very abusable. I'd rather put something like 10-30.
    Second, monsters level up to "max base level" of the PC they killed, so it depends what the max level is on your server.
    You can change it by putting concrete number in pc.c:
    if(battle_config.mobs_level_up && md->status.hp && (unsigned int)md->level < pc_maxbaselv(sd) && !md->guardian_data && !md->special_state.ai// Guardians/summons should not level. [Skotlex] ) { // monster level up [Valaris] clif_misceffect(&md->bl,0); md->level++; status_calc_mob(md, SCO_NONE); status_percent_heal(src,10,0); if( battle_config.show_mob_info&4 ) {// update name with new level clif_charnameack(0, &md->bl); } } Just replace "pc_maxbaselv(sd)" with whatever max level you want.
  21. Playtester's post in Circular cell preventing the cast of a certain skill was marked as the answer   
    } else if( !battle_check_range(src, target, range) ) return 0; // Arrow-path check failed. Just change to that to:
    } else if( !battle_check_range(src, target, range+1) ) return 0; // Arrow-path check failed. For now.
    At least then you only change it in that one specific case instead of changing a general range function that's used everywhere.
    Yes, it's not safe, it gives hackers one more skill range than other players, but I can't look into a better fix because the bug doesn't appear for me locally and nobody else that has this bug could look into why it even gets to that code part.
  22. Playtester's post in GTB CARD STORM GUST was marked as the answer   
    How about this one:
    bonus2 bSubSkill,sk,n; Reduces n% damage received from skill sk
  23. Playtester's post in Monster 'Mode' data was marked as the answer   
    Why would you get that result?
    Go digit by digit:
    First digit: 2 (0x200000) = 2
    Second digit: 8 (0x080000) = 8
    Third digit: 1 (0x001000) + 2 (0x002000) + 4 (0x004000) = 7
    Fourth digit: 2 (0x000200) = 2
    Fifth digit: 1 (0x000010) + 2 (0x000020) + 8 (0x000080) = 11 = B
    Sixth digit: 1 (0x000001) = 1
  24. Playtester's post in Cast Skill while AutoAttacking was marked as the answer   
    No, I meant like hackers do. A tool that can connects to the server and sends requests, pretending to be the client. Then you just need to know how a skill request looks like. I'm not too deep into that topic, but I know some people can do that.
  25. Playtester's post in mobs Mobbing was marked as the answer   
    That's not a glitch, but official behavior.
    But you can switch that off if you want. There are a bunch of config settings regarding this:
    // How often should a monster rethink its chase? // 0: Every 100ms (MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) // 1: Every cell moved // 2: Every 2 cells moved // 3: Every 3 cells moved (official) // x: Every x cells moved // Regardless of this setting, a monster will always rethink its chase if it has // reached its target. Increase this value if you want to make monsters continue // moving after they lost their target (hide, no line of sight, etc.). monster_chase_refresh: 3 misc.conf
    // Determines max number of characters that can stack within a single cell. // Official - Only affects the walking routines of characters, including monsters. // If a unit stops walking and is on a cell with more than stack limit // characters on it, it will walk to the closest free cell. // Set to 0 for no cell stacking checks and free movement. // Custom - This variation will make every full cell to be considered a wall. // NOTE: For the custom setting to take effect you have to use a server compiled // with Cell Stack Limit support (see src/map/map.h) official_cell_stack_limit: 1 custom_cell_stack_limit: 1
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