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  1. такая ошибка на Centos 7 при компиляции сервера он у меня работал год назад obj/inter.o: In function `yaml_invalid_warning(char const*, YAML::Node&, std::string&)': /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:842: undefined reference to `YAML::Emitter::Emitter()' /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:843: undefined reference to `YAML::operator<<(YAML::Emitter&, YAML::Node const&)' /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:845: undefined reference to `YAML::Emitter::c_str() const' /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:845: undefined reference to `YAML::Emitter::~Emitter()' /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:845: undefined reference to `YAML::Emitter::~Emitter()' obj/inter.o: In function `inter_config_readConf()': /root/rathena/src/char/inter.cpp:861: undefined reference to `YAML::LoadFile(std::string const&)' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::begin()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:41: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::begin()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::end()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:44: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::end()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::Node::AssignNode(YAML::Node const&)': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/impl.h:270: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory_holder::merge(YAML::detail::memory_holder&)' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::mark_defined()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:29: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::mark_defined()' /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:29: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::mark_defined()' /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:29: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::mark_defined()' /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:29: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::mark_defined()' /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:29: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::mark_defined()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_scalar(std::string const&)': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:35: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_scalar(std::string const&)' obj/inter.o: In function `convert_to_node<std::basic_string<char> >': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/impl.h:162: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory_holder::merge(YAML::detail::memory_holder&)' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node& YAML::detail::node_data::get<std::string>(std::string const&, boost::shared_ptr<YAML::detail::memory_holder>)': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/impl.h:102: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::insert_map_pair(YAML::detail::node&, YAML::detail::node&)' /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/impl.h:89: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::convert_to_map(boost::shared_ptr<YAML::detail::memory_holder>)' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::memory_holder::create_node()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/memory.h:30: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::memory::create_node()' obj/inter.o: In function `YAML::detail::node_ref::set_null()': /usr/include/yaml-cpp/node/detail/node_ref.h:34: undefined reference to `YAML::detail::node_data::set_null()' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  2. заходи на проект excalibur-ro.net
  3. всем приветик Злюки вопросик как добавить в итем дб вещь которую я хочу в дальнейшем использовать в донате и добавить ее на сайт что бы отображалась картинка вещи короче нажимаю на вещи которую добавил на сайт ид ее итд и она не отображается Вот еще захожу в Админ-Панель форума делаю действия в Адм панеле и выкидывает с учетки . Может у кого-то было такое ?
  4. After playing for a while I have noticed that mobs behave somewhat differently than I remember. If you used to group up mobs and used hide they would all group up and stack together for 3 or 4 seconds but now they simply spread out. I know this is a more modern mob behavior change but I do not recall this being on the old server and the only thing it does is make a sinx with no gear very unhappy so consider changing it please. Also if you stuck very close would chase you forever but now it seems the mobs randomly lose interest in following you. Every mob will do this but it is particularly noticeable with Anolians which I remember you were able to mob quite well in the old AvalonRO. Another minor issue is that there is a swear filter active, this is technically working as intended but interferes with using @ii, @mi and the autoloot commands. I have currently only seen it censor the word "ass" but there is very likely many other words blocked and this probably should be removed.
  5. ask my where edite skill_Damage Mvps Baphomet skill >>>>> case NPC_EARTHQUAKE
  6. да еще хоть и не по теме как сделать что бы на 3 мвп аренах вызывали люди 2 мвп одинаковых раз в 15 минут но теймер был серверного врмени к примеру если кто не понял вася вызвал на 1 арене 2 бафамедов то уже на тех 2 аренах не вызвать бафамета только чеез 15 минут первого можно будет вызвать как того убили спс заранее если кто поможет Yes, although not on the topic of how to do it at 3 MVP arenas, people would call 2 MVP in one time in 15 minutes, but the timer was server time, for example, if someone did not understand, Vasya called 2 bufamedov at 1 arena so that they could not call the bafamet only 15 minutes after they were killed in other arenas, well, or at the same
  7. всем привет интересует скилл у Baphometa 1039 удар его посохом и корни посохом он не может попасть по мне статы у меня стандартные только одет я как на мвп и еще корни так же по мне не попадают только когда снимаю гост начинают корни попадать может подскажите что именно нужно поднять бафу ) Hi, I am interested in the ability to hit Baphomet 1039 with his staff and the roots with a staff that he cannot strike at me. I have standard statistics. how to do this raise Bapho Bapho)
  8. сама ошибка Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /?module=main&action=downloads modules/main/download.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $pages = Flux::config('FluxTables.CMSPagesTable'); $path = trim($params->get('path')); $sql = "SELECT title, body, modified FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.$pages WHERE path = ?"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($path)); $pages = $sth->fetchAll(); if($pages) { foreach($pages as $prow) { $title = $prow->title; $body = $prow->body; $modified = $prow->modified; } } else { $this->redirect($this->url('main','index')); } ?> and themes/default/main/downloads.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <div class="heading">Downloads</div> <li><a href="<?php something goes here?>">downloads</a>https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IuAdeK-xrrCD0tMfNjE6Z_XFfGlaXtSr/view</li> в чем ошибка кто может детально помочь Спасибо заранее ...
  9. Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /?module=main&action=downloads modules/main/download <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $pages = Flux::config('FluxTables.CMSPagesTable'); $path = trim($params->get('path')); $sql = "SELECT title, body, modified FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.$pages WHERE path = ?"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($path)); $pages = $sth->fetchAll(); if($pages) { foreach($pages as $prow) { $title = $prow->title; $body = $prow->body; $modified = $prow->modified; } } else { $this->redirect($this->url('main','index')); } ?> themes/default/main/downloads.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <div class="heading">Downloads</div> .... ......
  10. modules/main/download have same erors <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $pages = Flux::config('FluxTables.CMSPagesTable'); $path = trim($params->get('path')); $sql = "SELECT title, body, modified FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.$pages WHERE path = ?"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($path)); $pages = $sth->fetchAll(); if($pages) { foreach($pages as $prow) { $title = $prow->title; $body = $prow->body; $modified = $prow->modified; } } else { $this->redirect($this->url('main','index')); } ?> Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /?module=main&action=downloads
  11. all configured on the server side of the packages, etc. trying the client does not come out so as not when it did not come across
  12. Kind time of the day I here newcomer need help from experts in the client's assignment for Ra ..... For the second day I'm trying to make the client nothing comes out as though I did not want to do this myself but I had to write to you
  13. Kind time of the day please tell me how and where in which file to remove to me this error, I put the server on vertrigo What would you have been so better understood Thank you in advance for helping ....
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