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Posts posted by munding12

  1. Anyone know where to get palletes for kagerou/oboro?

    i will just share this

    it was shared to me by a user here

    so i guess its okay to give the link to you

    she just renamed the classic 552 palettes for kagerou oboro and summoner class


    and yes kamishi palettes are compatible with kagerou/oboro and summoner class though you might have to copy/rename the files for it to be used by those class sprites


    you could also do it by yourself if you have free time and its quite easy since you would just need this format


    if you have some custom palettes you currently use for other class sprites [located in data\palette\¸ö\] you could copy them and rename them into this format

    <class>_<gender>_<palette #>.pal


    for kagerou you need to use this format: kagerou_³²_<palette #>.pal [since all kagerou are male so female are not needed]

    for oboro: oboro_¿©_<palette #>.pal [oboro are all female]

    for summoner: summoner_<gender>_<palette #>.pal [summoner can be male or female so use ³² and ¿© accordingly]

    and of course put them in the same directory or grf location or if you diff your client so it reads data folder first, then its safe to put them in data\palette\¸ö\ and would still be read by the client


    some renaming tools could help you out like bulk rename utility

  2. i would like to ask the procedure to update the walkpath of the new prontera

    my kRO files are updated up to lastest [May 2016 give or take]

    i'm currently using 2015-11-04Ragexe as client

    and since its using the new prontera, I've been having problems in the walkpath


    on some parts there is like an invisible wall i can't go to even if the cell has no object in it


    i don't want to use the old prontera

    so is there a way that i could update the walkpath for the new prontera

  3. these are from the classic 552 palettes

    those few black spots and poor shadings i have mentioned [but only on few palette most of them looks okay even on kami palette]


    and don't worry much i've kinda had fun custom paletting some sprites to my taste


    i can't seem to access the link, there is a permission thing

    and thank you i appreciate your work even with stuffs going on with your baby

    did you happen to re-arrange the summoner sprite to match the classic and kami palettes?

  4. i have tested the old palettes pack and kamishi palettes pack ond Summoner class and work fine and look fine, can you show a screen shot of how do you look it? the mount too.

    (only the body) the head need their own palettes because the face have others details And colors.

    ow other palette from the 552 and kami pal looks okay i'm just quite nitpicky on colors, some ugly black spots on few palette drives me nuts haha

    though it was quite intense on renaming those 1200+ palettes

  5. uhm i would like to ask what is the filename for doram palette

    and the directory in data folder

    i would like to make some palettes for doram class


    nvm found it, in case anyone was wondering

    data\palette\¸ö\summoner_<gender>_<palette #>.pal

    data\palette\¸ö\cartsummoner_<gender>_<palette #>.pal [mount]


    for head

    data\palette\µµ¶÷Á·\¸Ó¸®\¸Ó¸®,<head #>_<gender>_<palette #>.pal


    they seems to be using a few palette slot than other job sprites so current custom palettes doesn't looks well with them

    i suggest customizing a specific palette you want for them

  6. uhm make sure to use the updated NEMO from the latest git

    choose recommended patches and start from there

    manually choose items you need


    well I also used the same client but its working fine i've used this patches from nemo

    3 Chat Flood Remove Limit
    4 Use Custom Aura Limits
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)
    16 Disable Swear Filter
    18 Skip Service Selection Screen
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    28 Increase Headgear ViewID
    29 Disable Game Guard (Recommended)
    30 Increase Zoom Out 50%
    33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended)
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    35 Read Data Folder First
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    42 Skip Resurrection Button
    43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)
    50 Skip License Screen
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    61 Disable Packet Encryption
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub
    68 Enable 64k Hairstyle
    71 Ignore Resource Errors
    72 Ignore Missing Palette Error
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    75 Enable Flag Emoticons
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    91 Disconnect to Login Window
    96 Remove GM Sprites
    97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)
    104 Increase Hair Style & Color Limits
    108 Hide Booking Button
    110 Hide Achievements Button
    111 Hide Rec Button
    204 Increase Attack Display
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    216 Hide Cash Shop
    218 Show Exp Numbers
    221 Remove Jobs from Booking
  7. not really expert in costumes

    but if the sprite uses a different filename than the original GX sprites then you can just create a palette file from a copy of the original gx palette


    i don't really like how the default gx look so i replace it with the alternate so all GXs in my server looks like the alternate by default




    edit: been trying some stuffs out in client side, so i think your best solution if you are a bit lazy

    is copy the default alternate gx palette [jRO used a different palette for the alternates so using the orig gx palette from kRO would ruin the colors] and rename it


    default alternate gx palette: data\palette\¸ö\costume_1\±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_³²_0_1.pal [for male just change the ³² to ¿© if you want for female]

    you could copy that and rename the copy into ±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_³²_146_1.pal [as you want to keep the palette #146 for the orig gx sprites]

    and of course put it in the same directory


    mount palette filename [in case you might need]: Ä̺£·Î½º±æ·Îƾũ·Î½º_³²_0_1.pal


    is it a custom item?

    i suggest you visit this


    it depends on what client you are using

    if its quite new you prolly need to edit your accname.lub and accessoryid.lub in luafiles514 folder

    i'm using client 2010 sir. 





    ow okay

    but i think the issue here is you are using the costume feature, try going for a headgear slot not in costume

    i don't know if it works for your client thus its an old one and idk if costume is available on that client

  9. I'm quite aware of bonus bHPDrainrate and bonus bSPDrainrate that works when dealing physical attacks even works on skills that deals physical damage

    but i would like to ask if there is an items bonus script that


    HP/SP Drain when dealing magic attacks

  10. Client : 2015-11-04aRagexe

    Diff: NEMO


    uhm how to combine equip windows and stat windows into one?




    to something like this




    anyone? is it hard coded in the exe or can be customized with lua files or something? skins? diffing? hex?

  11. uhm hi

    i'm actually having problems with missing official sprites in my data.grf

    i was wondering if there is a site i could go to download them manually

    or some of you have them in your grfs please kindly share


    some sprites missing:

    Rasta Wig - ¶ó½ºÅ¸°¡¹ß - drop sprite, illus, and headgear sprite missing

    Arcus Deamonicus - ¾ÆÅ©¿À½º´ÙÀ̸ð´ÏÄí½º

    Manteau of Diego - µð¿¡°íÀǸÁÅä

    Special Sloth Clothes - ½ÃµåÀǽ´Ã÷

    Kaftan -ʀǂ灼



  12. are you using an old client?


    it really depends on what client you are using

    if its older then you'll be needing updated data txt files but i dont' know if there are updated of those files cuz its for old clients

    and supports for them ended


    well i suggest you go for newer client

    as they won't be needing data txt files

    thus files in luafile514 and System\iteminfo.lub / lua are read by newer clients

    accname.lub and accessoryid.lub are what's important for newer client

  13. it means that neither your grfs [.grf files (you usually see this in the ragnarok folder data.grf rdata.grf etc. - a file containing everything that you see in ragnarok] or in your 'data' folder in your ragnarok folder don't have that palette file


    the data.grf doesn't have that file by default meaning it is a custom palette

    your solution is either download the custom palette pack (i think there is that 553/251 custom palette around here) and add it in either your data.ini file for it to be read by the game or if your client is patched that it can read data folder directly then you can just add the files in

    (Your RO directory)\data\palette\¸ö\

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