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  1. // on talk with NPC set perm char variable to current timetick, and a variable for indicating that the player has talked to npc: set char_timer, gettimetick(2); set has_talked, 1; // check with an 'if()' case, which text to output. Is has_talked == 1, then go to: L_wait_time: set .@char_time,char_timer+43200; // 12 hours set .@cur_time,gettimetick(2); set .@npc_next_t,(.@char_time - .@cur_time); set .@npc_h,(.@npc_next_t / 3600); set .@npc_m,(.@npc_next_t - (.@npc_h * 3600)) / 60; set .@npc_s,.@npc_next_t - ((.@npc_h * 3600) + (.@npc_m * 60)); mes "You have to wait " + .@dun_h + "hours " + .@dun_m + "minutes " + .@dun_s + "seconds before you can talk to me agin."; close; Try something like this, it is taken from Endless Tower script (Line 271~). Didn't test it, so if it doesn't work, check ET script for a template
  2. moik

    Item to storage

    Thanks mate, but i want to put certain items in storage. Found a solution as stated in top post
  3. Hello, i want to put an item of a player from his inventory into his storage using a npc script. When i use delitem and then query_sql update..., the player has to relog for the items to show up (if he opens his storage before relog, the updated items vanish from storage db). Is there any comfortable solution for this? Like a counterpart of storagedelitem? Or an option to refresh the players storage without relogging the char? I guess that kafra storage is somehow writing into the db AND the memory of the server? Can i access this "memory" live via script maybe? Hope someone knows what i mean EDIT: i finally found a solution. Had to use a source mod for an extra script command: storeitem. Thanks to all who thought about this
  4. - script TreasureBoxSummonerCoin -1,{ OnClock1500: OnClock1600: OnClock2400: set .boxkills, 0; set .@ran, rand(1,9); setarray .@jmpmap$[1], "hugel", "yuno", "comodo", "aldebaran", "izlude", "payon", "geffen", "morocc", "prontera"; .map_name$ = .@jmpmap$[.@ran]; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ .map_name$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster .map_name$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ .map_name$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster .map_name$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: set .boxkills, .boxkills +1; if (.boxkills > 4) { announce "All rare Treasure Boxes have been destroyed!", bc_all; stopnpctimer; } else announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin end; } here you go, if all boxes are killed, timer stops and an annoucement will be made. Everything works fine on my server. Enjoy and don't forget Capuche helped a lot here
  5. - script TreasureBoxSummonerCoin -1,{ OnClock1500: OnClock1600: OnClock2400: set $@ran, rand(1,9); if ($@ran == 9) set $@jmpmap$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 8) set $@jmpmap$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 7) set $@jmpmap$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 6) set $@jmpmap$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set $@jmpmap$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set $@jmpmap$,"payon"; if ($@ran == 3) set $@jmpmap$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set $@jmpmap$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set $@jmpmap$,"prontera"; announce "A rare Treasure Box will be spawned in "+ $@jmpmap$ +".",bc_all|bc_npc; monster $@jmpmap$,0,0,"Treasure Box Coin",1845,5,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: //30min announce "All treasure in "+ $@jmpmap$ +" are destroyed",bc_all|bc_npc; killmonster $@jmpmap$,"TreasureBoxSummonerCoin::OnCoinBoxKilled";// TreasureBoxSummonerCoin unknown NPC stopnpctimer; end; OnCoinBoxKilled: announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin end; } That's what Capuche said, works totally fine on my server
  6. OnCoinBoxKilled: set .@boxkills, .@boxkills +1; //how about this.. announce "The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!", bc_all; getitem 7539,1; // Change your prize here 7539 Poring Coin if (.@boxkills > 4) stopnpctimer;// <-- ..and this? end; wouldn't the stopnpctimer in OnCoinBoxKilled prevent the killmonster event in label OnTimer1000 as soon as one box gets killed? Not sure if this here does the trick, the idea is ofc to count the kills of the 5 treasure boxes, so the timer stops only in case all of them are killed (maybe set .@boxkills to 0 when new boxes are spawned?).
  7. Personally i think War of Emperium is the best pvp experience ever (and i tried a lot of pvp games), i found not one single game to even nearly catch up to this. Sadly the actual european server is handled by some dead brains and the ping and siege times of IRO are just not bearable for me at all. That's why some friends and I decided to realize some of the ideas we had over the years for our beloved game. We will see where this gets soon I'm 35 and played Ragnarok since early beginnings on IRO waaaay back, switched to euRO asap because of ping ;D Several pservers were played too, because some of them just had more fun things. A few i remember are: funRO, micRO, ebilRO and mobRO. Preferably low to mid rate servers, but the mobRO high rate was quite fun too. Thanks a lot to the rAthena community so far, since all i knew before was how to get an NPC to talk I learned a lot by studying your scripts and reading the help section and wiki, and i really appreciate the effort you guys and girls are putting into some answers. Hopefully i will soon get to the point to be helpful to someone else too
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