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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/27/24 in Files

  1. Version 4.4


    Original idea of this script : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=148888 Well, this was my favourite stylist script in eAthena ....xD Since i got some time, and lately received a request on editing a stylist npc script. So i come with with the idea to add some minor features or enhance the original script. The script are written from scratch... A very quick and simple intro for the script, Able to nagivate styles easily ( Forward, Backward, Jump ). Able to blacklist certain style for each style group and separately by Gender. Removed save / load features since not really useful. Enable Zeny as payment for the services. Able to enable any of the 3 services. ( Hairstyle, Hair Color, Cloth Color ) Support multiple type of Currency Payment. ( Item , Cash Points , Zeny and etc ) Customizable. ( If any style was blacklisted, a default style will be displayed ) The script are rewrited and clean up some unecessary parts. Credits : AnnieRuru Hudelf
    1 point
  2. Version 1.3


    A mini event where a numbers of monsters will be spawned within a specified area. Players have to count for the monsters that exist within that area and tell the NPC to win the event. Btw, this is just a new version of event based on my previous Flower Counting Event. Thank you @AnnieRuru for delivering me the idea of using "live" monsters. Configuration: OnInit: // how many rounds .max_round = 3; // minute each round .max_duration = 3; // dummy mob id represent wall .wall_mob_id = 1085; // ( x1,y1,x2,y2 ) area for event setarray .xy_area, 151,169, // ( x1,y1 ) 161,179; // ( x2,y2 ) // monster list used in event setarray .monster, 1002, 1031, 1836, 1595; Preview : Feel free to share your idea/opinions to improve this.
    1 point
  3. Version 1


    I was testing something on my server and I wondered if these Poring Maps still exist. Yes, they still exist but they error you. I found these maps sitting in my hard drive, so might as well share it to whoever needs them. I made the mini-maps and included them in the files. @_@ Enjoy~! (Also included a .zip file for those who don't have WinRAR. )
    1 point
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