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Everything posted by truefg

  1. truefg


    How can i Change or Fix this? The Blade stop, stops averything.. even the long range attacks. i mean.. look at the screen shot..
  2. How can i Change or Fix this? The Blade stop, stops averything.. even the long range attacks. i mean.. look at the screen shot..
  3. This script is nor working, i tried my best! CAn you help me? The problem is, i input the amount i want, and i dont get the item! prontera,136,177,6 script Special Supply 410,{ mes "[^0000ffFranyerii M^000000.]"; mes "This npc only acept credits"; mes "Would you like to continue?"; menu "Yes.",L_yes,"No, Later",L_no; L_yes: next; mes "[^0000ffFranyerii M^000000.]"; mes "This are the items i have for you"; mes "20 YGG Box[10] for 2 Credits"; menu "YGG Box[10].",L_ygg; L_ygg: next; input .@t; if(countitem(8032) < .@t) goto L_NOTENOUGH; mes "[^0000ffFranyerii M^000000.]"; mes "Thanks. . See you again. . . !"; delitem 8032,.@t; next; getitem 13232,.@t; next; close; L_no: next; mes "[^0000ffFranyerii M^000000.]"; mes "Thanks For the visit, Come back any time"; close; L_NOTENOUGH: next; mes "[^0000ffFranyerii M^000000.]"; mes "Check Your credits, and come back"; mes "Ill be here Waiting....."; close; }
  4. Theres No Bumping in this forum so i decided to make a new post!! How can i make this Valkyrie's Armor.. { bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000; else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000; },{},{} i used this.. but still not working.. bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000;
  5. I want an item that when i use it.. it gives auto full chemical protection! on itself How can i do that? im making a new script.. but i need the {},{},{}
  6. There's anything to allow players to have an specific Autoloot.. for example.. if i want a card.. just that card i write: @autolootitem 4359 [EXAMPLE] ??? or what can i add to put this??
  7. truefg


