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  1. Past hour
  2. Why don't you use 'Edit' button and just update your post? Post a double/triple every minutes or hours is consider spam and break the forum rules.
  3. 4CrAM Job Changer is like this? 4CrAM Job Changer just like job master I just forget delete credit head i use same file to make all new script! บันทึก_2024_04_23_22_21_03_637.mp4
  4. Today
  5. People who are never beneficial but come in the way of the needs of many others.
  6. Take it for free, write it a long time. But I was accused of taking someone else's property. Quest Change Job Class4-Ex (Fix2).rar
  7. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= 4CrAM Job Changer //===== By: ================================================== //= Rytech //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= 4CrAM //===== Description: ========================================= //= Allows changing into 4th jobs (Trait Era Jobs). //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Release Version. //============================================================ This credit is old, I didn't delete it. The original script was like being able to talk to a job master and change careers. But I completely rewrote the script to be a story. I challenge you to go get the script and compare it. pcm_job4.txt
  8. Let's compare the script to see if it belongs to someone else or not. บันทึก_2024_06_04_14_14_54_194.mp4
  9. I wrote this script myself but a moderator named Akkarin accused me of using someone else's work. And there is no evidence to refer to who took it. discredit me This caregiver is not mature enough to take care of a large group of people. act like a child Translated by Google Post.
  10. Forces the use of NPCs, limiting the player's use of various commands. Sorry my English.
  11. fixed, .rsw file have the following data and I change it to: Before: Rsw.Header.MinorVersion = 2 Rsw.Header.Version = 2.2 After: Rsw.Header.MinorVersion = 1 Rsw.Header.Version = 2.1
  12. Might be you're using old client that doesn't support the latest models? But if you're using at least 2018 or 2022 client, that might not be the issue.
  13. I've just checked and I have the .rsw files but for some reason the error is displayed... any clue on this? please =( Splendide 2 and 3 are working fine.
  14. Hello, Im having problems with the spl_fild01.rsw and probably other spl maps, could someone please share with me the files to add it to my server? I downloaded a kRO from the forums, its updated so idk why is this error displayed... Thank you so much in advance!
  15. Adicionei o Item, mas o mesmo não aparece no personagem.
  16. Filho adicionar itens não é difícil, difícil mesmo é adivinhar qual o erro que tá aparecendo pra você. Dói colocar um print no tópico? Alguma coisa que ajude a identificar o problema.
  17. Yesterday
  18. I'm happy to approve files that are yours. However, if you continue to upload other people's work and then try to publicly shame me for not approving, I'll just ban your account. Grow up.
  19. giving more details about my problem even after updating with the commit I understood how the error was generated. the error is only generated when the character is within a guild and with the newest client above 032022 with client 2021 the error is not displayed I will try a way or if anyone knows a way to not activate the guild packet in client 2022 I I thank
  20. Configure for VIP player that only 1 arrow of each copy is needed in the inventory, giving the benefit of having infinite arrows
  21. How to add a menu on this NPC that tells what type of item they want to exchange with?
  22. Try this //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Reset NPC //===== Description: ========================================= //= Resets skills, stats, or both. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka] //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy] //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy] //= 1.4 Compressed Script, Added limit use option [Stolao] //= Changed set -> setarray, Improved text with F_InsertPlural //= 1.5 Added sc_end_class to reset related status changes [sader1992] //= 1.6 First three resets are free [YourName] //============================================================ prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ // Skills, Stats, Both, Limit setarray .@Reset, 5000, 5000, 9000, 0; mes "[Reset Girl]"; if(.@Reset[3] && reset_limit > .@Reset[3]) { mes "Sorry, you can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life."; close; } mes "I am the Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[1]) +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[0]) +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[2]) +"z"; if(.@Reset[3]) mes "You may only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+", so use "+((.@Reset[3]>1)?"them":"it")+" wisely."; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; set .@i,(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel")); if(.@i > 3) close; mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (free_resets < 3) { mes "You are eligible for a free reset! This will be reset number "+(free_resets+1)+"."; } else { if (Zeny < .@Reset[.@i-1]) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } if(.@Reset[3]){ mes "You can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life, are you sure?"; if(select("Let me think:That's fine") == 1) close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@Reset[.@i-1]; } if(.@i&1){ sc_end_class; ResetSkill; } if(.@i&2) ResetStatus; if (free_resets < 3) { set free_resets, free_resets + 1; } mes "There you go!"; if(.@Reset[3]) set reset_limit, reset_limit + 1; close; } New Variable free_resets: This variable keeps track of the number of free resets a player has used. Logic for Free Resets: If the player has used fewer than 3 free resets, they are informed that the reset will be free. Otherwise, the script checks if the player has enough Zeny and deducts it accordingly. Incrementing free_resets: Each time a free reset is used, free_resets is incremented by 1. This script ensures that players get their first three resets for free, after which they will be charged the standard fees as defined in the .@Reset array.
  23. Hello guys can i request for a Reset npc For the first 3 reset is free. After that you should have to pay zeny. Thank you in advance. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Reset NPC //===== Description: ========================================= //= Resets skills, stats, or both. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka] //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy] //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy] //= 1.4 Compressed Script, Added limit use option [Stolao] //= Changed set -> setarray, Improved text with F_InsertPlural //= 1.5 Added sc_end_class to reset related status changes [sader1992] //============================================================ prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ // Skills, Stats, Both, Limit setarray .@Reset, 5000, 5000, 9000, 0; mes "[Reset Girl]"; if(.@Reset[3] && reset_limit > .@Reset[3]) { mes "Sorry you can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life."; close; } mes "I am the Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[1]) +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[0]) +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[2]) +"z"; if(.@Reset[3]) mes "You may only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+", so use "+((.@Reset[3]>1)?"them":"it")+" wisely."; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; set .@i,(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel")); if(.@i > 3) close; mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@Reset[.@i-1]) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } if(.@Reset[3]){ mes "You can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life, are you sure?"; if(select("Let me think:That's fine") == 1) close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@Reset[.@i-1]; if(.@i&1){ sc_end_class; ResetSkill; } if(.@i&2) ResetStatus; mes "There you go!"; if(.@Reset[3]) set reset_limit,reset_limit + 1; close; }
  24. hello! is there any update for this for the newer clients? it seems the coding doesnt match and it gives me an error. im using latest rathena 2024 and 2022 04 06 as client.
  25. [Showcase] Mob and Item Data Center. บันทึก_2024_06_03_13_12_27_572.mp4
  26. Like this. บันทึก_2024_06_03_13_12_27_572.mp4
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