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Everything posted by Nokia

  1. yes, "#Freebies" = account variable. just remove the # to make it charbound, as the topic says.
  2. hmm, can i do this by just warping the people random into the waiting rooms? like this: bat_room,156,160,3 script Register 416,{ switch( select("Tierra") ) { case 1: switch( rand(1,2) ){ case 1: warp "bat_room", 57, 223; end; //blue team waiting room case 2: warp "bat_room", 57, 207; end; //red team waiting room } } } i probably need some checks there, like stop warping if there are 3 users in the watingroom, this will probably not work becasue all waiting rooms are an the same map
  3. topic says, just 1 npc which warps random into the bg, something like this i found: //Conquest Randomizer bat_room,135,175,4 script Conquest I::ConR_Random 466,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Conquest",1,"ConR_RANDOM::OnDoB_CONQ",1; end; } - script ConR_RANDOM -1,{ OnDoB_CONQ: if( $@Conquest == 1 ) { // set .@Guillaume, bg_get_data($@Conquest_id1, 0); set .@Croix, bg_get_data($@Conquest_id2, 0); if( .@Guillaume < .@Croix ) waitingroom2bg_single $@Conquest_id1,.Castle$,.GX,.GY,"ConR_Random"; else if( .@Guillaume > .@Croix ) waitingroom2bg_single $@Conquest_id2,.Castle$,.CX,.CY,"ConR_Random"; else { set .@GuillaumeR, getwaitingroomstate(0,"ConR_Random"); set .@CroixR, getwaitingroomstate(0,"ConR_Random"); if( .@GuillaumeR <= .@CroixR ) set .@Limit, .@GuillaumeR; else set .@Limit, .@CroixR; if( .@Limit + .@Guillaume > 50 ) set .@Limit, 50 - .@Guillaume; if( .@Limit <= 0 ) end; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@Limit; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { waitingroom2bg_single $@Conquest_id1,.Castle$,.GX,.GY,"ConR_Random"; waitingroom2bg_single $@Conquest_id2,.Castle$,.CX,.CY,"ConR_Random"; } set .@Guillaume, .@Guillaume + .@Limit; set .@Croix, .@Croix + .@Limit; mapannounce "bat_room","Battleground -- Conquest [80-99] G: " + .@Guillaume + "/50, C: " + .@Croix + "/50 (Playing)",1,0xFFA500; } end; } } but its not working on rathena, nothing happens if i enter the waitingroom.
  4. its not starting every 10 minutes, like the script said: OnMinute10: // Start at every Hours 10th Minutes. thats every hour on minute 10. if it should start every 10 minute, i guess you have to add: OnClockxxyyy: OnClockxxyy: xx <- hour yy <- minute etc. not sure about an easier way, but its working
  5. ehw, you misunderstood that, you said the sleep2 command is the reason, why the npc is freezing if a player logout between the sleep2 / getitem step, so, i can also add the getitem thing before the sleep2 steps and it would be fine. my sample. should also solve the npc freeze: getitem $guessprize, $guessprizecount; npctalk strcharinfo(0) + " got my right name!",0; sleep2 3000; before / wrong: npctalk strcharinfo(0) + " got my right name!",0; sleep2 3000; getitem $guessprize, $guessprizecount;
  6. ah, i see, also set the price before the sleep steps will fix it too? like this? winround: setnpctimer 0; deletepset 1; set .DisguiseWon, 1; set $DisguiseRound, $DisguiseRound + 1; getitem $guessprize, $guessprizecount; npctalk strcharinfo(0) + " got my right name!",0; sleep2 3000; npctalk $MonsterName$ + " is the correct answer."; sleep2 3000; npctalk "Take this as a reward."; // getitem $guessprize, $guessprizecount;
  7. Hi there, i need a simple player check for the disguise event v2 http://rathena.org/b...isguiseeventv2/ the npc is freezing, if a player guessed the right monster and the player logs out / disconnect. i think, its this part: winround: setnpctimer 0; deletepset 1; set .DisguiseWon, 1; set $DisguiseRound, $DisguiseRound + 1; npctalk strcharinfo(0) + " got my right name!",0; sleep2 3000; npctalk $MonsterName$ + " is the correct answer."; sleep2 3000; npctalk "Take this as a reward."; getitem $guessprize, $guessprizecount; so, how can i add "if the player is offline just continue with the next round" ?
  8. Hi, is there a way to disable autoloot for Mercenaries? Like the Homunculus settings: but that's not working for mercs and i cant find an option like that for mercs.
  9. if there are male sprites, then also the males, just seen the female sprites.
  10. still not working until i re equip the item, map change also dosent change the effect.
  11. hmm, its only working if i re - equip the item, example: { if( strcharinfo(3) == "payon" || strcharinfo(3) == "geffen" ) { bonus bAspdRate,5;} else { bonus bAspdRate,10; } },{},{} wont work until i put the weapon off and on :/
  12. how should look the script if i add maps? if( map == prontera || geffen ){ bonus script here };
  13. hi, want to use 2 different effects for some items, one effect if woe is on and one if not, like this example: { bonus bMdef,50; bonus bUseSPrate,50; if woe on -> bonus bMdef,10; bonus bUseSPrate,10;},{},{} how can i do this?
  14. http://pastebin.com/qZvPmLyn would be nice if someone made a script, which affects drop rates only, thanks in advance
  15. possible to add a menu for gms, to add/remove drops ingame via npc?
  16. i saw it on eathena also, but all links are down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY-fmmFwyUM
  17. can i request a check for autotraders? if 3 autotraders are online i cant login anymore :/
  18. how to add to every player storage 1 item? example, i wanna add 1x white potion on every storage, with sql commands? if yes, how?
  19. so, my mapflag should look like this:? prontera mapflag restricted 1 and in the nocast: 8,1 8= endure skill id, 1 the flag.
  20. Hi, can someone explain how to disable specific skills on a map? i know there are the restricted.txt and skill_no_cast but i cant figure it out how they work together, for example, i wanna disable endure in prontera, what should i do?
  21. yea its working, but i have to change the .count into 4, because i can only have 2 accounts online if i count 3, buts its working. edit: nvm, its working in your example
  22. hm there must be something wrong, if i logged in with 3 accounts, im getting kicked everytime no matter how much accounts are online. i also restarted the server, if i login with 1 account > kick
  23. Hi, im searching for an IP Check Script, maybe an "onpcloginevent" script, i wanna kick players which are already logged on with 3 other accounts, like this: OnPCLoginEvent: if > players ip is 3 times logged in kick else end: possible?
  24. Hello, is this possible to disappear autotraders from the who is online list? or maybe a seperate list, like online players:5 / Venders: 10 ?
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