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Pink Guy

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  1. Thanks bro. I feel stupid lol. You the real MVP!
  2. From @version - 726ff30e6e869c62c15f6d26c21af7b9bbb5171d
  3. Anyone know how to fix this? Casting Meteor Storm removes Wall of Fog. I tried looking at status.cpp and status.hpp but I can't find anything out of ordinary that may cause this.
  4. Hi I am currently using the @autopot script command from the official rA trunk and I ran into some problems. I have disabled the use of YGG berry (607) on PVP and GVG maps but if you set it on @autopots, it still consume the potion and even bypasses the cooldown of the item (if you set cooldown on the potion). I want to allow @autopot to be used in GVG and PVP maps. I just don't want them being able to use the disabled potions using @autopot. How can I make @autopot follow the item restrictions (disabled in maps and cd)? Or is there any way to make a blacklist for potions that cannot be added into @autopot? Here's the link to the script that I use: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/etc/autopot.txt I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
  5. Sader is very professional and fast in providing services. You must be very clear when describing your request. He offers support if you have any inquiries regarding your request. The pricing is very affordable too (in my opinion). Definitely recommend Sader's services.
  6. Hi Everyone, I know that there is an existing custom script on "npc/custom/etc/marriage.txt" but the way it behaves and the official one is very different. I like the official NPC since it's very simple and there's pretty much no delay in the ceremony. I am requesting someone to enable same-sex marriage on the official NPC please. Link to official marriage NPC: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/other/marriage.txt . Thank you very much in advance.
  7. Hello guys, I am wondering if there's an existing NPC or if anyone can make an NPC script that makes use of the auction system but instead of zeny, they use an item as currency (eg. poring coin). I think that the auction system is pretty good and should be used but with how zeny is easy to come by on high rate servers, I don't think it will be of any use to use auction system. I hope someone can help.
  8. I previously just gotten my RO servers installed from RO reseller hosting companies and I have been told that going for unmanaged VPS is better but obviously requires me to install everything from scratch. I am completely new with Linux especially the installation part so I just want to ask if there's a recent guide that I can follow that teaches me what to do to get my server up and running after purchasing an unmanaged VPS hosting? I previously hired a dev just to set up my server and it cost more than the host so I am thinking of learning at least the basics on at least getting the server up and running. The only guide I found is this one and it's outdated (image not showing). I would appreciate any help and also I don't know anything about Linux OS so maybe suggest which one to take as well if possible. Thank you in advance!
  9. This is my honest review for S1 Lykos. I recently hired them to design a few things for me. Quality of work: 9/10 - You get what you ask for. If you're not specific, they're creative enough to envision what you're trying to describe. They are also very lenient if you want something to be adjusted. Timeliness: 7/10 - They take a couple of hours, sometimes a day before they reply so you better put as much description as you can when you request them to work on something (this is partly my fault but still, I still expect a reply within a reasonable time). I was also promised to get my designs by the night of their reply but I actually received the designs almost 2 days after but I'm satisfied with their work so I'm alright with it. Overall: 8/10 - I would still recommend them to people since the quality of their work is pretty good and they seem to be very approachable in terms of adjustments. As for the timeliness, I hope they improve upon it.
  10. Can someone please tell me where I can find the file name list for these effects? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/effect_list.txt#L152 I'm creating a minimal grf for my players since some of them are having trouble playing woe due to their low end computers. Also I want to make it easier for them to PVP for example I want to change the flame loader effect to a big text. I can probably make the file but i just need the file names so I can modify them on my RO grf.
  11. So basically if I do what this guy said, I won't have any errors?
  12. I saw this thread but I'm not sure on how to exactly do it so maybe a step-by-step guide can prevent me from having errors. I appreciate the help.
  13. Hello guys, I have an eAmod but I'm not going to use it since I don't know how to implement only the BG system since I always use the full rAmod trunk. Anyways, I just want to know if there's any way to allow the @joinbg queue system for KVM BG only similar to eAmod. Thanks in advance.
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