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Everything posted by Vinyasa

  1. So, change it with my WAN IP right? Thanks for the speedy response by the way. Edit: Alright, I tried starting the server and I get this error: make_connection: connect failed <socket #2, error 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Was I supposed to make everything in the inter_athena my wan ip too? Edit2: Okay, I set the IP addresses to my LAN IP and I get no error when starting the server. Repacked the edited clientinfo.(with my lan IP) into my .grf and I'm able to put in my username and password.. But now I can't get to the character selection screen..
  2. Hey guys, as you can see I'm new here. And I just recently created a private server (like, last night recently lol). I'm able to get in-game fine (login, choose character, and play) but my question is, how would I be able to get a friend of mine to play on my server? I sent him my RO folder (including clientinfo.xml) and what not. After he puts in his username and password, he gets the "failed to connect to server" after 10 seconds of waiting. Here is my conf setup: char_athena inter_athena map_athena All ports are forwarded on my router as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, - Vinyasa
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