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  1. same problem here, >.< did you find a solution? or can anyone suggest what to do? I checked the items it works. Please help
  2. Hi, i want to add some headgears (including custom ones) to monster drops. for example, Angeling hat (id: 5132) can be obtained by angeling. I changed the mob_db.txt but its not dropping. This is what I got. 1096,ANGELING,Angeling,Angeling,77,19800,1,3060,2693,1,355,500,72,238,58,50,33,105,67,200,10,12,1,8,86,0x37B5,200,1072,672,672,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2254,100,2324,60,610,500,2282,1,509,2000,512,28,714,40,5132,1,0,0,4054,1 Am i missing something? I'm also not sure why when i put 1, its 10% in the server. can i put 0.1? Thanks
  3. I will try this, thankyou Also another problem with mapflag was that when a GM uses @killer, it still kills players in the basilica save zone (with mapflag) havn't tried npc skill effects yet, but i will do that. and update this post. Thanks
  4. I want to add items to donation page, what I understand right now is that I need items to item database , then I can add it to donation page? My items database page found no items right now. I tried to manual add items, and it doesn't show up. Could anyone help me walkthrough the donation part? i'm really stuck. My skype ID is : zina.eventzro or any help on the forum would be greatly appreciate it.
  5. I'm trying to add custom monster as pet. I have the tame item and monster in game already. But the tame item doesn't catch the monster. Also when I do @item the monster egg, I can find the egg but when I hatch it, nothing comes out. After I warp to new map, that egg goes back to my inventory.. Please help me. I tried to solve this from other forums but I can't find similar problems. I also tried @makeegg and failed "the monster/egg name/id doesn't exit" Here is what I added: item_db: 30039,Green_Pokeball,Green_Pokeball,2,1000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ pet 3017; },{},{} 9063,green_meowring_egg,green_meowring_egg,7,20,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,{},{},{} pet_db: 3017,green_meowring,green_meowring,33039,9063,0,537,80,20,20,100,250,20,2000,200,1,0,800,400,200,{ petskillbonus bLuk,20,10,90; } idnum2itemdesctable and num2itemdesctable 9063# An egg in which a ^33CC33Green Meowring^000000 rests. Can be hatched by using a ^3333ccPet Incubator^000000. Class :^777777 Monster Egg^000000 # idnum2itemdisplaynametable and num2itemdisplaynametable 9063#green_meowring_egg# num2itemresnametable and idnum2itemresnametable 9063#Áö¼Ó¼º¾Ë# Please help >.<
  6. I tried to update the hex client for player by add the update.grf file for the patch, but it didnt work.
  7. I read a few other post about this but I didn't find any solution to the MVP exp penalty. It seems that there is a penalty when killing MVP according to players level. but from what i understand from wiki (http://irowiki.org/wiki/Experience) or other source, It should give the same exp no matter who kills or what level they are? How can I fix this please? thank you
  8. Sorry I'm very new to this, i also looked around and tried changing langtype to 10 and didn't work. I tried using email or 000000 still failed to delete the character. I'm using april 9 2012 patch. Please help me. Thank you
  9. I was trying to change the Euphy's warper so I can take out all the mvps. I tried to take out the Mjolnir fild 1 to 4, so the warper starts at 5 to 12. the warpers from 10-12 is working but the single digit ones aren't working (5-9)... This is what I got: F18: setarray @c[0],181,240,195,270,235,202,188,215,205,144,245,223,180,206,196,208; Disp("Mjolnir Field 5:Mjolnir Field 6:Mjolnir Field 7:Mjolnir Field 8:Mjolnir Field 9:Mjolnir Field 10:Mjolnir Field 11:Mjolnir Field 12"); Pick("","moc_fild05","moc_fild06","moc_fild07","moc_fild08","moc_fild09","moc_fild10","moc_fild11","moc_fild12"); Am I missing anything? Not sure why the warper isn't changing according to the list...
  10. I also looked at that but it doesn't give the basilica animation of the walls. is there a way to show the walls?
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