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Posts posted by hikashin-rae


    Did you try configure the skill.conf??? it is at conf/battle/skill.conf


    // The rate of time it takes to cast a spell (Note 2, 0 = No casting time)
    casting_rate: 100
    // At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast)?
    castrate_dex_scale: 190
    // How much (dex*2+int) does variable cast turns zero?
    vcast_stat_scale: 530
    look at those, and change to the numbers you desire.. 


    Hello what should i do?

  2. go to src/config/renewal.h 




    /// renewal cast time

    /// (disable by commenting the line)


    /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms

    /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats.

    /// example:

    /// on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a

    /// "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills

    #define RENEWAL_CAST

    add a "//in front of the   #define RENEWAL_CAST


    Then, compile it and done


    hi, i just did this on my server.. but it didn't change to the way i wanted to..

    when i did this, even with 1dex, the casting time was very fast.. what i want is the cast rate to be based on the dex

    like its suppose to be.. i already did try to edit on pre-re(using) and renewal.. also tried skill.conf.

    how could i fix this?



    What if i host my server on my own Pc

    how many player can handle w/ this specs

    Hey it is not base on Bandwidth because bandwidth is only transfer the network to other :) it is like you just sharing it is base on

    Bandwidth + hdd + ram + processor

    assume you have server spec like this

    4 core = 120

    50gb hdd = 80

    1gb ram 25 player

    1gb bandwidth = 10 player

    All over = 235 player capacity


    can i ask how to know my bandwidth


    Possibly you can host 2 to 3players :) but they probably experience bit lag on the server :). Also note avoid use of the host server because it cos a lot of lag. to the players

  4. What if i host my server on my own Pc

    how many player can handle w/ this specs

    Hey it is not base on Bandwidth because bandwidth is only transfer the network to other :) it is like you just sharing it is base on

    Bandwidth + hdd + ram + processor

    assume you have server spec like this

    4 core = 120

    50gb hdd = 80

    1gb ram 25 player

    1gb bandwidth = 10 player

    All over = 235 player capacity

  5. hi i want check before i pay

    how much pepole can play on that host?

    "Full Root Access

    1024MB Dedicated RAM

    1 Core CPU

    40GB Disk Space

    1Gbps Bandwidth Connection

    2000GB Transfer Monthly"

    Here's how work the server for players :) base on

    Bandwidth + hdd + ram + processor

    assume you have server spec like this

    4 core = 120

    50gb hdd = 80

    1gb ram 25 player

    1gb bandwidth = 10 player

    All over = 235 player capacity

    This is the sample of low spec

    1 core = 25 players

    30gb hdd = 60 player

    1gb bandwidth = 10

    player1gb ram 25 player =

    All over =120 player capacity  :)

    If you reach the 120 player probably your server will experience some lag. :) in that case you should update the specs of your vps :)



  6. Hello guys


    How are you?


    I have a question


    When i recompile the server, i gets 4 errors.However, the server works fine 100% and i can login to the game.


    I'm asking if these 4 errors will reflect to the server working?


    and how to avoid these errors?


    i took a screenshot to the errors.

    Can you provide screenshot on that part or that line? :) so we can assist you :)

  7. If you want to change Sitting go to your
    data/lua files/stateicon/stateiconinfo.lub

    find this

    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SIT] = {
        descript = {
            { "Sitting", COLOR_TITLE_TOGGLE}

    change to

    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SIT] = {
        descript = {
            { "Whatevername", COLOR_TITLE_TOGGLE}

    then save and try :)

    Could you guys tell me where I can find

    the file that contains ("Sitting" and other phrases) that are shown by the icons.


    I would like to make changes in those phrases.


    pic ( for sitting )





    I will notify you since youre not followed on your post :)

  8. Hello, 


    Good Day to all!


    Can someone kindly help us scripting the Single Strip + Link bypass. we are running latest Rathena and we tried several scripts but it's not working. 


    Thank you in advance.

    do you have the script? so we can see what is the problem with the script :).




    can I please request for a reward giver script that works like this:


    - GM will click the npc

    - NPC will ask for the name of the player..

    - when GM type the name of the player it will automatically give the player the reward (item 7720 or 7227) and announce the GM Name and this player is the winner of the event and got 5 Event coins or TCG Card..

    - work  for gm level 1and up..

    - if the GM typed the wrong name.. it will give gm a message to try again.. 


    Hello :) Try this :) i already fixed and set gm lvl to 80 you can edit that to any gm lvl :D:) but don't make it 0 because 0 is equal normal player.


    prontera,163,173,4	script	GM Helper	980,{	
    if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) {
    mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!";
    set .@Gm$,"[GM Helper]";
    mes "Hello GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?";
    switch( select ("Set a winner","Exit")) {
    	case 1:
    	mes .@Gm$;
    	mes "Enter char name";
    	while(!.@id) {
    		input .@name$;
    		mes "[GM Helper]";
    		set .@id,getcharid(3,.@name$);
    		if(!.@id) {
    			mes "Character not online. Please try again";
    	mes "["+.@name$+"] is correct?";
    	if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;
    	if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$);
    	mes "Given reward to " + .@name$;
    	announce .@name$ + " is the winner of the event and has won a reward!",bc_all;
    	case 2:
    	mes .@Gm$;
    	mes "Nothing to do.";

    Have fun please give me feed back.


