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Posts posted by emundus

  1. When in doubt about which rate to keep on the server, I ended up creating a command for GMs to change the server rates and announce the rates to everyone if changed.

    Note: the language is in Brazilian Portuguese, feel free to modify the texts to your language.

    The script working:

    !!Don't forget to add the folder into "rAthena/npc/scripts_custom.conf"!!


  2. On 9/19/2012 at 3:05 PM, goddameit said:

    File Name: @AutoAttack
    File Submitter: goddameit
    File Submitted: 13 Sep 2012
    File Category: Source Modifications
    Content Author: Goddameit

    Idea : http://rathena.org/b...k-close-enemys/

    Preview :



    Use this command you can turn on or off auto-attack.

    It will auto-search 9x9 and attack the near one

    if there is no monster in area, you will auto-walk randomly.

    Click here to download this file




    Important Note : #31 #32

    Is working in the latest rAthena?

  3. I would like to request a "rate selector", which would be Low Rates, Mid Rates and High Rates (I would like to customize the values, if possible).
    I would also like some help with installation, thanks in advance!

    How it would work: when entering the character for the first time, the person chooses the rates they want to play and there is a "buff" showing the selected rates (or a command like @myrates).

  4. 38 minutes ago, emundus said:

    Can you help me to create a code for a command (@myrates) showing the selected rates?

    I thought about, when selecting the rates, saving a variable in the character (char_reg_num) specifying the chosen rates and then showing it in the command @myrates...

    I ended up creating the command with the values manually, thanks for the support @Winterfox!

  5. 52 minutes ago, Winterfox said:

    Looks correct.

    Can you help me to create a code for a command (@myrates) showing the selected rates?

    I thought about, when selecting the rates, saving a variable in the character (char_reg_num) specifying the chosen rates and then showing it in the command @myrates...

  6. 1 hour ago, Winterfox said:

    1. I don't know how the status changes accumulate if you stack them. But I think it isn't hard for you to test that, simply choose a rate and use an item like bubble gum and check how it influences your rate.
    2. If your server is configured to have the default rates, those would be 1x, when a player chooses low it would add a bonus of 200% so 2x, on mid 2000% or 20x etc.

    It is good that you asked, since I realized I made a mistake in the script above and could correct it.

    the item buffs do not add up to the script buff

  7. -	script	RateSelect	-1,{
    		switch(individual_rate) {
    			case 1:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .low_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .low_rate_drop_bonus;
    			case 2:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .mid_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .mid_rate_drop_bonus;
    			case 3:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .high_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .high_rate_drop_bonus;
    				mes "Selecione suas rates preferidas para este personagem.";
    				mes "[Rates EXP/Drop %]";
    				mes "- Low Rates:" + .low_rate_exp_bonus + ", " + .low_rate_drop_bonus + ".";
    				mes "- Mid Rates:" + .mid_rate_exp_bonus + ", " + .mid_rate_drop_bonus + ".";
    				mes "- High Rates:" + .high_rate_exp_bonus + ", " + .high_rate_drop_bonus + ".";
    				individual_rate = select("- Low Rate:- Mid Rate:- High Rate");
    				goto OnSetRate;
    		sc_start SC_EXPBOOST, INFINITE_TICK, .@exp_rate_bonus;
    		sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST, INFINITE_TICK, .@drop_rate_bonus;
    		.low_rate_exp_bonus = 200;
    		.mid_rate_exp_bonus = 2000;
    		.high_rate_exp_bonus = 20000;
    		.low_rate_drop_bonus = 200;
    		.mid_rate_drop_bonus = 2000;
    		.high_rate_drop_bonus = 20000;

    I translated it into my language and added the information on rates, would the code be like this?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Winterfox said:

    1. I don't know how the status changes accumulate if you stack them. But i think it isn't hard for you to test that, simply choose a rate and use an item like bubble gum and check how it influences your rate.
    2. If your server is configured to have the default rates those would be 1x, when a player chooses low it would add a bonus of 200% so 2x, on mid 2000% or 20x etc.

    Thank you so much, I will test and leave a feedback 😉

  9. On 2/25/2024 at 8:50 AM, Winterfox said:

    It won't influence the individual rates. What he provides is more or less just a poll.

    I think there is no direct way to overwrite rates directly for an individual player.

    But what you could do is set the rates of your server to default and use status changes to give each player an exp and drop bonus according to his choice to basically get the effect of different rates.

