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Everything posted by Geralt

  1. guys I'm in doubt here registered in 3 tops ragnarok no more appears here to vote What can it be?
  2. Good afternoon guys I found this topic as I fix this part Exchange rate: 1.00 R $ = 1,000 ROP's Minimum Donation Amount: 1.00 R $ to stay like this, exactly because when I put it it looks like this - 1 Cash Points -
  3. Geralt

    Ticket vip

    Yes example in my database is null the ones above are from another test account if I added manually
  4. hello how would a vip ticket for this system look? script
  5. * 49 : '.' @ item _id = callfunc ("F_Rand", 1.603,5.617,5); // define a variavel para uma das cinco opções.
  6. guys I have a doubt I open the box not the iens script
  7. so how do I put it in the source
  8. I'm with this script I have an older rathena it works perfectly as it fixes this:
  9. how to fix this error change the date remains the same
  10. doubt the skills of the star emperor and soul reaper classes are not yet active? everyone has this error skill_castend_nodamage_id: Unknown obs. it has been a while since the classes
  11. Geralt


    Hey people rathena doesn't accept this formula for idun's apple? recipe old eathena emulator rathena I have already looked at several topics on this, but there was no result. remembering the apple of idun doubles the hp of the other classes until the own class (minstrel) it depends on each server in my case it is pre re 255/70.
  12. @Vykimo Don't have an eamod version? I'm trying here more I'm having a result @Vykimogave error my emulator is new recent rathena, does not accept the diff of status.hpp
  13. Geralt

    fluxcp rss news

    how do I fix these ipb news systems codes application.php news.php
  14. Geralt


    how do you fix this error? please clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x6a9c, 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #3
  15. hello guys how do I recall the da wot map
  16. I changed vip system for this
  17. On my test server only logs accounts with group id 99 what is this how to solve?
  18. hello guys how do i put the vip + cash days in a window when the player logs in .. ie information of the vip and cash days example in picture Script vip
  19. Geralt

    erro script

    o npc da print não da mais é o mesmo que postei a cima só arruma os menu exemplo.. "o que eu ganho? ai vem uma lista do que o player vai ganhar na maquina de premiação
  20. Geralt

    erro script

    thanks it worked one more thing how do i add two example menus in the images picture 1Picture Two
  21. hello guys how do i fix this error in this npc error on line * 36 script:
  22. Like i played on a server before closing it when i used the idun apple clow skill or any other character would go up hp type would duplicate hp the server was pre re 255/70 this is the formula but does not change the hp remains the same
  23. Boa noite galera como faço para alterar idun do menestrel para aumentar o hp servidor pré re 255/70
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