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Ichigo HikariRO

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Everything posted by Ichigo HikariRO

  1. Hello. I hope this is the correct section. I wanted to report an error in the Katar Shadow Cube, the item_group_db is not correct. Below I leave the correction: - Group: S_KATAR_CUBE SubGroups: - SubGroup: 0 List: - Index: 0 Item: S_Katar_Weapon - Index: 1 Item: S_Katar_Pendant - Index: 2 Item: S_Katar_Earing
  2. Hello. That's not the problem, I currently have it working correctly, but with an exe from 20211103 and I want to update the exe to 20220406. When creating the new exe with nemo, it does not take the file where the translated quests are, no matter how much you tell it what file it is.
  3. We are using the file System\OngoingQuestInfoList_True_EN.lub Until now we have had problems.
  4. Hello everyone. We are trying to update the exe, and there is no way, we don't know why, but everything works fine, except that it reads the quets file. We are using the latest version of Nemo, and everything runs without problems, we even indicated which file to use for the quests, but they do not work correctly. Can anyone help us, we've been dealing with this problem for weeks and we can't make any progress. Thank you.
  5. Sorry. I already found the error, it was nothing of the above, for some reason the emulator did not compile well and that is why it failed. You can close the post.
  6. Hello. We updated the emulator to the latest version of rAthena, and now Dragon Knights cannot raise skill points. I have tried the Cardinal, and yes, I can increase the skill points without problems. Can anyone help us?
  7. Hello. Death Bound is not working correctly. You see the visual effect that you perform the skill, but the damage does not increase. According to divine-pride it should increase the damage. https://www.divine-pride.net/database/skill/2003/death-bound Is it a bug in the rAthena src or is there something I don't know about said skill? Can anybody help me? Thank you.
  8. Hello. In quest 17.2, if you talk to Crux, to take you to the last room, it may happen that you leave without talking to the last npc, and you can't go back in. Original Code: ba_in01,37,138,0 script #ep172_main_evt03 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: if (ep17_2_main == 34) cloakoffnpcself( "Crux#ep172_clx01" ); end; } ba_in01,48,146,3 script(CLOAKED) Crux#ep172_clx01 4_EP16_CRUX,{ if (ep17_2_main == 34) { cutin "ep16_crux_findel02",2; mes "[Crux]"; mes "It's cozy and nice here."; mes "There is also a beautiful rest area in the main house of the Nerius family."; mes "When we're off duty, we usually play dice together."; next; mes "[Crux]"; mes "Well, shall we leave now?"; next; if (select( "Let's go right now.", "Let's go a bit later." ) == 2) { mes "[Crux]"; mes "I'll wait for you."; close3; } mes "[Crux]"; mes "Then, let us go."; close2; cutin "",255; cloakonnpcself(); warp "prt_cas",138,342; end; } end; } This problem can be easily solved. I leave the repaired code in case you want to rectify it in the rAthena git. Rectified code: ba_in01,37,138,0 script #ep172_main_evt03 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: if ((ep17_2_main == 34) || (ep17_2_main == 35)) cloakoffnpcself( "Crux#ep172_clx01" ); end; } ba_in01,48,146,3 script(CLOAKED) Crux#ep172_clx01 4_EP16_CRUX,{ if ((ep17_2_main == 34) || (ep17_2_main == 35)) { cutin "ep16_crux_findel02",2; mes "[Crux]"; mes "It's cozy and nice here."; mes "There is also a beautiful rest area in the main house of the Nerius family."; mes "When we're off duty, we usually play dice together."; next; mes "[Crux]"; mes "Well, shall we leave now?"; next; if (select( "Let's go right now.", "Let's go a bit later." ) == 2) { mes "[Crux]"; mes "I'll wait for you."; close3; } mes "[Crux]"; mes "Then, let us go."; close2; cutin "",255; cloakonnpcself(); warp "prt_cas",138,342; end; } end; } I hope it works for you. And it can be added to the source code to avoid future errors to users. Thank you.
  9. Hello. For some reason, the stylist has stopped working, it doesn't change the clothes, nor does it consume the tickets. When you tell him to change, he checks that everything is ok, and he tells you that the change has been made, but he doesn't do anything, neither change the color, nor consume items. Any idea why this happens? Thank you.
  10. Hello. I don't know why, but for some reason, the palettes they used have been corrupted, I imagine that the jobs changed at some point, because this failure was after updating the kRO client. This error is not new, and at the time I decided to put only the official palettes, but now I would like to have more palettes again. Does anyone know where I can download a grf with the current palettes? Thank you.
  11. El código es el de rathena, la idea es si se puede postear en algún lado, para que se tenga en cuenta las skills que están bug y se reparen a nivel de emulador, no a nivel particular.
  12. Hola a todos. Tengo una pregunta, hemos detectado varios errores de skills, en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, la skill comet impulsa a los MvP's y esto no debería ser. En que sección se deben reportar estos bugs para que puedan ser arreglados, para el beneficio de toda la comunidad? Un saludo.
  13. I have been using yml files for a long time, but today when updating the emulator, the import/item_db.yml does not load normally.
  14. Hello. I have updated the emulator, and now I don't know why it is not taking the custom items db. Jun 22 11:18:47 testserver.hikariro.com map-server[18071]: [Status]: Done reading '7511' entries in 'db/re/item_db_etc.yml' Jun 22 11:18:47 testserver.hikariro.com map-server[18071]: [120B blob data] Jun 22 11:18:47 testserver.hikariro.com map-server[18071]: [Error]: There is likely a syntax error in the file. Jun 22 11:18:47 testserver.hikariro.com map-server[18071]: [Error]: Error message: check failed: (pos <= s.len) Jun 22 11:18:48 testserver.hikariro.com map-server[18071]: [Status]: Done reading '304' entries in 'db/re/item_noequip.txt'. Can somebody help me? Thank you.
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