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Everything posted by Eivohr

  1. Hello goddameit. I'm new in scripting and I'm not encounter to add map in my server since I started, can you tell of how to add that map in my winscp? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, First I'm sorry for the contributor of this script (Vincent of eathena board). Due to the owner doesn't response when I was post in eathena board. Maybe he is not active anymore. This script is eathena script and working properly to my server emulator (eathena SVN). I would ask to add to this script atleast Top 5 fastest EmpTest Breaker ladder. Because my player request like that. I hope you can //===== English ============================================== //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Emperium Breaker Test (No Skills Allowed) //===== By: ================================================== //= Vincent (for AidiRO) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= TXT & SQL //============================================================ //If you want to disable player using skill in this map, Go to >> http://bit.ly/skilldbnocast and edit your "db/skilldbnocast.txt" into that skilldbnocast pvp_n_4-5 mapflag restricted 7 prontera,127,212,0 script Emperium Breaker Test 1288,{ set @time, $empbrk_record; set @m, @time / 60000; set @time, @time - (@m * 60000); set @s, @time /1000; set @time, @time - (@s * 1000); mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Official Record by ^5050A0"+$empbrk_record$+"^000000"; mes " ^000080"+@m+"^000000m ^000080"+@s+"^000000s ^000080"+@time+"^000000ms"; set @time, empbrk_record; set @m, @time / 60000; set @time, @time - (@m * 60000); set @s, @time /1000; set @time, @time - (@s * 1000); mes "Your Own Record:"; mes " ^000080"+@m+"^000000m ^000080"+@s+"^000000s ^000080"+@time+"^000000ms"; mes "Would you like to try a new record?"; next; if (getgmlevel()==99) { menu "Standard Menu",-,"Reset",L_reset,"Reset Rooms",L_emptyrooms,"Exit",L_exit;} menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit,"Reset",L_resc; cleararray .arena$[0],"",4; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,128,105,139)) mes "Emp n? ^0000DF1 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n? ^0000DF1 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[0],"^0000DFEmperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105)) mes "Emp n? ^B05D002 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n? ^B05D002 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[1],"^B05D00Emperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,60,105,71)) mes "Emp n? ^B00FB03 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n? ^90AF003 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[2],"^90AF00Emperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",128,94,139,105)) mes "Emp n? ^50AF004 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n? ^500F004 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[3],"^500F00Emperium^000000";} next; getmapxy(@mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky,0,strcharinfo(0)); switch (select(.arena$[0],.arena$[1],.arena$[2],.arena$[3],"Quit")){ case 1: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin1 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin1, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",99,128; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#1";} break; case 2: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin2 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin2, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",68,99; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#2";} break; case 3: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,60,105,71) == 0){ if($@someonegotin3 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin3, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",100,68; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#3";} break; case 4: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",128,94,139,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin4 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin4, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",130,99; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#4";} break; default: close; } sc_end SC_ALL; close; L_reset: mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Are you sure to reset official record ?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit; set $empbrk_record, 0; set $empbrk_record$, ""; close; L_resc: mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Are you suere to rest your record?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit; set empbrk_record, 0; L_emptyrooms: set $@someonegotin1, 0; set $@someonegotin2, 0; set $@someonegotin3, 0; set $@someonegotin4, 0; close; L_exit: close; } - script EmpBrk#1 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,94; set .y1,128; set .x2,105; set .y2,139; set .xe,100; set .ye,134; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin1, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#1"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#1"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,99,125,0 script EmpBrk#1_touch -1,2,1,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin1, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#2 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,60; set .y1,94; set .x2,71; set .y2,105; set .xe,65; set .ye,99; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin2, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#2"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#2"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,74,99,0 script EmpBrk#2_touch -1,1,2,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin2, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#3 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,94; set .y1,60; set .x2,105; set .y2,71; set .xe,99; set .ye,65; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin3, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#3"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#3"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,100,74,0 script EmpBrk#3_touch -1,2,1,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin3, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#4 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,128; set .y1,94; set .x2,139; set .y2,105; set .xe,134; set .ye,99; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin4, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",150,172,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#4"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#4"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,125,100,0 script EmpBrk#4_touch -1,1,2,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin4, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } help me. Thanks in advance.
