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  1. It's pretty simple really, for the most part rAthena and 3ceAM SQL tables are compatible with eachother. Just set up a fresh rAthena directory using the latest SVN and manually import any custom content you have added. You may want to search around the forums a bit for more information, there are some values in the SQL database that are different in rAthena. For example, the login table uses "group_id" rather than "level" to determine the GM level of the account.
  2. Thanks for the tip, installed it and everything works beautifully. The only issue I had which I was curious about when setting up rAthena is the raCP looks for a mob_db_re table in the SQL database. Both mob_db and mob_db_re sql files create a table called mob_db, so I figured there was only a need for a single mob_db SQL table whereas the item_db needs two, one for renewal and one for regular. Could this be a mistake in the mob_db_re sql file? Thanks, DT
  3. So after switching from 3ceAM to rAthena, I switched over from Paradox924's Flux and set up the one from CalciumKid. http://rathena.org/b...athena-support/ I noticed that the control panel refuses to read the item_db_re from the SQL database therefore showing a lot of unknown items attached to players. I tried looking through the configs and editing the items module to read item_db_re instead of item_db but all that does is return an empty list of items. If anyone happens to know why it isn't automatically reading from item_db_re or knows what to modify to get it to, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, DT
  4. You need to make sure you put an entry in script_custom.txt so the server recognizes it. You would input it as this - npc: npc/custom/script.txt replacing "script" with whatever name you have given to this script file. You can either restart your server or load the NPC in manually using @loadnpc npc/custom/script.txt. DT
  5. Thanks for the reply, I just wanted to grasp how how things worked in this matter. The map server looks for the regular item_db anyways and reports it missing, but it doesn't make any impact. This can be closed. Thanks, DT
  6. I just recently made the switch from 3ceAM to rAthena. After figuring out some of the differences between the two, I was able to migrate all of my previous server data to the new emulator. My question is in regards to using a SQL item_db in rAthena. There are 2 SQL files, item_db.sql(old values) and item_db_re.sql(renewal values), but each creates a different table. Do both of these need to be uploaded and the server knows to either read item_db or item_db_re depending on the renewal option? Or do I just need to upload item_db_re and change the table name to item_db. Thanks, DT
  7. 19000,Your_Card,Your Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bHit,200; bonus2 bHPDrainRate,1000,20;},{},{}
  8. You need to edit the drop of the item in the mob_db.txt file for any monsters that drop that particular item.
  9. You need to enable the warps in game using the @loadnpc command. @loadnpc npc/re/warps/custom/cities/turboroomin.txt @loadnpc npc/re/warps/custom/cities/turboroomout.txt If they still dont work after loading them, us the @reloadscript command and they will show up. DT
  10. If you enable the NPC using the watingroom function without restarting the server you need to use @reloadscript for the chat box to show up. DT
  11. Really? It works perfectly fine on my server. Did you try using @reloadscript after you enabled the NPC? I know it needs to be reloaded for the chat room box to appear above its head, and I have no problems with it at all. It's set to only work for one character per account like you requested. Can you post your modified version of the script here so I can see if you may have changed something accidentally? DT
  12. Well, your server is telling you exactly what is wrong and where. Just follow where it's telling you to add the proper semicolon/comma placement and it should be fine.
  13. The .thor is a compressed file that the patcher will download and then either throw into your data folder or pack into your GRF. It sounds like you might have a problem in your thor config file. The plist.txt sees that it needs to be looking for a patch file but can't find it. Do you get the same error when you run the patcher without adding the file in the data folder? You might have the wrong path set in the config telling the patcher where to find the directory of the patch files. DT
  14. You need to put your WAN IP into your char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf. If your friends already have RO installed, they would only need a copy of your client and your data folder/GRF with the clientinfo.xml modified to contain your WAN IP. DT
  15. The output is what you want the file to be called (E.G. mypatch1.thor). The input is the directory which you are uploading the files from. The best way to do it is to make a separate directory called data and put all of your files in their using the same folder construction/format as your regular RO data folder would use. That will be your input directory, which contains any modifications you are making to your client files. If your server is using a GRF rather than a data folder, make sure you have the RO-GRF option selected below the output and type in the name of your GRF (E.G. myserver.grf). Hope this helps! DT
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