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Everything posted by Ehcloprom

  1. Just to add Support for Monster killing: like Monster id, Monster kill amount so in a quest you have to kill a certain monster a certain amount of times maybe 3 different types so like monster1, monster1amt, Monster2, monster2amt etc... // NPC Name must have a Number behind it. ex Name#1 , Name#2,... prontera,138,172,5 script Chained Quest#1 806,{ function ChainedQuest; mes "I am a Chained Quest NPC, you can only redo the previous Quest after you have finished all of my Quests."; next; // Quest Setup : // ChainedQuest( Reward,Amount , Required Zeny, {Item1,Amount1,Item2,Amount2,...} ); switch( getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ) ){ Case 0: ChainedQuest( 5001,1, 10000, 607,10 ); Case 1: ChainedQuest( 5002,1, 15000, 607,20, 608,20 ); Case 2: ChainedQuest( 5003,1, 20000, 607,30, 608,30, 7539,30 ); // Case 3: ChainedQuest( 5004,1, 25000, 607,40, 608,30, 7539,40 ,501,10 ); // Case 4: ChainedQuest( 5005,1, 30000, 607,50, 608,30, 7539,50 ,501,10 ,502,10 ); // Case 5: ChainedQuest(....); // Case 6: ChainedQuest(....); default: mes "Congratulation ,You have finished all the Quest i gave you, you may Re-Do if you want."; set getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ),0; close; } OnPCLoadMapEvent: showevent 1,0; end; function ChainedQuest { for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ if( countitem( getarg( .@i ) ) < ( getarg( .@i + 1 )) ){ mes "[ ^FF0000Part "+( getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1 )+"^000000 ]"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes "^FF0000Reward^000000 : "+getarg(1)+" x ^0000FF"+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"^000000"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes "then bring me those items :"; mes "^00FF00_______________________________^000000"; mes ( Zeny < getarg(2) ? "^FF0000":"^0000FF" )+getarg(2)+" Zeny^000000"; for( set .@a,3; getarg( .@a,0 ) != 0 ; set .@a,.@a + 2 ){ mes (( countitem(getarg( .@a )) < ( getarg(.@a + 1 )) )? "^FF0000[ "+countitem(getarg(.@a))+" / "+(getarg(.@a+1)):"^0000FF[ "+getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ) )+" ] "+getitemname(getarg(.@a))+"^000000 "; } close; } } if( Zeny < getarg( 2 ) ){ mes "You required "+getarg( 2 )+" Zeny."; close; } mes "[ ^FF0000Part "+( getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1 )+"^000000 ]"; mes "Look's like you have collected all"; mes "^FF0000_______________________________^000000"; mes ( Zeny < getarg(2) ? "^FF0000":"^0000FF" )+getarg(2)+" Zeny^000000"; for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ mes "^FF0000"+getarg( .@i+1 )+" x ^0000FF "+getitemname( getarg( .@i ) )+"^000000"; } next; if( select("^0000FFContinue^000000:Cancel") == 2 ){ mes "Okay..as you wish ~ come back again when you do continue it."; close; } for( set .@i,3; getarg( .@i,0 ) != 0 ; set .@i,.@i + 2 ){ delitem getarg( .@i ),getarg( .@i + 1 ); } set Zeny,Zeny - getarg( 2 ); set getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ),getd( Quest+strnpcinfo(2) ) + 1; mes "You will be rewarded with "; mes "^0000FF_______________________________^000000"; mes "^FF0000"+getarg(1)+"^000000 x ^0000FF"+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"^000000"; mes "^0000FF_______________________________^000000"; getitem getarg(0),getarg(1); close; } } prontera mapflag loadevent Thanks in advanced.
  2. In renewel servers there's a "Fixed Casting Time" that nulls out the normal castrate_dex_scale: 150 in the conf files my question is how do I disable this new Fixed casting delay completely? (So i was just thinking about something what happens if I put 150 in the fixed casting (Trying it now~) Also might as well ask something else I use a 2010-11-16aRagexeRE.exe Lua files Unknown there's alt+ problems it's just that alt+M if you put hello in the first box then do alt+ 1 it will do nothing but if you press alt+2 is does what alt+ 1 should do (Hello) Just wondering if theres a certainpush alt+ 2 is does what alt+ 1 should do I tried using new lua files but then I cant use keys and then someone pointed me to these lub files that are even more of a pain in the ass it would be nice if someone could point me to the lasted client that works with complete Lua files. Or a way to fix the alt+ problems. ( Yes I know this is the wrong palce to ask this but I figure might as well ask so if someone sees it.)
  3. Okay so could you just explain some stuff to me such as what are Lub files? are they like lua files if so what's the difference? Sorry for the trouble but I like to know what I'm doing and not just guess... I'm new to the renewal scene so sorry for my "noobness"... I opened a .lub files seems to be a bunch of jibberish.
  4. Okay so for some reason when I press alt+ 1 nothing happens but when i press alt+ 2 it does alt+1 I'm kinda confused with Lua files so that might be why... I'm using some Lua files I found on eAthena and they work fine all but the alt+ problem I tried using the lastest Lua files here http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/ with a RagexeRE 2010-11-16 and you cant do anything type push enter alt+ anything nothing happens the only thing I can do is push esc..... I would greatly appreciate if someone could recommend what Client I use and Lua files and where I should get them.
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