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Amellia sizilia sembiring

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Everything posted by Amellia sizilia sembiring

  1. I'm using Eathena. I see on server/src/ If possible to add 3rd job to work I think any emulator is base of Eathena source code. just need edit and add some parts Eathena. the logic is can add ninja job, and i think can add custom class without distrubt existed job. 3rd job and/or next job is just the look is different. the step is stills look same I have think from the scratch to custom class is not available on official to edit and add some part on src to defined hex skill,ID, db folder the skill and exp. defining the skill on client. I have already figured it out on client, understand. the thing still confusing is on server. I post this, it wants to make sure do i missing something to make it work or the project 3rd on proccess thx
  2. Hello Anyone know, Why 3rd job not available whereas i'm using the latest svn 16067, rageRE 20100707 and the latest Kro client? do i miss something? thx
  3. Hello There's Tool can read lub? I searched it. but not find any result. like .lub is gravity's extension only thx
  4. Hello Anyone know guide bonus bAtkEle or location guide list of element? now i want to add sense/ghost element to weapon. i don't know the element synthax like for holy bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; thx
  5. Hello Anyone know to make effect if equip 1 and equip 2 is equiped? like sandal combine with cotton make bonus effect ex. the effect bonus bMdef,20; thx
  6. Hello Anyone know the script to add @command function to item? like i want to add @disquise to item thx
  7. Ok, done. i'm using SQL version so the syntax like this " skill "skillname",lv skill; How about script to add Experience + 10%, Drop Rate + 10%.? is bonus bExpRate for experience and bDropRate for drop? I'm not find any guide on item_bonus.txt thx
  8. Hello Anyone know what the script? like i want a ring can Enables use of Level 1 Heal. Enables use of Level 1 Teleport. when equip thx
  9. Hi, I think u have to see first the wiki. i don't know if this's error typing or what. try to check binary merchant 2^5 = 0x00000020. if we calculated 2^5 the value is should be 32 not 20. and combination novice (Super novice), swordman, merchant, thief, knight, blacksmith,assasin, crusader,rogue, alchemist A on 0x000454A3. what means? when on binary there's no letter binary. thx
  10. yes, so where's the location on client? all folder is in unicode language cause i'm not install korea language.
  11. Hello Anyone know the location weather.spr and weather.act? i want to add custom weather on it thx
  12. Hello, I think combination knight and priest is just calculated the binary. should look like 0x00000180, is right? Can u explain what is 0x00000000? is a 8 octa binary? and how to calculate it? do the calculated 2^2 is 2x2? if so 2^5= 2x2x2x2x2 why the value is 20 for merchant? and how to defining the job binary. what the file on server have to edit? ex. combination novice (Super novice), swordman, merchant, thief, knight, blacksmith,assasin, crusader,rogue, alchemist on item_db is 0x000454A3 What is exactly 4A3? thx
  13. Hello, Anyone know why weapon the image is apple? i have set right ID, Aegis Name, the weapon is 1194,'F_Executioner_C','Executioner' How to fix it? thx
  14. Hello, Anyone know how to change the use of currency? let's say our currency now is zeny than i want change it to $ thx
  15. Hello, I have read it before. but the confusing value i see on new item_db is ex. (1190,'Claymore_C','Claymore',4,20,NULL,0,220,NULL,1,0,0x00004080,7,2,34,3,1,0,3,'bonus2 bAddSize,0,40; bonus2 bAddSize,1,40; bonus2 bAddSize,2,40;',NULL,NULL); and (1189,'Krasnaya','Krasnaya',4,20,NULL,3800,200,NULL,1,3,0x00004082,2,2,34,2,50,1,3,'if(readparam(bStr)>=95) { bonus bAtk,20; }',NULL,NULL); which value ('Job','Upper','Loc',) doesn't explain it on the guide. let's say upper value 7 is for two-handed axe. the equestion why on item_db krasnaya the value 2. but not get error and can equip it as two-handed sword? that's mean is not effect. just fashion. then, on loc 34 /* what value 34 is means? and on job 0x00004080 is combination knight and crusader. how to combine knight and priest? thx
  16. Hello Anyone know what the exactly means the declaration of 'Job','Upper','Gender','Loc','wLV','eLV'); I Stack on input value of above declaration thx
  17. Hello, Anyone know where's error log? like every error that display on server will be save it as .txt thx
  18. Hello, i have input on mmo.h #if undef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20110609 #endif and in packet_db_ver i using 26 as i check it. if i using default. it's means inside cliff.h. i have to set the max packet_db to 28 default is 26 in clientinfo.xml. i'm not changed anything as i checked <version>value</version>. value on xml should same as client_version_to_connect: value on login_athena.conf. i set it default 20. and recompile it. Why still failed connect to server? thx
  19. Hello, i already recompile it with setting as u telling. packet_db_ver 26 on mmo.h then i recompile it. but still can't connect. failed connect to server. my clientinfo.xml is thx
  20. I know. what should i set and/or etc before recompile. to make it can connect? in our testing. uses 2011-06-09a ragexeRE, Latest Kro Client, and Eathena Trunk revision 15055 thx Hello, Which line i have to set the packetver on mmo.h? thx
  21. It's not stable version? just Now i get the trunk rev 15055. what i have to setting before i compile with appropriate ragexeRE 2011-06-09a? thx
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