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  1. it work only player's skull only. (drop skull when died.)
  2. http://rathena.org/board/topic/66794-broadcaster/
  3. prontera,130,173,5 script Magical Skull Trader 723,{ mes "[Magical Skull Trader]"; mes "I can turn skulls into TGC."; if(select("Trade Skulls for TGC:Get more skulls")==2) close; next; mes "How many coins would you like?"; input @tgc_amount; next; if(countitem(7420)<@tgc_amount) { mes "You do not have enough skulls."; close; } delitem 7420,@tgc_amount; // Skull id getitem 7539,@tgc_amount; // TCG <-- edit yourself mes "Here's your TGC."; close; }
  4. you using rathena or eathena?
  5. your script just disable @disguise commands in pvp/gvg map.
  6. Because some other gm will use @disguise commands to player.. Because of @disguise commands, no other disguise npc or script.
  7. how make timecharvar become 1 when disguise?
  8. prontera,51,67,5 script pvp 730,{ set .@mapcount_1,getmapusers("guild_vs3"); set .@mapcount_2,getmapusers("final_dest"); set .@mapcount_3,getmapusers("guild_vs2"); set .@mapcount_4,getmapusers("guild_vs1"); while(1) { switch(select("["+.@mapcount_1+"/128] Pvp Arena:["+.@mapcount_2+"/128] Pvp Arena 2:["+.@mapcount_3+"/128] Solo PVP:["+.@mapcount_4+"/128] Baby Job PVP:Cancel")){ case 1: if(Disguised == 1) goto L_disguised; callsub S_CheckPVPRoom,@mapcount_1,"guild_vs3.gat"; break; case 2: if(Disguised == 1) goto L_disguised; callsub S_CheckPVPRoom,@mapcount_2,"guild_vs5.gat"; break; case 3: if(Disguised == 1) goto L_disguised; callsub S_CheckPVPRoom,@mapcount_3,"guild_vs2.gat"; break; case 4: if(Disguised == 1) goto L_disguised; callsub S_CheckPVPRoom,@mapcount_4,"guild_vs1.gat"; break; case 5: close; } L_disguised: mes "[PvP Arena]"; mes "Sorry but disguised players are not allowed to enter the pvp room."; close; OnInit: waitingroom "PVP Arena",0; end; } S_CheckPVPRoom: if (getarg(0) >= 128) { mes "[PVP Fight Square Reception Staff]"; mes "This map is currently full."; next; return; } else { warp getarg(1),0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" has entered the PvP Room.",bc_all,0x99ff00; end; } } Why player with disguised can join pvp room?? anyone can fix?
  9. need @afk code that can be use in rathena... and guide.. thanks
  10. How to edit Skill Cart termination that can effect freeze enemy when equip Stormy knight card?
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