  3. Using refiner in rAthena svn prontera,154,174,5 script Bestry#prt2 826,{ callfunc "refinenew2","Bestry",0,0; end; } morocc_in,64,41,5 script Bestry#moc2 826,{ callfunc "refinenew2","Bestry",0,0; end; } payon_in01,18,132,3 script Bestry#pay2 826,{ callfunc "refinenew2","Bestry",0,0; end; } //============================================================ // +11 and above Refiner Function //============================================================ //= To allow auto safe refining/multiple refining set the //= second argument to '1' in the function call. //= If you enable this function, be sure to edit the value of //= .@safe to the max safe refine in refine_db.txt as well. //= //= The official script uses a command which seems to generate a //= random result upon refining: success, downgrade, or failure. //= To enable that feature, set the third argument to '1' in the //= function call. Otherwise, the chance in refine_db.txt is used. //============================================================ function script refinenew2 { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I am the best Blacksmith ever!"; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "What do you want to have refined?"; next; setarray .@position$[1],"Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3"; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=10; set .@i,.@i+1) { if(getequipisequiped(.@i)) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } set .@part,select(.@menu$); if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You're not wearing"; mes "anything there that"; mes "I can refine."; emotion e_an; close; } //Check if the item is refinable... if(!getequipisenableref(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I don't think I can"; mes "refine this item at all..."; close; } //Check if the item is identified... (Don't know why this is in here... but kept it anyway) if(!getequipisidentify(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You can't refine this"; mes "if you haven't appraised"; mes "it first. Make sure your"; mes "stuff is identified before"; mes "I can refine it."; close; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) > 9) { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I can't refine this"; mes "any more. This is as"; mes "refined as it gets!"; close; } set .@refineitemid, getequipid(.@part); // save id of the item set .@refinerycnt, getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); //save refinery count if ((getequipweaponlv(.@part) >= 1) && (getequipweaponlv(.@part) <= 4)) { set .@material,6224; set .@price,100000; set .@safe,10; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Hmm a weapon, is that ok?"; mes "If you want to refine this weapon,"; mes "I will need 1 ^003366Bradium^000000 and 100,000 zeny."; mes "Are you sure you want to continue?"; } else { set .@material,6223; set .@price,100000; set .@safe,10; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Hmm an armor, is that ok?"; mes "If you want to refine this armor,"; mes "I will need 1 ^003366Carnium^000000 and 100,000 zeny."; mes "Are you sure you want to continue?"; } next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2){ mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Well, no challenge is one way..."; mes "No risk... that could be wise."; close; } if(getarg(1) != 1) { if ((getequipweaponlv(.@part) >= 1) && (getequipweaponlv(.@part) <= 4)) { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "This weapon already has been refined serveral times."; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "You could have the upgrade level of the weapon decreased."; } else { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "You could have the upgrade level of the armor decreased."; } next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Do you want me to refine it?"; mes "I think I gave you enough warnings."; next; if(select("Yes.:No.") == 2) { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Well, no challenge is one way.."; mes "No risk.. that could be wise."; close; } if(countitem(.@material) < 1 || Zeny < .@price) { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Hm, it seems you don't have enough materials or money."; mes "Please check it out."; close; } set Zeny,Zeny - .@price; delitem .@material,1; if(getequipisequiped(.@part) == 0) { // hacker has removed the item (not changed, why?) mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Look here... you don't have any items on..."; close; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) != .@refinerycnt || getequipid(.@part) != .@refineitemid) { // hacker has changed the item mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; emotion e_an; mes "Wait a second..."; mes "Do you think I'm stupid?!"; mes "You switched the item while I wasn't looking! Get out of here!"; close; } if(getarg(2) == 1){ set .@rand,rand(1,3); if (.@rand == 1) { mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; successrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_no1; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Good! Succes!!!"; mes "I am the best Blacksmith."; close; } else { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; downrefitem .