    What if the player talks again to the NPC, s/he will again get a reward?

    Wouldn't be any abuse on it?

    No normal player can't talk to this npc because it's set up on gm level :).


    hi thanks for making the script but i want a reward that i can choose like event coins or tcg..

    when GM type the name of the player it will automatically give the player the reward (item 7720 or 7227) and announce the GM Name and this player is the winner of the event and got 5 Event coins or TCG Card..



    Your welcome :)

    here already done . you can choose now and please just set up what ever you want to reward if you want to change :)

    just change this script if you want to change reward


    Reward < amount >

    getitem 7227,5

    Here's the code you request i hope you enjoy it /no1

    prontera,163,173,4    script    GM Helper    980,{    
    if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) {
    mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!";
    set .@Gm$,"[GM Helper]";
    mes "Hello GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?";
    switch( select ("Set a winner","Exit")) {
        case 1:
        mes .@Gm$;
        mes "Enter char name";
        while(!.@id) {
            input .@name$;
            mes "[GM Helper]";
            set .@id,getcharid(3,.@name$);
            if(!.@id) {
                mes "Character not online. Please try again";
        mes "["+.@name$+"] is correct?";
        if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;
        mes "Select your prize you want to give, Tcg or Coins";
        //Selection if TCG Or Coins
        if( select ("Tcg:Coins") == 1 ) {
        //Selected Option 1
        if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7227,5,getcharid(3,.@name$);
        mes "Given reward to " + .@name$;
        announce "GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " rewarded "+.@name$ + " for the winner of the event and has gotten 5 event TCG as a reward!",bc_all;
        //Selected Option 2
        if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$);
        mes "Given reward to " + .@name$;
        announce "GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " rewarded " + .@name$ + " for the winner of the event and has gotten 5 event Coins as a reward!",bc_all;
        case 2:
        mes .@Gm$;
        mes "Nothing to do.";





    Good night, How are you? good wish I could make 4 questions.
    I am wanting to do with the last emulator rathena a classic server, type 8 episode before trascendetales classes.
    I have a 10 episode eAthena emulator.
    first question hehe
    If I mix the old with the new bd what happens?
    The things I do not want to load such items, maps, jobs and monsters are there to put //?
    The type of client, is the newest or have to find one of that time?
    and the last question can edit what the monsters? and thus can not throw skills or attacks are less powerful.
    from already thank you very much for answering!


    I think bad idea to mix ea and rA because rA is more updated.

    Item disable at trunk/db/item_db.txt you can find what ever you want to disable and add //.

    On client choosing you still can choose lower version or what do you want to use :) the most comfortable for you.

    For mob skill check on trunk/db/mob_skill_db.txt :).


    Thank you Very much ! :)


    Your welcome :)


    Good night, How are you? good wish I could make 4 questions.
    I am wanting to do with the last emulator rathena a classic server, type 8 episode before trascendetales classes.
    I have a 10 episode eAthena emulator.
    first question hehe
    If I mix the old with the new bd what happens?
    The things I do not want to load such items, maps, jobs and monsters are there to put //?
    The type of client, is the newest or have to find one of that time?
    and the last question can edit what the monsters? and thus can not throw skills or attacks are less powerful.
    from already thank you very much for answering!


    I think bad idea to mix ea and rA because rA is more updated.

    Item disable at trunk/db/item_db.txt you can find what ever you want to disable and add //.

    On client choosing you still can choose lower version or what do you want to use :) the most comfortable for you.

    For mob skill check on trunk/db/mob_skill_db.txt :).

  12. hi somedays ago i do offline server (someone help me with wamp (i no real know how use its..)

    but i not have ogh normal mode and hard mode and the white knight cards and  dex/luk/str/int/agi boots..

    and nightmare clock tower and Horror Toy Factory 

    how i can add its?

    i play with my brother and he ask me if my Uncle can play too..

    but its offline and can login only on my router...

    and then i make more server for online its not work for other pepole..

    and can i give to my brother able to open the server?(same router but i cant make the server on 24/7 so he cant play then my pc off..)


    sorry for the NOOB Questions i real novice with that,,




    You can perform open ports with your router then use your wan ip to be available to use your relatives.

