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Everything posted by jasonch35

  1. It means you don't have info added on your db_roulette database but I guess you don't use the feature? If not, you can disable in /conf/battle/feature.conf:
  2. You've set val1 to 0 in `status.cpp`. Try removing them.
  3. In the default npc script commands, no, you cannot. global temporary variables ($@ prefix) are used for this exact purpose. NPC 1: $@variable = 100; NPC 2: mes "" + $@variable + ""; // this will output 100
  4. `goto Main` runs script all over again every 5000 ms. you should omit it. morocc,150,172,4 script Give Reward 951,{ end; OnClock2336: Main: addrid(1); getitem 7227, 10; }
  5. I assume you don't want a rental usable item that does that function. I think you can only achieve this by making several npcs and assign them to the player that call them and move them on player's location thru setunitdata.
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