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badneko last won the day on December 15 2015

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  1. oh. Then, anyway to check where Spawn the Emperium ?
  2. Hi! i need a npc who can tell where is the active woe. Something like. Now the woe is playin in [this castle] I have already a npc who broadcast at the start. But i just want, the np who can provide that information. thanks in advance ~
  3. Enter normal message, then the npc check the word. =o
  4. Just like effect 652, but changing the number "1", for another.
  5. exist anyway to disable this function for low ranks on guilds ?
  6. Actually i did that in other script. first get the map where is your npc. with getmapxy or setupd yourself. makeitem 547,1,"yourmap",49+rand(-7,7),49+rand(-7,7); so, the item will be created in a square 14x14 around that point.
  7. Hi guys, im looking for a method to check of npc exist/enable/visible. and when not not exit/disable/invisible. i tried with getmapxy, if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,1,"Silvia Summers#clic1")!=0){ percentheal -99,-99;end;}
  8. Sup, guys. I wondering if any method to check the global/public chat.
  9. For example all stats + 3 (level <70) also how desactivate this on certan maps? can be setted in the item too ?
  10. Thanks guys!. And now how i can avoid the "there is no player attached error"?
  11. Something like start time, then stop it and show the time has passed.
  12. Thanks guys for answer People enter to Bg with autofollow. So is just one guy using other pc. What i want is a script how test if there real people playing. Something like, you have 10 seconds to answer or do something. IMO that is a little hard. Not the script itself but it would be annoying for the users. Also you cannot put an anti DL IP script because there is a lot of people who play with their brother/sister/girlfriend/friend etc. I suggest you to put a anti DL by MAC and if you find people doing that shit just kick/jail/ban them. Kick by MAC using harmony: - script dual_mac_5 -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy(.@amap$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0); if(.@amap$!="bat_room") end; set .@name$,strcharinfo(0); query_sql("SELECT last_hwid FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@LastMac$); query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `login` WHERE last_hwid = '"+.@LastMac$+"'", .@AccountId); set .@aidtemp,getcharid(3,strcharinfo(0)); for(set .@i ,0;.@i<getarraysize(.@AccountId);set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid(.@AccountId[.@i])) { getmapxy(.@qmap$,.@qmapx,.@qmapy,0); if (.@qmap$== .@amap$) { logmes "[ "+ .@name$ +" - "+.@aidtemp+" ] es DL de [ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" - "+ .@AccountId[.@i] +" ] - HWID [ "+ .@LastMac$ +" ]"; set .@j,.@j+1; } } detachrid; } attachrid .@aidtemp; //if(.@j > $@MaxWimdows) { //dispbottom "Prohibited Double Login in this map..."; //warp "prontera",156,179; //} end; OnInit: //set $@MaxWimdows,1; end; } //------Enable map OnPCLoadMapEvent------------------- bat_room mapflag loadevent Uhmmmm i thinking something like ... Player 1 enter to bat_room Player 2 talk to bg recruiter {Ops we got same mac with other player, wanna test?} yes: Pick all player with same Mac, Recall players for verification test: One idea: Warp-> test room. Count player in that room Map broadcast-> You guys need to talk to the npc and answer in least 7 seconds. (short captcha) Count answers == Player at room{Free pass to Bg for 1 Hour} if(gettimetick(2) - $passbg[0] > (60 * 60 )) then players dont need to verification until the hour end.
  13. People enter to Bg with autofollow. So is just one guy using other pc. What i want is a script how test if there real people playing. Something like, you have 10 seconds to answer or do something.
  14. Hi!, i installed Harmony. And i want to test some player with the same mac. Check if multiple people use the same router or just one guy playing with 2 or more computers.
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