    For adding custom map


    Adding custom map in Client side

    add your new map files on data folder or to your grf that you created.

    after adding map on data edit mapnametable.txt


    mymap.rsw#<name of the map>#

    Adding custom map in server side.

    you need WeeMapCache application


    then if you already download weemapcache

    click open > find map_cache on trunk/db/map_cache

    after that click add and add your custom map then save

    close your weemapcache.

    add the map on map_index.txt

    mymap.rsw#<name of the map>#

    after adding that go to



    add your custom map too.

    map: mymap

    Done then try :D:)





    VPS is a virtual machine running on a real server. A server usually runs more than one virtual machine. That means resources on the server are shared between multiple VPS (based on OpenVZ virtualization which VPS providers usually use).


    Dedicated server is a whole real server that you rent from the provider.

    Do you know any guide on this forum that teach how to run a ragnarok server on a dedicated server or vps?




    VPS behaves just like a real machine in term of running programs. So there's no difference between the two on running rAthena :)


    Thanks :D, and another question,imagine that i buy a dedicated server, to configure for run my server i need to configure on CentOS? all dedicated servers are on centOS? sorry i dont know nothing about this, I've never buy a dedicated server or a vps


    No you can select the one you know distribution on linux Like centos is the most easiest and always use for hosting server.





    hmmmm did you set your npc at


    set up like this inside on this script

    npc: npc/custom/yournpcname.txt

    anyway you can play in lan router as long you guys connected on that router :).



    how i can do its ? (play with my brother)

    where i can see lan (you mean lan ip right?) and where i have to put that

    (need VS10 again?)i hope no need build all again its be very hard for me:/



    You just only need is your router / wifi that connected your pc and pc of your brother.

    if your ip router is

    Then set it on


    // like this IP ROUTER =

    //login_ip: to login_ip:

    //char_ip: to char_ip:


    //char_ip: to char_ip:

    //map_ip: to map_ip:

    Then run server

    :) you should setup the clientinfo too to


    then give the client to your bro

    Then connect :).;



    ty i go try its now !!

    where i can check my router ip?


    Via CMD just type this ipconfig




    can I please request for a reward giver script that works like this:


    - GM will click the npc

    - NPC will ask for the name of the player..

    - when GM type the name of the player it will automatically give the player the reward (item 7720 or 7227) and announce the GM Name and this player is the winner of the event and got 5 Event coins or TCG Card..

    - work  for gm level 1and up..

    - if the GM typed the wrong name.. it will give gm a message to try again.. 


    Hello :) Try this :) i already fixed and set gm lvl to 80 you can edit that to any gm lvl :D:) but don't make it 0 because 0 is equal normal player.


    prontera,163,173,4	script	GM Helper	980,{	
    if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) {
    mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!";
    set .@Gm$,"[GM Helper]";
    mes "Hello GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?";
    switch( select ("Set a winner","Exit")) {
    	case 1:
    	mes .@Gm$;
    	mes "Enter char name";
    	while(!.@id) {
    		input .@name$;
    		mes "[GM Helper]";
    		set .@id,getcharid(3,.@name$);
    		if(!.@id) {
    			mes "Character not online. Please try again";
    	mes "["+.@name$+"] is correct?";
    	if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close;
    	if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$);
    	mes "Given reward to " + .@name$;
    	announce .@name$ + " is the winner of the event and has won a reward!",bc_all;
    	case 2:
    	mes .@Gm$;
    	mes "Nothing to do.";

    Have fun please give me feed back.


    What if the player talks again to the NPC, s/he will again get a reward?

    Wouldn't be any abuse on it?

    No normal player can't talk to this npc because it's set up on gm level :).


    Thank you for confirming, or I shall hijack this thread to ask if 'what if' the player will get a reward from the NPC so GM can just leave the prize to the NPC for the player to get but won't again get the prize once the player has already received it? I'm new with scripting..


    Hmmmm i think that's be like like  automated event :).. like if he talk to npc then warp outside. :D


    hmmmm did you set your npc at


    set up like this inside on this script

    npc: npc/custom/yournpcname.txt

    anyway you can play in lan router as long you guys connected on that router :).



    how i can do its ? (play with my brother)

    where i can see lan (you mean lan ip right?) and where i have to put that

    (need VS10 again?)i hope no need build all again its be very hard for me:/



    You just only need is your router / wifi that connected your pc and pc of your brother.

    if your ip router is

    Then set it on


    // like this IP ROUTER =

    //login_ip: to login_ip:

    //char_ip: to char_ip:


    //char_ip: to char_ip:

    //map_ip: to map_ip:

    Then run server

    :) you should setup the clientinfo too to


    then give the client to your bro

    Then connect :).;


  17. function script bg_checkmsg {
    .@checkemulator = callfunc("bg_getconfiginfo","1");
    if( !.@checkemulator )
    query_sql ("SELECT `value` FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `char_id`='" + getarg(0) + "' AND `key`='bg_enable_msg'", .@value);
    query_sql ("SELECT `value` FROM `acc_reg_num` WHERE `account_id`='" + getarg(0) + "' AND `key`='bg_enable_msg'", .@value);
    return (!getarraysize(.@value)?0:1);

    You'll need to add ( after query_sql and ) before semicolon.




    no semi colon or got still going to work :) there is nothing problem there.

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