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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/22 in Posts

  1. It seems like the client is able to connect to the login-server, but is not able to connect to the char-server. Assuming you have no errors showing up in any of your console, have you... tested if the port 5800 is open on VM#2, on That would be my guess. https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
    1 point
  2. First example how to work Visual Scripting and Generated Code.
    1 point
  3. Hi all ? I haven't written any updates for a long time. Causes covid, life, work and more... Other full server configuration , i decide to implements a visual scripting editor like Blue Print (Unreal Engine) How to work is very simple, Just connect Node to Node, setting value, and the program, generate the npc script. The source code work like that. All nodes contains this function to generate code relative to parameters setting. public string CreateCode() { return map.Text + "," + x.Text + "," + y.Text + "," + dir.Text + " script " + name.Text + " " + graphics.Text + ",{"; } Really simple. And, this is Frontend Hope like this new NPC Editor. Actually need more time to create all Node and function relative to all npc command and sql operation. Follow for more news or join in rAthena Studio on discord ??
    1 point
  4. fix this by adding the [Config:BGM] under[Config:Window] hope it helps in the future
    1 point
  5. nice idea! i have try a test like your request first test working fine. but need more fix for speed reading on process. Untitled.mp4
    1 point
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