    -	script	RateSelect	-1,{
    		switch(individual_rate) {
    			case 1:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .low_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .low_rate_drop_bonus;
    			case 2:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .mid_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .mid_rate_drop_bonus;
    			case 3:
    				.@exp_rate_bonus = .high_rate_exp_bonus;
    				.@drop_rate_bonus = .high_rate_drop_bonus;
    				mes "Select your preferred server rate for this character.";
    				individual_rate = select("Low Rate:Mid Rate:High Rate");
    				goto OnSetRate;
    		sc_start SC_EXPBOOST, INFINITE_TICK, .@exp_rate_bonus;
    		sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST, INFINITE_TICK, .@drop_rate_bonus;
    		.low_rate_exp_bonus = 2;
    		.mid_rate_exp_bonus = 20;
    		.high_rate_exp_bonus = 200;
    		.low_rate_drop_bonus = 2;
    		.mid_rate_drop_bonus = 20;
    		.high_rate_drop_bonus = 200;


    I would like to thank you very much for the support provided, could you answer some questions regarding the script?
    1. Are other boost items applicable separately or do they accumulate with the script boosts?
    2. is the rate based on, for example, 2x 20x and 200x?

    Thanks 😄

  10. On 5/15/2023 at 12:10 AM, ryzenthird said:

    Try this


    -	script	SelectRate	-1,{
    		mes "Select Your Preferred Server Rates";
    		switch(select("High Rate:Mid Rate:Low Rate")){
    			case 1:
    				mes "Thank you for choosing!";
    				set server_preferred_rate,1;
    			case 2:
    				mes "Thank you for Choosing!";
    				set server_preferred_rate,2;
    			case 3:
    				mes "Thank you for Choosing!";
    				set server_preferred_rate,3;
    				mes "Please relogin to choose!";
    	query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM char_reg_num WHERE `key` = 'server_preferred_rate' AND `value` = 1",.@highratecount);
    	query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM char_reg_num WHERE `key` = 'server_preferred_rate' AND `value` = 2",.@midratecount);
    	query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM char_reg_num WHERE `key` = 'server_preferred_rate' AND `value` = 3",.@lowratecount);
    	mes "This is the current statistics";
    	mes "High Rate Count : ("+.@highratecount+")";
    	mes "Mid Rate : ("+.@midratecount+")";
    	mes "Low Rate : ("+.@lowratecount+")";


    Thank you, I had some personal problems and couldn't see the answer..
    I have a question: how will this influence that character's rates on the server?

  11. Looking for a solution to my problem, I ended up generating the solution to yours:

    // Criado por Alek Emundus
    // comando @loja
    // abre a lojinha básica para vender/comprar itens
    -	shop	ComandoShop	-1,506:-1,501:-1,502:-1,503:-1,504:-1,525:-1,601:-1,602:-1,1065:-1,645:-1,656:-1,657:-1,610:-1,713:-1
    -	script	ShopComando	-1,{
    		bindatcmd "loja",strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnAtcommand";
    		callshop "ComandoShop";

    I hope it helps! 😉

  12. 3 hours ago, Tokei said:

    Well, you'd have to check which palette it actually uses in your case. If it's cardinal, then it's most likely using cardinal_³²_2.pal. The default kRO palettes for 4th classes are not compatible with the fixed sprites that private servers use (and not compatible with older sprites either, such as a GM sprite). So to make the 4th class palette compatible with your GM sprite, you'll have to use custom palettes instead. I'm not sure how's the progress on those; I made mine myself but I'm sure someone out there made them available to everyone by now. If you use custom palettes, then you'll obviously also have to use one of the "4th Jobs Corrected Sprites" pack available on rAthena.

    the sprites for the classes work correctly, just this problem in the GM sprite .. I'm almost giving up on changing haha

  13. Olá, caso ainda esteja em dúvida no próprio achievement_db.yml tem a configuração:

    # Achievement Settings
    # - Id                  Achievement ID.
    #   Group               Achievement group type. (Defaut: None)
    #   Name                Achievement name.
    #   Targets:            List of targets the achievement requires. (Default: null)
    #     - Id              Index value used for import methods.
    #       Mob             Target mob. (Default: 0)
    #       Count           Target count. (Default: 1)
    #   Condition           Conditional statement that must be met for the achievement to be considered complete. (Default: null)
    #   Map                 Map name that is used for the AG_CHATTING type. (Default: -1)
    #   Dependents:         List of achievements that need to be completed before this achievement is considered complete. (Default: null)
    #     - Id: <bool>      Achievement ID pre-requisite.
    #   Rewards:            List of rewards that are given on completion. (Default: null)
    #     Item              Item name.
    #     Amount            Amount of item. (Default: 1)
    #     Script            Bonus Script. (Default: null)
    #     TitleId           Title ID. (Default: 0)
    #   Score               Achievement points that are given on completion. (Default: 0)

    Espero ter ajudado kk

  14. 15 hours ago, Tokei said:

    The palette used depends of your class, so it's somewhat unrealistic to give palettes for the GM sprite as it can be any class. Plus, each server has different palettes, so only your related server can create those.

    Any sprite that I try in the stylist it becomes transparent or gives a gravity error.

    Do you know any solution?

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