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  1. thank you for the tips, and I will make good use of them, thank you;), I will use the 2015-11-04 exe then
  2. Someone recommend starting a server using client 2018, everything is very nice in the news and it is tempting !, the interface is very beautiful the system of style is also very cool, lol
  3. this item is already working correctly in rathena? Character Name Change Coupon Item ID# 12790 (Change_Name_Card) Type Usable Item Class n/a Buy n/a Sell n/a Weight 0 Applicable Jobs Every Job Description Not Available [iRO Description] Use this item to change your character's name on the Character Select menu. After using this item you must logout to the Character Select menu and Right-Click on your character and choose 'Change Name' You can then enter a new name as long as it is not already taken. You must leave your current guild and/or party before changing your name. You can use this item once and it is account bound Item Script {},{},{}
  4. thank you, can close the topic
  5. 20001,Ticket_Vip,Ticket Vip #30,0,10000,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ atcommand "@vip +1m "+strcharinfo(0)+""; },{},{}
  6. bug when using this npc, the character is frozen and does not receive bonuses that should receive my version is rathena svn 12410 prontera,146,93,5 script Agente VIP 4_M_MANAGER,{ setarray .@itens[1], 14529,12274,12275,662; setarray .@qnt[1], 10,1,1,1; setarray .@zeny[1], 2000,10000,10000,10000; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Olá, é bom vê-lo, meu amigo."; mes "Parece que você tem passado muito"; mes "por aqui,"; mes "de qualquer forma....."; mes "Acho que você já sabe disso, mas"; mes "direi novamente."; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Eu atendo apenas jogadores VIPs,"; mes "então preciso checar o status da"; mes "sua conta."; next; if(!getgroupid() ) { mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Sinto muito, mas a sua conta não"; mes "possui o status VIP."; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Volte novamente"; mes "quando adquirir o status VIP."; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Obrigado e tenha um bom dia."; close; } else { mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Ok! Você é um VIP!"; mes "Bem, do que você precisa?"; mes "Você pode adquirir o Pergaminho de"; mes "Ganância, A Pílula de HP, a Pílula"; mes "de SP"; mes "e o Emblema Oficial...."; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "O preço desses 4 itens são:"; mes "- Pergaminho de Ganância: 2000"; mes "zenys"; mes "- Pílula de HP 10000 zenys"; mes "- Pílula de SP 10000 zenys"; mes "- Emblema Oficial: 10000 zenys"; mes "Qual desses você deseja adquirir?"; next; set .@i, select("Pergaminho de Ganância:Pílula de HP:Pílula de SP:Emblema Oficial:Cancelar"); switch(.@i){ case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Ok! Volte se precisar de meus"; mes "serviços."; close; } if(Zeny < .@zeny[.@i] ){ mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Você não possui zenys"; mes "suficientes para comprar"; mes "este item."; close; } if(countitem(.@itens[.@i]) > 0) { mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Você já possui ^EE0000"+getitemname(.@itens[.@i])+"^000000."; close; } mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Você fez uma boa escolha."; mes "Aproveite o item!"; set Zeny,Zeny-.@zeny[.@i]; getitem .@itens[.@i],.@qnt[.@i]; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "E.. o serviço de buffs prometido!"; mes "Você pode escolher um destes!!"; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Primeiro, ^EE0000FOR+8, AGI+6, DES+4,"; mes "ATQ+32, Esquiva+5!^000000"; mes "Segundo,^EE0000INT+8,DES+6,"; mes "VIT+4, ATQM+40!^000000"; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Terceiro, ^EE0000DES+8, AGI+6, SOR+4,"; mes "ATQ+24, ATQM+24!^000000"; mes "Quarto, ^EE0000Todos os Atributos+6,"; mes "ATQ+24,ATAQM+24!!^000000"; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Quais dos buffs você deseja?"; next; set .@i, select("Primeiro:Segundo:Terceiro:Quarto"); mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Abracadabra~"; switch(.@i){ case 1: sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,5400000,8; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,5400000,4; sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER,5400000,32; sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,5400000,5; break; case 2: sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,5400000,8; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,5400000,4; sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER,5400000,40; break; case 3: sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,5400000,8; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,5400000,4; sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER,5400000,24; sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER,5400000,24; break; case 4: sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,5400000,6; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,5400000,6; sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER,5400000,24; sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER,5400000,24; break; } next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Eu te dei um poder especial!"; mes "Esse poder é fenomenal, não é?"; next; mes "[Agente VIP]"; mes "Até mais, espero vê-lo novamente!!"; close2; end; } } // Duplicatas Agente VIP rachel,111,143,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ra 4_M_MANAGER yuno,149,187,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#jun 4_M_MANAGER izlude,134,92,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#iz 4_M_MANAGER alberta,104,60,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#alb 4_M_MANAGER comodo,199,149,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#com 4_M_MANAGER umbala,93,160,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#um 4_M_MANAGER payon,184,102,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#pay 4_M_MANAGER geffen,126,64,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#gef 4_M_MANAGER morocc,164,255,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#mo 4_M_MANAGER aldebaran,146,116,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ald 4_M_MANAGER hugel,80,152,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#hu 4_M_MANAGER einbroch,235,207,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ein 