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  1. I am trying to see
  2. 1.1 Bowling Bash- Changes skill mechanism. Skill deal 2 hit damage to enemy in 5x5 cells and knock them back.- If user equips two-handed sword, skill hit is increased up to 4 hit depends on number of target.- Reduces delay after skill.- Adds 1 second cooldown. I am trying to modify the KRO changes I am currently experiencing this problem. How to fight monsters around monsters
  3. I have solved~ thx your help! https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/battle.cpp https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/skill.cpp
  4. https://www.divine-pride.net/database/skill/79/ I'm looking for a formula in battle.c but can't find it How do I do? Thanks to rathena for being enthusiastic
  5. thx, i can~ and ATK_ADD is in battle.cpp battle.cpp: ATK_ADD(wd->damage, wd->damage2, 10 * sc->data[SC_GN_CARTBOOST]->val1);
  6. How can I do this? if(sc->data[SC_GN_CARTBOOST]) { ATK_ADD(wd->damage, wd->damage2, 10 * sc->data[SC_GN_CARTBOOST]->val1);
  7. [Lv 5] : Movement Speed 100% increase / ATK 50 increase https://www.divine-pride.net/database/skill/2478/ Atk+50 is not work? ATK bonus is added to the damage instead of the status EX: I attack the monster 10 damage. Use Geneticist Cart Boost [Lv 5] : Movement Speed 100% increase / ATK 50 increase But, I attack the monster 60 damage, atk status is not work SVN revision: 45186
  8. Hi, Functor. i'd like to buy Gepard Shield. Do you have any contact information?

  9. mina

    Mirror Map

    source code: BUILDIN_FUNC( mirrormap ) { const char * ori_Map = script_getstr( st, 2 ) ; int mirror_count = script_getnum( st, 3 ) ; int ori_m = map_mapname2mapid( ori_Map ) ; int mir_m, i ; size_t size; for ( i = 1 ; i <= mirror_count ; i++ ) { mir_m = map_num++ ; // Copy the map memcpy( &map[mir_m], &map[ori_m], sizeof( struct map_data ) ) ; // Alter the name & set map snprintf( map[mir_m].name, sizeof( map[mir_m].name ), "%.3d#%s", i, ori_Map ) ; map[mir_m].name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0' ; map[mir_m].m = mir_m ; map[mir_m].users = 0 ; size = map[mir_m].bxs * map[mir_m].bys * sizeof( struct block_list* ) ; map[mir_m].block = ( struct block_list ** )aCalloc( 1, size ) ; map[mir_m].block_mob = ( struct block_list ** )aCalloc( 1, size ) ; map[mir_m].index = mapindex_addmap( -1, map[mir_m].name ) ; map[mir_m].channel = NULL ; // Add this map to MapDB map_addmap2db( &map[mir_m] ) ; ShowInfo( "[Mirror map] : %s(%s) had been added.\n", ori_Map, map[mir_m].name ) ; } return 0 ; } But NPC does not copy, how to solve? Creator : grass0916
  10. okay, thanks! If I have more information to provide to you.
  11. How do I install or call out the system? Rathena does not have this command. Thank you for your help!
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