    i have this item the Id of the item is 8055 [Credits/Coin] this is a custom item in my server.. and i need a Credit schanger, From Credit to 10m and from 10m to Credit.. and like this!! it have an option.. for you to input or write the quantity you want to exchange.. Thanks!! For the help!! Credits~> 10m. 10m ~> Credits. [8055]
  8. I fixed.. it was something wrong in my server.. i was fixing something now is fixed.. thanks for the the help!! Everyone!
  9. theres no error mesgs..The 8053 is s custom item in my server.. And ill see.. idk why is not working.. and quiz_02 is a map in my server.. but ill check.. why is not workin.. thanks.. for testing it.. But still the script is not coming out in my game.. i put.. @loadnpc npc/Airnpc/sunglasses.txt And @reloadscript. but still not out!! ill try restaring the server~ :$
  10. i made this script my self. i dont know why is not working, because i think is right!! Can yah help me please!! Thanks!! quiz_02,52,183,4 script Head protector Quest 49,{ mes "[^0000ffHead Protector^000000.]"; mes "I can help you te get one of the"; mes "Famouse ^ff0000Naruto's^000000 Head Protectors."; mes "Which Head Protector would you like to do?"; mes "^ff0000 Fire^000000 [sTR+10]"; mes "^ffffff Wind^000000 [AGI+10]"; mes "^aaff00 Earth^000000 [VIT+10]"; mes "^00ffff Water^000000 [iNT+10]"; mes "^550000 Sound^000000 [DEX+10]"; mes "^00ff00 Lightning^000000 [LUK+10]"; next; menu "Fire.",R_fire,"Wind.",R_wind,"Earth.",R_earth,"Water.",R_water,"Sound.",R_sound,"Lightning.",R_light; R_earth: next; mes "[^0000ffEarth Band^000000]"; mes "Do you have the items?"; mes "Please select an option"; menu "What do i need?",L_required1,"I have the items!",L_check1,"Leave.",L_partir1; R_fire: next; mes "[^ff0000Fire Band^000000]"; mes "Do you have the items?"; mes "Please select an option"; menu "What do i need?[Again]",L_required2,"I have the items!",L_check2,"Leave.",L_partir2; R_wind: next; mes "[^ffffffWind Band^000000]"; mes "Do you have the items?"; mes "Please select an option"; menu "What do i need?[Again]",L_required3,"I have the items!",L_check3,"Leave.",L_partir3; R_water: next; mes "[^0000ffWater Band^000000]"; mes "Please select an option"; mes "Do you have the items?"; R_sound: next; mes "[^550000Sound Band^000000]"; mes "Please select an option"; menu "What do i need?[Again]",L_required5,"I have the items!",L_check5,"Leave.",L_partir5; R_light: next; mes "[^00ff00Lightning Band^000000]"; mes "Please select an option"; menu "What do i need?[Again]",L_required6,"I have the items!",L_check6,"Leave.",L_partir6; L_required1: next; mes "[^0000ffEarth Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000200^000000 Rough Oridecon"; mes "^FF00005^000000 Mejestic Goar"; mes "^0000FF 5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check1: next; if(countitem(756) < 200) goto L_manque1; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque1; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque1; mes "[^000000Earth Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you band"; delitem 756,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8053,1; close; L_manque1: next; mes "[^0000ffEarth Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(756) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(756)) +"^000000 Rough Oridecon"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Mejestic Goar"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir1: next; mes "[^0000ffEarth Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; L_required2: next; mes "[^000000Fire Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000 200^000000 Burning Heart"; mes "^FF0000 5^000000 Majestic Goat"; mes "^0000FF 5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check2: if(countitem(7097) < 200) goto L_manque2; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque2; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque2; next; mes "[^000000Fire Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you band"; delitem 7097,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8054,1; close; L_manque2: next; mes "[^000000Finer Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(7097) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(7097)) +"^000000 Burning Heart"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Majestic Goat"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir2: next; mes "[^000000Finer Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; L_required3: next; mes "[^000000Wind Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000200^000000 Burning Heart"; mes "^FF00005^000000 Mejestic Goar"; mes "^0000FF5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check3: next; if(countitem(7092) < 200) goto L_manque3; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque3; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque3; mes "[^000000Wind Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you band"; delitem 7092,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8051,1; close; L_manque3: next; mes "[^000000Wind Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(7092) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(7092)) +"^000000 Burning Heart"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Mejestic Goar"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir3: next; mes "[^000000Wind Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; L_required4: next; mes "[^000000Water Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000200^000000 Glacial Heart"; mes "^FF00005^000000 Mejestic Goar"; mes "^0000FF5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check4: next; if(countitem(7561) < 200) goto L_manque4; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque4; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque4; mes "[^000000Water Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you band"; delitem 7561,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8052,1; close; L_manque4: next; mes "[^000000Water Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(7561) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(7561)) +"^000000 Glacial Heart"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Mejestic Goar"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir4: next; mes "[^000000Water Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; L_required5: next; mes "[^000000Sound Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000200^000000 Rough Oridecon"; mes "^FF00005^000000 Mejestic Goar"; mes "^0000FF5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check5: next; if(countitem(756) < 200) goto L_manque5; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque5; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque5; mes "[^000000Sound Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you band"; delitem 756,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8055,1; close; L_manque5: next; mes "[^000000Sound Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(756) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(756)) +"^000000 Rough Oridecon"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Mejestic Goar"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir5: next; mes "[^000000Sound Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; L_required6: next; mes "[^000000Lightning Band^000000]"; mes "^FF0000200^000000 Glacial Heart"; mes "^FF00005^000000 Mejestic Goar"; mes "^0000FF5000000^000000 zeny"; close; L_check6: next; if(countitem(7561) < 200) goto L_manque6; if(countitem(2256) < 5) goto L_manque6; if(Zeny < 5000000) goto L_manque6; mes "[^000000Lightning Band^000000]"; mes "Here is you badn"; delitem 7561,200; delitem 2256,5; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000000; getitem 8053,1; close; L_manque6: next; mes "[^000000Lightning Band^000000]"; mes "You miss..."; if(countitem(7561) < 200) mes "^FF0000"+(200 - countitem(7561)) +"^000000 Glacial Heart"; if(countitem(2256) < 5) mes "^FF0000"+(5 - countitem(2256)) +"^000000 Mejestic Goar"; if(Zeny < 5000000) mes "^0000FF"+(5000000 - Zeny)+"^000000 Zeny"; close; L_partir6: next; mes "[^000000Lightning Band^000000]"; mes "Have a nice day."; close; }
  11. I want to make this a 2 max deadly combo.. like if i put 3 of those cards on.. none would take effect.. Thanks!! 4359,B_Eremes_Card,Assassin Cross Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,"ASC_EDP",2,30; },{},{} 4361,B_Harword_Card,Whitesmith Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,"WS_OVERTHRUSTMAX",1,30;bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MC_MAMMONITE",5,60;bonus bBreakWeaponRate,10; },{},{} 4363,B_Magaleta_Card,High Priest Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,136,,,,,{ bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"MG_SAFETYWALL",5,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; },{},{} 4367,B_Shecil_Card,Sniper Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bHit,250; },{},{} 4365,B_Katrinn_Card,High Wizard Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bIntravision,0; },{},{ heal 0,-2000; } 4399,Thanatos_Card,Memory of Thanatos Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bDefRatioAtkRace,RC_Boss; bonus bDefRatioAtkRace,RC_NonBoss; bonus bSPDrainValue,-1; bonus bDef,-30; bonus bFlee,-30; },{},{} can u script in 2 max deadly combo !! please!!
  12. truefg

