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  1. emistry sir for ur random broadcaster how do i change the announcements color to red?
  2. 1st problem: acid terror = i cant seem to have my edge working if i use this skill! the coma effect isnt working 2nd problem: magic reflect = wen i use maya card and if i bolt someone the reflect on me isnt the same damage im producing for my enemy, sometimes the reflect also is a miss anyone knows how to solve this?
  3. 1st problem: acid terror = i cant seem to have my edge working if i use this skill! the coma effect isnt working 2nd problem: magic reflect = wen i use maya card and if i bolt someone the reflect on me isnt the same damage im producing for my enemy, sometimes the reflect also is a miss anyone knows how to solve this?
  4. //Announcer Setting set $icaBroadcast, 0; //Where do you want to broadcast? (0:bc_all|1:bc_map) my problem is its not announcing everywhere.. i already set it to 0 but it only announces the kills on pvp rooms
  5. all the elemental converter skills on my professor isnt working on my server. i wonder if this is an error script or something else from the source.. can anyone help me out? the problem is everytime i try to use it.. the skill doesnt work but it takes away converters. it doesnt work on both monster and player. thank you in advance
  6. all the elemental converter skills on my professor isnt working on my server. i wonder if this is an error script or something else from the source.. can anyone help me out? the problem is everytime i try to use it.. the skill doesnt work but it takes away converters. it doesnt work on both monster and player. thank you in advance
  7. hi does anyone have a tutorials how to install ping.patch?
  8. anyone care to share a default script on refiner_db.txt? becoz the script i have is messed up! it makes everything +10 need help. thanks in advance
  9. thanks i appreciate it i have another question if someone can help i already set my homun level to 254 and i edited the exp rate on the db both pre/re but it still wont take any effect, can someone share their exp rate for 254 homun level? thankyou
  10. anyone can share this file? im having troubles finding the commands. im having hard time giving commands with all my gms since i dont have every commands on the default script. pls anybody help me out and wants to share their script? thank you in advance
  11. thankyou for this.. but most specifically wat i need is the refine_db.txt i need the default file if someone can share it pls
  12. i dont know wat happened but my refiners for example they are asking for oridecon to refine armors and headgears.. how will i set it to ask for elunium instead?
  13. help needed. i have already edited everything in skill cast skillnocast etc. for champion skills. but im still getting huge delay most specifically on dangerous+heal can anyone give me a script to fix this. help needed asap, thankyou in advance
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