4_M_MANAGER lighthalzen,167,97,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#lig 4_M_MANAGER veins,210,109,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ve 4_M_MANAGER amatsu,102,152,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#am 4_M_MANAGER gonryun,156,122,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ku 4_M_MANAGER louyang,210,107,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#lou 4_M_MANAGER ayothaya,212,173,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#ayo 4_M_MANAGER dewata,202,188,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#dew 4_M_MANAGER brasilis,200,224,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#bra 4_M_MANAGER moscovia,220,191,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#mos 4_M_MANAGER niflheim,206,179,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#nif 4_M_MANAGER dicastes01,193,191,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#dic 4_M_MANAGER manuk,296,147,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#man 4_M_MANAGER splendide,201,153,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#spl 4_M_MANAGER mora,113,112,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#mor 4_M_MANAGER mid_camp,201,237,3 duplicate(Agente VIP) Agente VIP#mid 4_M_MANAGER
  7. battlefield why can not I get in line? I try to get in and nothing happens
  8. I will show some pictures showing how the system has been incremented in the Hercules emulator yes note that this item works perfectly in Hercules emulator, I'll awaits this item be incremented by rathena [12790] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Name Change Coupon", unidentifiedResourceName = "Á¶Á÷¿øÀÇÁõÇ¥", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Use this item to change your character's name on the Character Select menu.", "After using this item you must logout to the Character Select menu and Right-Click on your character and choose 'Change Name'", "You can then enter a new name as long as it is not already taken.", "You must leave your current guild and/or party before changing your name", "You can use this item once and it is account bound",
  9. rathena in this way and the item does not work 12790,Change_Name_Card,Character Name Change Coupon,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{},{},{}
  10. here's the original file for hercules board { Id: 12790 AegisName: "Change_Name_Card" Name: "Name Change Coupon" Type: 2 Buy: 0 Upper: 63 Script: <" set CharRename, CharRename + 1; "> }, so I put in rathena 12790,Change_Name_Card,Character Name Change Coupon,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ set CharRename, CharRename + 1; },{},{} Hercules in it works perfectly but got no result rathena
  11. sorry I do not speak much English and I had to translate official topic vip system, to make the page was slightly disfigured and I was not seeing the information you gave me, thank you very much for your help, problem solved
  12. I have I enabled the vip system, someone could help me with vip tickt a tickt that is compatible with the official vip system rathena my tickt vip 16282,Ticket_Vip_15d,Ticket Vip 15d,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{callfunc "ticketVip15", getcharid(3), 15;},{},{} 16283,Ticket_Vip_30d,Ticket Vip 30d,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{callfunc "ticketVip30", getcharid(3), 30;},{},{} function script ticketVip15 { if( getgroupid() > 10 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: The level of account access does not allow me to add it to the vip."; getitem 16282,1; end; }else{ query_sql "SELECT `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'", .@vip_time; if(.@vip_time <= 0 ) { query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `diasvip`='"+getarg(1)+"' WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`='5' WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'"; message strcharinfo(0),"[sistema VIP]: You just added " +getarg(1)+ " vip days."; sleep2 2000; atcommand "@reloadpcdb"; message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: activated!"; } else { query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `vip_time`=`vip_time`+'" + getarg(1) + "' WHERE `account_id`='" + getarg(0) + "'"; query_sql "SELECT `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'", .@vip_timereset; message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: " + getarg(1) + " days were entered into your account!"; if(.@vip_timerest > 1){ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: you have "+.@vip_timerest+" vip days remaining!"; }else{ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: you have "+.@vip_timerest+" vip rest day!"; } } } end; } function script ticketVip30 { if( getgroupid() > 10 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: The level of account access does not allow me to add it to the vip."; getitem 16283,1; end; }else{ query_sql "SELECT `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'", .@vip_time; if(.@vip_time <= 0 ) { query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `diasvip`='"+getarg(1)+"' WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'"; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`='5' WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'"; message strcharinfo(0),"[sistema VIP]: You just added " +getarg(1)+ " vip days."; sleep2 2000; atcommand "@reloadpcdb"; message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: activated!"; } else { query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `vip_time`=`vip_time`+'" + getarg(1) + "' WHERE `account_id`='" + getarg(0) + "'"; query_sql "SELECT `login` WHERE `account_id`='"+getarg(0)+"'", .@vip_timereset; message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: " + getarg(1) + " days were entered into your account!"; if(.@vip_timerest > 1){ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: you have "+.@vip_timerest+" vip days remaining!"; }else{ message strcharinfo(0),"[VIP system]: you have "+.@vip_timerest+" vip rest day!"; } } } end; }
  13. problem solved, thank you very much themonhttp://rathena.org/board/topic/96019-rathena-master-12251-not-support-packet-ver-2014-03-05/
  14. problem solved with help of themon, Napster and also 15peaces and Lighta This topic serves as a guide for members who are trying to use the most current package 03/05/2014 with rathena
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