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  1. Hi Guys, When i add one pet to my char and use it for sometime , and later i send it to egg form again. Later on , when i hatch another pet , it shows the same level of previous pet. - I tried deleting the char and pet details in the database however it displaying same thing even for the new char. - I tried the same pet on another char , here it is working fine but when i repeat this process on same char with different pet , pet level of previous pet is displayed. E.g: I have created warlock and used one pet. Later on i deleted that char and created warlock again and i have used same pet. Here it should show new details of pet but showing same old pet's details. Please help me on this one!!!
  2. whenever i run the game , 2012_10_04aRagexe file is acting as exe. im trying to find the master version and servertype. In KRO , it is kind of difficult.
  3. Please provide suggestions on this one ? and also i am where to download the latest ragexe ?
  4. Thanks Mootie. Now the game works really superb. Please close my post as SOLVED.
  5. I have not modified anything in .GRF file.. Please tell me how to do that.
  6. Hi any idea on how to solve this sprite issue ? Iam facing same problem. Iam getting error "Could not find the sprite." Please help me on this. I have followed the post correctly and gone through many post yet iam unable to solve the issue. Can you provide detailed steps on how to add the custom headgear and also please tell me how to identify the male and female sprite in picture as i already know how to find it by symbol? I downloaded the sprite from http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items and so i want to know how to identify the male and female sprite from the folder. Follow this line in the wiki links mentioned above "If this process confused you, here is an example folder, the sprite is done by drkangel." statement as i downloaded the sprite from this only. Please help me on this one as iam facing this problem more than a week. Thanks in advance. With Regards, ~D
  7. any idea on how to solve this sprite issue ? Please reply and post the method if the problem is solved. hi Iam facing same problem. Iam getting error "Could not find the sprite." Please help me on this.
  8. any idea on how to solve the problem of "Cannot find the sprite :*******(sprite name)" and my game is closing automatically. Iam working on this issue for the past two weeks.. still unable to find solutions... Please help me on this one..
  9. Umm... Why did i get an error? luac5.1.4: accessoryid.lua:1008: '}' expected <to close '}' at line 1> near '=' luac5.1.4: accname.lua:1034: ']' expected near 'S_HAT' Press any key to continue . . . eventhough I already put it correctly... EDIT: Ah.. nothing.. I've spotted it.. lol.. thanks for sharing... I always having problems on custom items... how did you fix it? great guide. helped me a lot. thankyou! Please tell us how you fixed the above issue ? Can you tell us how did you repack your grf ? And also i am getting "could not find the sprite:*********(some sprite name)" error dialog and my game is closed completely. The funny part is iam getting 6 dialog like that. Please help me on this one as iam working so hard from the beginning on this one.
  10. Can someone give me a detailed step starting from how to place sprite in each folder till the end ? I have gone through so many post and finally ended up in the error message only. So please help me on this. Please.
  11. Thanks for you help man... now everything is fine.. Can you help me how to create a custom wings like low headgear and all the steps like how to add it in the game ? Sorry for inconvenience.
  12. Kindly please see the screenshot and provide the solution. Please someone reply for this thread
  13. Hi Can someone tell me why item script shows error like Itemdb_search : Item_ID *** doesnot exist in the Item_db. using dummy data. Please resolve me this issue....
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