@part; next; emotion (!rand(5))?e_cash:e_omg; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Ahhh!!!"; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Oh my!"; mes "The upgrade level has dropped..."; mes "There could've been made an mistake even though I am the best ever."; mes "It was out of my hands."; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I will do a better job next time! Don't worry!"; close; } } set .@rand,rand(100); if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > .@rand) { mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; successrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_no1; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Good! Succes!!!"; mes "I am the best Blacksmith."; close; } else { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; downrefitem .@part; next; emotion (!rand(5))?e_cash:e_omg; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Ahhh!!!"; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Oh my!"; mes "The upgrade level has dropped..."; mes "There could've been made an mistake even though I am the best ever."; mes "It was out of my hands."; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I will do a better job next time! Don't worry!"; close; } } // New +11 and above Refining Functions ======================== if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) < .@safe) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I can refine this to the safe limit or a desired number of times. It's your choice."; next; set .@menu2,select("To the safe limit, please.","I'll decide how many times.","I've changed my mind..."); } else set .@menu2,2; switch(.@menu2){ case 1: set .@refinecnt,.@safe - getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); break; case 2: next; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "How many times would you like me to refine your item?"; next; input .@refinecnt; set .@refinecheck,.@refinecnt + getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); if (.@refinecnt < 1 || .@refinecheck > 10) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I can't refine this item that many times."; close; } if(.@refinecheck > .@safe) { set .@refinecheck,.@refinecheck - .@safe; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "This will try to refine the equipment " + .@refinecheck + " times past the safe limit. Ok?"; next; if(select("Yes...","No...") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so... So be it."; close; } } break; case 3: next; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so... So be it."; close; } set .@fullprice,.@price * .@refinecnt; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "That will cost you " + .@refinecnt + " " + getitemname(.@material) + " and " + .@fullprice + " Zeny. Is that ok?"; next; if(select("Yes","No...") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so... So be it."; close; } if(countitem(.@material) < .@refinecnt || Zeny < .@fullprice) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Is that all you got? Unfortunately I can't work for you at a lower price. Try putting yourself in my shoes."; close; } set Zeny,Zeny - .@fullprice; delitem .@material,.@refinecnt; while(.@refinecnt){ if (getequipisequiped(.@part) == 0) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Look here... you don't have any items on..."; close; } if (getequipid(.@part) != .@refineitemid || (.@menu2 == 1 && getequippercentrefinery(.@part) < 100)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Clang... No, but did you imagine I could be so stupid?!"; mes "You changed it..."; mes "Get out before I stun you with my Hammer!!"; close; } if(getarg(2) == 1){ set .@rand,rand(1,3); if (.@rand == 1) { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; successrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_no1; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Good! Succes!!!"; mes "I am the best Blacksmith."; close; } else { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; downrefitem .@part; next; emotion (!rand(5))?e_cash:e_omg; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Ahhh!!!"; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Oh my!"; mes "The upgrade level has dropped..."; mes "There could've been made an mistake even though I am the best ever."; mes "It was out of my hands."; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I will do a better job next time! Don't worry!"; close; } } set .@rand,rand(100); if (getequippercentrefinery(.@part) > .@rand) { mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; successrefitem .@part; next; emotion e_no1; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Good! Succes!!!"; mes "I am the best Blacksmith."; close; } else { mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"; downrefitem .