    Some help!

    But this npc is not working.. i mean like, is buged.. doesnt work :/
  13. truefg

    Some help!

    There, change set .ThirdClass,1; to set .ThirdClass,0; Have a nice day! Thank You guyss..
  14. truefg

    Some help!

    Can someone please help me with this!! This is the format i want/need in my jobmaster Script!! Novice~>Mage~>Sage~> Proffesor. Novice~>Archer~>Hunter~>Sniper. Novice~>Thief~>Rogue~>Stalker. Novice~>Swordman~>Crusader~>Paladin. ETC~> Please.. I need this script.. not 3rd job..
  15. Can you let me use your script/npc.. please im tired of editing my, but still doesnt work.. now i deleted cuzz i was mad!! :/
  16. Can someone send it to me, my other pc is broke so i cant istall svn here.. to checkout the job master!!
  17. Im using this Job Master, but i didn't know it stop working.. Did i change something?? Need Help As soon as posible! all i need is a simple job master, not with the reborn options.. just simple.. Sniper, Lord Knight.. Paladin.. ETC.. Thanks!! prontera,153,193,6 script Job Master 123,{ mes "^ff0000[Job Master]^000000"; if(Upper == 1 && Class >= Job_Lord_Knight) goto L_noReq; if(SkillPoint != 0){ mes "I'm sorry, please use up all your skill points before changing jobs"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; } if(JobLevel < 10) goto L_LvError; switch(Class){ case Job_Novice_High: case Job_Baby: case Job_Novice: skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; if(lastJob != 0 && Class == Job_Novice_High){ switch(lastJob){ case Job_Knight: case Job_Crusader: set @target_job, Job_Swordman_High; break; case Job_Monk: case Job_Priest: set @target_job, Job_Acolyte_High; break; case Job_Alchemist: case Job_Blacksmith: set @target_job, Job_Merchant_High; break; case Job_Rogue: case Job_Assassin: set @target_job, Job_Thief_High; break; case Job_Wizard: case Job_Sage: set @target_job, Job_Mage_High; break; case Job_Hunter: case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set @target_job, Job_Archer_High; break; } } else { switch(select("Swordsman","Mage","Archer","Acolyte","Merchant","Thief", "Super Novice","Taekwon","Gunslinger","Ninja")){ case 7: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if($@JC_SupNovM > BaseLevel) goto L_BvError; if(Upper == 2) set @target_job, Job_Super_Baby; else set @target_job, Job_SuperNovice; break; case 8: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if(Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, Job_Taekwon; break; case 9: case 10: if(Class == Job_Novice_High || Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, @menu + 15; break; default: set @target_job, @menu; if(Class == Job_Novice_High) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; break; } } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("No","Yes") == 2){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Gunslinger || @target_job == Job_Ninja || @target_job == Job_Taekwon) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; break; default: if(JobLevel < $@JC_MinimumJB) goto L_LvError; deletearray @job_opt, getarraysize(@job_opt); if(Class < Job_Knight || Class == Job_Taekwon || (Class > Job_Baby && Class < Job_Baby_Knight) || (Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight)){ if(lastJob != 0){ set @target_job, lastJob + 4001; } else { switch(Class){ case Job_Swordman_High: case Job_Baby_Swordman: case Job_Swordman: set @job_opt[0], Job_Knight; set @job_opt[1], Job_Crusader; break; case Job_Mage_High: case Job_Baby_Mage: case Job_Mage: set @job_opt[0], Job_Wizard; set @job_opt[1], Job_Sage; break; case Job_Archer_High: case Job_Baby_Archer: case Job_Archer: set @job_opt[0], Job_Hunter; if(Sex == 0) set @job_opt[1], Job_Dancer; else set @job_opt[1], Job_Bard; break; case Job_Acolyte_High: case Job_Baby_Acolyte: case Job_Acolyte: set @job_opt[0], Job_Priest; set @job_opt[1], Job_Monk; break; case Job_Merchant_High: case Job_Baby_Merchant: case Job_Merchant: set @job_opt[0], Job_Blacksmith; set @job_opt[1], Job_Alchemist; break; case Job_Thief_High: case Job_Baby_Thief: case Job_Thief: set @job_opt[0], Job_Assassin; set @job_opt[1], Job_Rogue; break; default: set @job_opt[0], Job_Star_Gladiator; set @job_opt[1], Job_Soul_Linker; break; } mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; set @target_job, @job_opt[select(JobName(@job_opt[0]), JobName(@job_opt[1]))-1]; if(Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("No","Yes")==2){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Star_Gladiator || @target_job == Job_Soul_Linker) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; } if(checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding()) goto L_remove; if((Class >=Job_Knight) && (Class <=Job_Crusader2)){ mes "Do you want to reborn?"; if(select("Yes","No")==1){ if(BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 50) goto L_cantCh; set lastJob, Class; if(Class == Job_Knight2){ set lastJob, Job_Knight; } else { if(Class == Job_Crusader2){ set lastJob, Job_Crusader; } } jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; } close; } } mes "I'm sorry, there are no further classes for your job."; close; L_GivePlat: if (BaseClass==Job_SuperNovice) goto L_sSuperN; if (BaseClass==Job_Swordman) goto L_sSword; if (BaseClass==Job_Mage) goto L_sMage; if (BaseClass==Job_Archer) goto L_sArcher; if (BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) goto L_sAcolyte; if (BaseClass==Job_Merchant) goto L_sMerchant; if (BaseClass==Job_Thief) goto L_sThief; close; L_sSuperN: skill 142,1,0; close; L_sSword: skill 142,1,0; skill 144,1,0; skill 145,1,0; skill 146,1,0; close; L_sMage: skill 142,1,0; skill 157,1,0; close; L_sArcher: skill 142,1,0; skill 147,1,0; skill 148,1,0; close; L_sAcolyte: skill 142,1,0; skill 156,1,0; close; L_sMerchant: skill 142,1,0; skill 153,1,0; skill 154,1,0; skill 155,1,0; close; L_sThief: skill 142,1,0; skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; close; L_cantCh: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_LvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Job Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_BvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Base Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_noReq: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_remove: mes "Please remove your cart,falcon or peco"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; OnInit: // Variable Setup set $@JC_MinimumJB, 40; //Minimum job level for changing between 2nd and advance Class (Default : 40) set $@JC_Plat, 1; //Give Platinum skills on Jobchange (Default : 1-yes) set $@JC_SupNovM, 45; //Base Level to change into Super Novice (Default : 45) end; } morocc,154,96,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#moc 123 geffen,124,58,5 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#gef 123 payon,149,230,5 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#pay 123 alberta,182,143,5 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#alb 123 izlude,130,118,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#izl 123 aldebaran,134,118,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#ald 123 xmas,145,135,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#xma 123 comodo,192,155,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#com 123 amatsu,202,89,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#ama 123 gonryun,156,124,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#gon 123 umbala,98,160,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#umb 123 umbala,131,128,4 duplicate(Job Master) Job Master#umb2 123
  18. truefg


    Thanks.. but when i use it, it doesn't work.. :/
  19. truefg


    How can i make this Valkyrie's Armor.. { bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000; else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000; },{},{} The same but anti freezing status.. HELP!!! Need Codes!!
  20. truefg

    Need Help

    Can someone help me to edit this card effect.. { bonus bBreakWeaponRate,1000; bonus bBreakArmorRate,700; } InTo: Autocast MOT lvl 5 while attacking the enemi, and the weapon cant be striped.. but can break if you dont have FCp or Golem card.. Thanks!! and another thing.. can someone help to change the card combo, i want to put that just 2 cads can be used but the combo is btw all lhz cards [bOss] and thanatos card.. 4363 4359 4365 4367 4361 4399 4357 I want that any of this cards.. dont take effect if theres more than 2 cards equiped.. if there is more than 2.. card dont take effect.. but if you only wear card, two by two.. tha card do take effect.. thanks!!
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