@part; next; emotion (!rand(5))?e_cash:e_omg; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Ahhh!!!"; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "Oh my!"; mes "The upgrade level has dropped..."; mes "There could've been made an mistake even though I am the best ever."; mes "It was out of my hands."; next; mes "["+ getarg(0) +"]"; mes "I will do a better job next time! Don't worry!"; close; } } mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "All finished... Come again soon."; close; } // Ori/Elu to Carnium/Bradium Refiners //============================================================ - script Austry#ref2 -1,{ mes "[Austry]"; mes "If you bring me 3"; mes "Oridecon or Elunium"; mes "I can exchange them for"; mes "Bradium or Carnium."; mes "Just give me 50,000z."; next; switch(select("Oridecon to Bradium.:Elunium to Carnium.:Purified Bradium to Carnium.:No thanks.")) { case 1: setarray .@i[0],984,3,6224; //Oridecon -> Bradium break; case 2: setarray .@i[0],985,3,6223; //Elunium -> Carnium break; case 3: setarray .@i[0],6090,1,6223; //Purified_Bradium -> Carnium break; case 4: mes "[Austry]"; mes "Hmm..."; close; } if (countitem(.@i[0]) >= .@i[1] && Zeny >= 50000) { delitem .@i[0],.@i[1]; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000; getitem .@i[2],1; mes "[Austry]"; if (.@i[0] == 6090) { mes "Refining with Purified Bradium"; mes "is a little expensive. I can"; mes "trade it for some Carnium."; } else mes "Ok! Here is your "+getitemname(.@i[2])+"."; mes "Take it and use it well."; close; } mes "[Austry]"; mes "You better not be trying"; mes "to cheat me because you"; mes "don't have enough zeny"; mes "or "+getitemname(.@i[0])+"."; close; } prt_in,85,71,5 duplicate(Austry#ref2) Austry#prt2 826 payon_in01,14,125,5 duplicate(Austry#ref2) Austry#pay2 826 morocc_in,60,38,5 duplicate(Austry#ref2) Austry#moc2 826 this only for rathena, eathena SVN doesn't have script? Thanks
  4. there is no standard refiner +10 just only need is enriched elunium & enriched oridecon for upgrading weapon and equip? non-breaking refine, just when it failed, it is unrefine. Thanks
  5. My server is eathena svn. @Capuche its not working properly to me have some some for the eathena SVN of last man standing?
  6. Hi, can someone share script for breaker room. even its simple. because my players are request it. The breaker room that i saw in this forums doesn't work to my server. Please help. Thanks in Advance
  7. the item_db is ok, 673 for the bronze coins and i use other rewad but the same as given (gold coins). and when someone killed they are not resurrect. @alive is not work for normal player.
  8. Thanks it is working fine now, But why even i put ID 673 in item reward. the winner received Gold coins instead of Bronze coins?
  9. you mean war after killed? in (Middle of prontera) prontera 156 181 Thanks! ^^
  10. @kaiGAMING can you revised your script fully. the reward is Bronze coins (3 pcs.). and when someone kill, @alive command not work. so there another option to raise them automatically?
  11. Why the banker npc is not appearing when someone wins... how can i get the prize? Thanks in Advance
  12. [- script LMS#disable -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Mr. Banker"; disablenpc "All Job Manager"; end; } uppon initialize it should be disable cause of this :3 try restarting your server then check again try this not yet tested i removed mr banker i made it a script once there is 1 player left in the map it will automatically announce,give the winner the reward then warp him to prontera http://pastebin.com/AY8V4Fzm] I try it and when I register i was stock in the room. Here, my revised script. it is Ok. But can you make the "All Job Manger" will appear during announce of the start of event?. And also make this script every 3 hrs auto event and rewarded "5 Bronze Coins" for the winner. I hope it would be solved. Thanks again. ^^ NPC_lmstrigger2.txt
  13. @kaiGAMING, your lmstrigger is good and working fine but its needed GM. can you make it autoevent every 2 hours. Event GM is not around, my player can play in that event. Thanks in advance.. @icabit, that's script not working properly because when arrive in the place to battle. The npc (Banker) is already there. and there is no announcement.
  14. Can you help me in my Last man Standing Script. It is not working fine. When go to register in All Job Manager, it will warp in room where the get fight but you can click already the Banker npc and you win immediately. Check my attach script what is wrong. Thanks in advance. NPC_lms.txt
  15. HI, I'm new of running Raganrok Server. I just ask if how to restrict the bad words in my server and its take a temporary silent. Can you help how? Thanks in advance.
  16. Thank icabit, it is really help. ^^
  17. hello. There is anyone have script of autoevent "last man standing"? Because my player request that event. Please help. Thanks.
  18. Thanks for your suggestion.. ^^
  19. Hello, I would like to ask if there is a script for joining battleground just type @joinbg for rathena? Because some of my players complaining when I make the pub BG npc, the BG player choose their desire BG team, so in the other team remains the weakest. and also avoiding BG farming. please help!
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